
huī jì
  • Emblem;mark;sign
徽记 [huī jì]
  • [crest] 正式地用作(如一个家族,部落或国家的)象征的徽章、像章、图案或其它物件

  1. 他佩带的徽记是长矛和燃烧着的火炬。

    His emblems are the spear and the burning torch .

  2. “你看见那个佩戴刺绣的徽记的好人了吗?”

    " Do you see that woman with the embroidered badge ?"

  3. 首先,和战场荣誉徽记(牌子)说再见。

    Firstly , say goodbye to Battleground Marks of Honor .

  4. 新娘的车上涂着国大党的彩色徽记。

    The bride 's car was covered in ANC colours .

  5. 技术文件上世卫组织的徽记是可靠权威的标志。

    The WHO logo on a technical document is a stamp of trustworthy authority .

  6. 翼梢上的徽记清晰可见。

    The insignia was visible on the wingtip .

  7. 他们身上有萨鲁曼的白掌徽记

    Orcs bearing the White Hand of Saruman .

  8. 如果你留心,总可以发现埃格尼斯永远带着她的色彩徽记。

    Always if you looked for it , you could see that Agnes ever carried her colors .

  9. 奥林匹克标志应当包含徽记、会歌、会旗及名称等六项内容。

    The Olympic presentation should include six contents : the sign , Olympic song , Olympic flag etc.

  10. 那些长官们可不乐于取下这徽记,海丝特平静地应道。

    It lies not in the pleasure of the magistrates to take off this badge . calmly replied Hester .

  11. 苗族刺绣不仅具有审美功能,同时还具有明显的部族徽记属性。

    Embroidery of the Miao nationality not only has aesthetic functions , along with distinct tribal emblems of property .

  12. 中国奥林匹克委员会的名称、徽记、标志;

    The name , emblem and symbol of the Chinese Olympic Committee ( hereinafter referred to as the COC );

  13. 《故事新编》鲜明的表现主义风格倾向,成了鲁迅后期小说的独特徽记。

    The distinctive tendency of expressionistic style in " New Stories " becomes the special emblem of LU Xun 's late stories .

  14. 品牌是商品质量内涵和市场价值的评估系数和识别徽记。

    The brand is the valuation coefficient of the merchandise quantity content and the market value and identify the badge to record .

  15. 从早期复杂的招贴式会徽到今天简约抽象的艺术性徽记,城市与民族的痕迹都深深地烙印在每一届奥运会徽的上面。

    From early poster to today 's , simply abstract art symbol , city and nation 's imprint have brand deeply on these symbols .

  16. 他们或许以为佩戴这个光彩动人的丝绣徽记的人准是她那一伙人中德高望重的人士。

    Conceiving , perhaps , that the wearer of this brilliantly embroidered badge must needs be a personage of high dignity among her people .