
shuāi lǎo qī
  • senescence phase
  1. 城市作为一个有机体,和人一样有它的幼年期、成长期、稳定期和衰老期,处于不同发展时期的城市在地域空间结构上就有明显的差异。

    As an organism , the city just like the human beings that has its young stage , the growth period , the stabilization period and the senescence phase , and the cities which in different developing period also has obvious difference in its regional spatial structure .

  2. CaM含量以采前白熟期和采后明显衰老期为最高。

    There were highest CaM content at white stage in preharvest fruits and at marked senescence stage in postharvest ones .

  3. 发现,神经细胞膜时间常数及膜电容于生长期达最大值,而在衰老期显著减小(P<0.05,P<0.01)。

    It was found that the time constant and the membrane capacitance reached a top value in the growth period and then decreased significantly in the aging period ( P0 . 05 , P0 . 01 ) .

  4. 结果表明,供试树种叶部N、P含量均存在着明显的季节变化,平均变化率为21~23%,最大变化率出现在叶片衰老期。

    The results showed that in the leaves of all tested trees , there was an obvious seasonal variation of N and P contents , their average variation rate was 21 ~ 23 % , and the maximum appeared at decrepit stage .

  5. 细菌繁殖的高峰期在5~15h,衰老期在15h以后。

    It is 5-15h that the bacterium propagates in a peak period and after 15h is decrepit .

  6. 以无菌培养的原生动物纤毛虫瞬目虫(Glaucomascintillans)为材料,比较它们对数生长期和衰老期的酯酶同工酶,酸性磷酸酶同工酶,苹果酸脱氢酶同工酶及乳酸脱氢酶同工酶的差异。

    The isoenzymes of esterases , acid phosphatase , malate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase of axenic culture of Glaucoma scintillans in log phase and in aging phase were studied by means of polyacrylamide electrophoresis .

  7. 赞皇大枣采后成熟衰老期生理生化变化

    Physiological and Biochemical Changes of Postharvest Zan-huang-big-date Fruits in Maturity and Senescence Period

  8. 月季切花衰老期游离氨基酸变化动态初探

    Changes of the individual free amino acid concentrations in cut rose petals during senescence

  9. 体育锻炼可以减少人们过早进入衰老期的危险。

    Doing exercise can decrease the danger of coming to the period of decline too early .

  10. 本课题只对管道的衰老期进行风险分析研究。

    This task merely analyses the underground gas pipeline death stage and carries on risk analysis research .

  11. 经过长期的开采,特别是上世纪的大规模开采,淄川区煤矿已经进入衰老期。

    After a long mining , especially large-scale exploitation of the previous century , Zichuan District coal mines into the aging period .

  12. 结果研究发现,钩体的生长与其它细菌培养相似,也有静止期、对数生长期、稳定期和衰老期。

    Result We found that the growth curves of leptospira followed the same lag , logarithmic , stationary and aging phases as in other bacteria .

  13. 在过渡期和衰老期,这种补充剂让存活果蝇的寿命比对照组长30%。

    In the transition and senescence phases , the supplement extended the average life span of the remaining flies by 30 % compared with controls .

  14. 对数生长期细胞的同工酶活力和数量明显高于衰老期细胞的同工酶的活力和数量。

    The activity and quanties of each isoenzyme under log phase of growth are obviously higher than that of each isoenzyme under aging phase of growth .

  15. 第三十四条国家建立煤矿企业积累煤矿衰老期转产资金的制度。

    Article 34 The State shall establish the system of accumulating funds by coal mining enterprises for changing the line of production during the declining period of coal mines .

  16. 目前有关衰老期肌腔生物力学性能变化的研究不尽一致,这可能和肌腱的组成变化及研究方法不同有关;

    To date , there has been no consistent study conclusion about the biomechanical alterations of aging tendon , because the change of tendon composition and the methods of research are different .

  17. 衰老期植物叶片的导数荧光光谱和常规荧光光谱相比,对叶衰老的敏感程度增加,导数技术的应用便于植物状态的评估。

    The derivative fluorescence spectra of plant leaves are more sensitive to the senescence of leaves than the direct fluorescence spectra . The application of derivative technique facilitates the evaluation of plant stages .

  18. 叶绿素含量测定显示,抗性株叶片在花芽分化期、盛花期和衰老期总叶绿素含量分别是对照株的1.47、2.26和2.60倍。

    The chlorophyll contents were genetic tranformation 1.47 - , 2.26 - , 2 . 60-fold of those in the controls at the flower bud differentiation , the blooming florescence and the senescence phases respectively .

  19. 由于矿业企业具有许多不同于一般工业企业的特点,国家应对矿业企业从开始投产起即给予一定的特殊政策,以免到了矿山的衰老期,各种问题积重难返。

    Since the enterprises are separate from other industrial enterprises , the central government should grant special policies to them , which can avoid the pile of unsolvable problems emerging in the declining period of the enterprises .

  20. 在整个生育期内,叶片过氧化氢酶活性先增加后降低,7~8(盛花期)达到最大值,8月后茉莉植株进入衰老期;

    In the total bearing period , catalyse activity of young leaves increased to a certain point and then declined , maximum of catalyse activity appeared in July and August , the Jasmine began to decrepit after August .

  21. 处于不同生长期的光合细菌的产氢活性略有差异,处于对数生长期的光合细菌的产氢能力略高于稳定期,明显高于延迟期和衰老期。

    Hydrogen production activity of photosynthetic bacteria in different growth period was slightly different . Hydrogen production ability of photosynthetic bacteria in logarithm growth period was slightly higher than that in stable period and was obviously higher than lag phase and senescence .

  22. 研究人员说,每组数量在100至200只的果蝇被装在不同的瓶子里,在它们的三个生物期(健康期、过渡期和衰老期)内被饲以高糖饮食并添加2%的蔓越莓提取物。

    Groups of 100 to 200 flies in separate vials were fed a high-sugar diet supplemented with 2 % cranberry extract during the flies ' three biological stages & a health span , a transition span and a senescence span , according to the researchers .

  23. 面对我国60%~70%处于衰老期的国有矿山,如何处理国有资产再利用与矿产资源开发的关系,是矿山企业求生存、求发展的关键。

    More than 60 % ~ 70 % of Chinese state-owned mines are now in a decrepit old age . For possibility of existence and development of these mines , it is of great importance to handle correctly the relationship between reuse of state-owned facilities and exploitation of mineral resources .

  24. 体育锻炼对其骨质量峰值期和衰老下降期的影响及运动负荷与骨质量的关系,发现女性在绝经后期骨质量快速下降。

    The physical exercise influenced the periods of peak value and decline of bone quality .

  25. 短期N2处理对冷藏猕猴桃衰老及货架期软化的影响

    Effects of Short-term N_2 Treatment on Senescence and Shelf Life of Kiwi Fruit at Cold Storage

  26. 试验证明:竹醋液对切花有延缓衰老、延长观赏期的作用。

    In all , bamboo vinegar can delay the senescence and extend florescence of cut flowers .

  27. 当今社会人口老化日益严重,延缓衰老,延长健康期、缩短带病期,提高老年人的生命质量,具有重大的科学意义和社会效益。

    Senescence is increasingly critical nowadays , so it is significant to delay aging , prolong healthy time , shorten disease stage , improve the life quality of aged people .

  28. 其中有6个转基因株系衰老延缓、绿色期延长,生育后期体内细胞分裂素、可溶性蛋白等含量明显高于野生型,而脱落酸含量明显下降。

    Among those plants , only 6 lines were detected as leaf senescence delayed and green period prolonged . Furthermore , the contents of CTK , soluble protein of transgenic plants were higher than that of wild plants , but ABA content of transformants was lower .

  29. 因为叶片功能上开始衰老的时期约在出苗后10多天,而根系功能衰老始期则为出苗后45天左右。

    The morphological senescence of leave began only more than 10 days after the seedling emergence , but the senescence of the roots began at about 45 days after seedling emergence .