
shuāi tuì qī
  • recession;degenerating stage;twilight;wane
  1. 在经济衰退期,制造业有很多人失业了。

    Many jobs in manufacturing were lost during the recession .

  2. 这家公司勉强渡过了衰退期。

    The company just managed to weather the recession .

  3. 在美国同行业的营业额中,世界上最大的快餐企业麦当劳在没有下滑的情况下度过了经济衰退期。

    Same-store sales in America at McDonald 's , the world 's largest fast-food company , did not decline throughout the downturn .

  4. “玻璃悬崖”描述的是这样一种现象,在危机或衰退期,当失败的风险最高时,女性比男性更容易获得领导职位,比如当上企业高管或者在政治大选中胜出。

    The glass cliff is a term that describes the phenomenon of women in leadership roles , such as executives in the corporate1 world and female political election candidates , being likelier than men to achieve leadership roles during periods of crisis or downturn , when the chance of failure is highest .

  5. 可溶性糖(SS)在生长衰退期积累量最多,为1.50%;

    Soluble sugar ( SS ) made the most contents in growing decline stage , 1.5 % ;

  6. IBM曾以快速转型而著称,它一方面能迅速放手陷入衰退期的业务,另一方面能作为先行者涉足新兴市场,但它如今的行动却不够迅速。

    In short , a technology company that has built its reputation on moving fast to exit aging businesses while being the first to enter new businesses is not moving fast enough .

  7. 关于经济衰退期的管理我们之前已经经历过了一次,就是在dot-com泡沫破灭的时候。

    We 've had one of these before , when the dot-com bubble burst .

  8. 由于销售严重下滑,通用汽车公司(GeneralMotorsCorp。)、福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo。)和克莱斯勒公司(ChryslerLLC)一直在寻求获得340亿美元的政府贷款以渡过当前的经济衰退期。

    With sales slumping badly , General Motors Corp. , Ford Motor Co. , and Chrysler LLC had been seeking $ 34 billion in government loans to weather the recession .

  9. 结果根据正常细胞PCNA表达水平得到一稳定的细胞增殖曲线,该曲线可以明显表现出正常细胞生长的旺盛期及衰退期,可据此选择良好的药物作用时机以观察药物的敏感性。

    Results A stable proliferating curve was obtained according to the normal cell PCNA level , by which we could choose the best opportunity of drug application .

  10. 美联储主席BenBernanke本周表示,美国有可能进入衰退期。但是数百万美国人认为我们已经进入衰退期了。

    Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke this week said it 's possible the U.S. may be heading into a recession . But millions of Americans believe that we are already there .

  11. L1的发酵液经3倍稀释仍对弧菌T1有抑制作用;乳酸杆菌L1生长不同时期的代谢产物对弧菌的抑菌活性不同,代谢产物的抑菌能力在衰退期>稳定期>生长期;

    The antibacterial activity of metabolic product of lactobacillaceae to Vibrio T1 and T2 vary from different growth periods , with being stronger in the decline period > stability period > growth period .

  12. 宝马发言人科沃斯基(TomKowelski)说,但与以前经济衰退期不同的是,消费者对传统的促销手段(如提高购车动机刺激、提供租车条款或加大广告力度等)无动于衷。

    But unlike past downturns , consumers aren 't responding to traditional marketing devices like increased incentives , lease deals or beefed-up advertising , said BMW spokesman Tom Kowelski .

  13. 过去几个月里政府有关零售、工业生产和和房产的报告带来的意外惊喜使经济学家对国民生产总值(gdp)的预测上调,从而支持了经济衰退期已在12月或1月终止的观点。

    Positive surprises from government reports on retail sales , industrial production , and housing in the past few months are leading economists to revise their real gross domestic product ( GDP ) forecasts upward supporting the notion that the recession ended in December or January .

  14. 细胞在对数生长期的倍增时间为30h左右;约传10代后进入衰退期;

    The doubling time of the cells in logarithmic growth period was around 30 hours , the cells entered decline period after expanding for 10 generations .

  15. AA:我是RosanneSkirble节目的AviArditti,本周“词汇大师”的话题是:经济衰退期产生的新词汇。

    Recession Spawns an Expanding Lexicon for a Shrinking Economy AA : I 'm Avi Arditti with Rosanne Skirble , and this week on WORDMASTER : terms from the recession .

  16. 英国航空公司(BritishAirways)首席执行官威利沃尔什(WillieWalsh)昨晚表示,对全球航空业来说,最糟糕的衰退期还在后头。他的悲观看法与本周巴黎航展上的阴郁情绪相吻合。

    Willie Walsh , chief executive of British Airways , warned last night that the worst of the recession was still ahead for the global airline industry , in a bleak assessment that chimed with the grim mood at this week 's Paris air show .

  17. 谈到美国的前景,大企业联合会首席经济学家盖尔•弗斯勒(GailFosler)指出:我们正处在一个10年周期的衰退期,这个周期创造了大量的财富。

    Speaking about prospects in the US , Gail Fosler , the chief economist of the Conference Board , says : We are at the waning days of a decade-long cycle that has created an enormous amount of wealth .

  18. 易逝性高新技术产品在衰退期的收入管理问题

    Revenue management of perishable hi - tech product in declining period

  19. 两兄弟都经历了自由党的衰退期。

    Both brothers lived through the decline of the liberal party .

  20. 更好的是,在经济衰退期可以保住工作。

    Better yet , work your way toward a recession-proof job .

  21. 但这却是欧元区历史上最长的一次衰退期。

    But it is the longest in the history of the Euro .

  22. 感谢收看“经济衰退期怎样安然度过”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Survive A Recession .

  23. 残留期、衰退期精神分裂症患者的人格特征

    The personality features of the schizophrenic patients during residual period and degeneration period

  24. 市场衰退期中小房地产企业的竞争战略

    Competing Strategy of Middle and Small Real Estate Company in Declining Phase MARKET

  25. 对慢性精神分裂症衰退期病人进行行为康复治疗的疗效分析

    Clinical Effects of Behavioral Modification on Chronic Schizophrenic Patients

  26. 产业衰退期中企业退出的博弈模型分析

    Game Model Analysis of Corporation Withdrawal Strategy in the Period of Industry Recession

  27. 那我算什么,进入衰退期了吗?

    What am I , in the twilight zone ?

  28. 它也并不处于物种衰退期。

    It 's not necessarily a species in retreat .

  29. 但由于种种原因,广东南珠产业已进入衰退期。

    But for lots of reasons , Guangdong south-pearl industry began to decay .

  30. 哈雷戴维森迎来第二个衰退期。

    Harley-Davidson 's ride has hit another recession pothole .