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shuāi hào
  • Attenuation;decline;pad control
衰耗 [shuāi hào]
  • [decline] 衰落减损;减弱

  • 气力衰耗

衰耗[shuāi hào]
  1. 与普通渐变过渡段结构相比较,在X波段的大部分范围内,这种新型结构可使回波衰耗降低约10分贝。

    About a 10-dB improvement in return loss has been obtained over most of the X-band as compared with the ordinary tapered transition structure .

  2. 基于我国部分地区降雨强度长期累计分布,计算了部分地区X波段信号传输的降雨衰耗。

    Based on long-term add-up distributing of rain drop intensity in part areas of our country , the rain attenuation of X-band signal transmitting is computed .

  3. 降雨衰耗对LMDS正交极化的影响

    Effect of Rainfall on Orthogonal Polarization of LMDS

  4. 研究得出的降雨衰耗和降雨衰减系数值,不仅对WLAN的固定无线接入,而且对移动通信都具有参考价值。

    The research result and the rain attenuation coefficient thus obtained provide valuable reference not only in WLAN and immobile wireless accessibility but also in mobile communi - cation .

  5. Ni-Mg,Mg-Mn和Ni-Zn三种铁氧体在3厘米波段的法拉第旋转及衰耗

    Faraday rotation and loss characteristics of ni-mg , Mg-Mn and Ni-Zn ferrites in 3 cm wave-length region

  6. 试验结果显示,用该方法设计的带阻FIR滤波器克服了传统方法的主要缺陷,具有良好的幅频特性及衰耗特性,并且边界频率控制精确。

    The experimental results showed that it overcame the main defects of the conventional methods , and that the filter had good amplitude , frequency and attenuation performance , and that the edge frequency could be set exactly .

  7. 阐述了WLAN在海岛之间的点对点远程链接,分析了WLAN采用DSSS的抗多径干扰,研究了由于暴雨产生降雨衰耗,链路应有的功率预留量。

    Point-to-point remote access of WLAN between islands is elaborated . Signal attenuation during rainfall and the respective path reserved power is thoroughly studied . Application of DSSS in WLAN in preventing multi-path interference is also analyzed .

  8. 本文所建立的EDFA的理论模型考虑了ASE和光纤的本征衰耗,修改了速率方程和传输方程。

    The model of EDFA that has been made is modified by considering the base loss of erbium-doped fiber and ASE . The rate equations and propagation equations that have been modified are given .

  9. 文章介绍了京汉微波电路设计中避免越站干扰发生的措施:采用具有ATPC功能的设备、调整天线直径及增加射频衰耗器。

    This paper introduces how to avoid over-reach interference by using equipment with ATPC ( automatic transmit power control ) function , adjusting the diameter of dish antennas and increasing RF attenuator in designing the Beijing-Wuhan microwave project .

  10. 一种新型光波导及其在光衰耗器中的应用

    A New Kind of Optical Waveguide and Its Application in Optical Attenuator

  11. 绝缘地线高频载波通道衰耗的计算

    Computation of losses in the HF carrier channels of the insulated ground conductors

  12. 用微波等离子体激活化学气相沉积法制备低衰耗光导纤维

    The Preparation of Low-loss Optical Fiber with Microwave Plasma Activated Chemical Vapour Deposition Process

  13. 考虑广域测量时滞的电网广义预测阻尼控制无阻尼[衰耗]振荡

    Generalized Predictive Damping Control for Power System Considering Time Delay of Wide Area Measurement System

  14. 输出与输入间最低衰耗

    Minimum attenuation between output and input

  15. 用本法设计300路载波系统近十种衰耗均衡器,皆得全优。

    It is designed nearly ten attenuation equalizers of 300 channels carrier system with this method .

  16. 文章对不同频谱电波在波导中衰耗规律进行比较。

    We compare attenuation rule of the different spectral wave in the waveguide in the paper .

  17. 掺氟单模光纤在1.3μm的衰耗已达0.9dB/km。

    The loss of single-mode fiber with fluorine doped is done to 0.9 dB / km at 1.30 μ m.

  18. 一般收发讯机输入回路的衰耗可视为本文所研究的差分电路的一个特例。

    The ordinary transmitter-receiver input circuit may be considered as a particular case of the hybrid input circuit studied in this paper .

  19. 双频率方向高频收讯回路衰耗的计算及其变化范围的分析

    Signal Attenuation and Its Variation Range Analysis in the Transmitter-Receiver Input Circuit of the Double Frequency Carrier Relaying System with Directional Comparison

  20. 电话通路中所存在的群时延失真与衰耗失真是影响数据信号传输质量的主要因素,对高速数据信号传输的影响更为严重。

    The attenuation and group delay distortion in those telephone channels are the main factors affecting data signals transmitted in good quality .

  21. 电磁波在煤矿井巷的传输不仅会因巷道壁的吸收引起大的衰耗,更主要的是会频繁地发生反射和散射现象,形成多径效应。

    Electromagnetic waves will be attenuated greatly by the wall in mine tunnels , mostly come into multi-path because of continual reflections and dispersions .

  22. 本文简要分析了光纤接续中的主要衰耗,提出了提高光纤接续质量的方法和措施,对各种通信工程施工有一定的指导作用。

    This paper analyzes the main attenuation , puts forward the way and measure to increase fiber-connecting quality for reference to the construction of communication .

  23. 介绍降雨衰耗的估算方法、估算步骤和计算公式,以及相关方法和公式的发展和演变过程。

    The paper describes the development of the estimation methods , introduces the estimation formulas and steps , and also offers some cases in rain attenuation calculation .

  24. 测量了电缆通道的衰耗并给出了理论计算方法,为对比理论计算值和实测值提供了计算模型。

    I survey the attenuation of cable channel , introduce a theoretic calculation way and provide a calculation model which can compare the theoretic value and surveying value .

  25. 研究了用高介电常数介质谐振器设计滤波器的方法和制造工艺,分析了影响谐振器插入衰耗的主要因素。

    The Study of the designing method and making technology of the coaxial resonators filter of high dielectric constant . The main factors which effect insertion of filters are analyzed .

  26. 针对衰耗受限及色散受限,本文提出了一种单模光缆的配盘方法,以改善单模光缆光通信系统的最大无中继传输距离。

    This paper presents arrangement methods of single-mode optical fiber cable to improve on maximum-distance of unrepeated SMOF communication c system , that distance is limited by optical attenuation and dispersion-bandwidth .

  27. 该系统融合了网络通信技术,光学测量技术、地理信息系统等技术,对光缆中光纤传输衰耗特性变化及光纤阻断故障实现远程分布式实时、在线的自动监测。

    This system can automatically , long-distance distributed monitor the change of optical fiber transmission loss peculiarity and optical cut off obstacle online , it mixes together network communication , optical measurement and Geography information system technology .

  28. 介绍了如何解决分支线路高频信号介入衰耗和差拍、大型发电机组支接于高压线路的继电保护运行方式等问题;

    The problems of attenuation and disagreement of high frequency protection signal for the branch line and the operation mode of relay protection for high voltage line with branch of large size generator transformer unit etc are discussed .

  29. 简介了移动通信概率的机理及数学和工程计算方法,并根据上述推论,计算与分析了移动通信工程中,一般通信概率与环境阴影衰耗余量的取值关系。

    The mechanism and calculation methods of mobile communication probability are introduced in brief . Based on the above-mentioned deduction , the relation between the normal communication probability and shadow margin in mobile communication project is calculated and analyzed .

  30. 利用线性迭代方程的方法来解决阻带的优化问题,迭代误差小,迭代收敛快,线性度好,阻带衰耗特性也明显优于其它传统的设计方法。

    The optimization procedure requires linear iterative equation solving stopband attenuation problem with small iterative error . The properties of stopband are superior to other conventional design method . The advantages of this method are its rapid convergence and excellent linearity .