- Flawless;be too busy;too busy;have no time;have no time to

[have no time to;too busy] 没有空闲
People who lead busy lives have no time to stop and reflect .
Three heavy beautiful and white agents , The energy availability inhibition melanin is born , the improvement skin color , slippery great such as the fomulation of the capillitium , it make makeup permit cleaner have no time .
She was always too busy to listen .
Commissioner Rhodes was unavailable for comment .
Neither Mr Rose nor Mr Woodhead was available for comment yesterday
Most people are too busy with their own troubles to give much help .
Diane had dedicated her life to caring for him to the exclusion of all else .
They are regularly sent booklets about personal safety , but they barely read them as they have so much paperwork to deal with
I have got my hands full already with all kinds of work , and haven 't got the time for any more .
Mopping robots are popular with people who are too busy to do housework .
Not Enough Time To Enjoy Life , or NETTEL , refers to the rising pool of households headed by two high-income-earning , full-time-working parents with dependent children .
Use of this method may also prevent the typist from being able to see what has been typed without glancing away from the keys .
When parents are too busy to spend time with their kids , they give them a smartphone or a tablet . All kinds of online games will entertain their kids and be their good friend .
Most Alphas assess information and situations very quickly , and this rapid processing can prevent them from listening to others — especially to those who don ’ t communicate in “ Alpha-speak . ” Their impatience can thus cause them to miss subtle but important details .
I was training to be an avionics specialist , a primarily male-dominated field of maintenance and therefore I was always on guard trying to be the best and not be any less than that . So I was naturally distracted by my goals and not in touch with my normal sense of intuition .
However , using Mobile IP may cause excessive signaling traffic , long signaling delay and so on .
According to a new interview with People , Gaga has always cleansed with Ivory soap & when she gets the chance to cleanse , that is .
There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence . ( Jean Jacques Rousseau , French thinker )
With the actress guest-judging on " America 's Got Talent " on Tuesday 's episode , the 9-year-singer belted out a near-flawless version of Michael Bolton 's " How Am I Supposed To Live Without You . "
( Rachael Horwitz , a spokeswoman for Twitter , said no executives were available to comment . )
With its dark , sleek , fugitive grace , it is like watching life reflected in the bodywork of a polished Rolls-Royce .
While the Impeccable incident steered the relationship off course , there have been other positive developments , including the Chinese decision to send naval ships to help protect waters off the Horn of Africa from piracy .
I also felt a little like Patrick Bateman , the murderous skin care devotee from ' American Psycho , ' but was too busy caressing my curiously soft face to brood on that .
There aren 't too many Hellcats left , but this immaculate example is operated by the Commemorative Air Force in Camarillo , not too far northwest of Chino .
The Beijing duo FM3 is not going to participate in Awakening Battersea as they 're about to launch a tour and are too engaged to create a new work for the project .
Omid Ashtari , Twitter 's man-on-the-ground in Los Angeles , is known to refer to celebrities as " clients " and say that his job is to provide them " customer service . " ( Rachael Horwitz , a spokeswoman for Twitter , said no executives were available to comment . )
The study , which was carried out by OnePoll , also found 46 % of those polled find their job is simply too busy to take time out of their day to rejuvenate , whereas 15 % get so side-tracked they forget to take lunch .
America later sent a guided-missile destroyer to protect the Impeccable .
In dreams , we have no time to love purity .
But , this problem remain with us throughout the life .