
huī zhāng
  • badge;emblem;insignia;PINs;button;pontifical
徽章 [huī zhāng]
  • [badge;emblem;insignia] 戴在身上表示身分、职业的标志

  • 徽章收藏家

徽章[huī zhāng]
  1. 她戴着一枚徽章,上面写着“投科茨一票”。

    She wore a badge saying ' Vote for Coates ' .

  2. 她把徽章别到外衣上。

    She pinned the badge onto her jacket .

  3. 他支持这个团体,并在翻领上佩戴它的徽章。

    He supports the group and wears its pin on his lapel .

  4. 他的制服上有上尉徽章。

    His uniform bore the insignia of a captain .

  5. 所有代表都要佩戴徽章。

    All delegates must wear a badge .

  6. 徽章也有卖的,2.5英镑一枚。

    Badges are also available at a cost of £ 2.50 .

  7. 这种徽章有20种不同的颜色和形状。

    The badges come in twenty different colours and shapes .

  8. 为乘务员制作了徽章,这样它们就不会从车厢上脱落下来,也不会被传来传去。

    The stewards ' badges are made so they do not unstick from a car and therefore cannot be passed around .

  9. 我们铸造了一枚徽章来纪念这个发现。

    We caused a medal to be struck in commemoration of this discovery .

  10. 他把一枚徽章别在外套上。

    He pinned a badge on his jacket .

  11. 他母亲曾送给他一枚上面刻着科拉多·A·G·皮科里的紫心徽章作为圣诞礼物,它来自一家古董商店,他开始努力让失去勋章的家庭团聚。

    His effort to reunite families with lost medals began with a Christmas gift from his mother , a Purple Heart with the name Corrado A . G . Piccoli , found in an antique shop .

  12. 航空挑战计划使学员有机会获得他们的航空徽章。

    The Aviation Challenge program gives trainees the chance to earn their Aviation badge .

  13. 受训者还可以通过设计的任务,搜救“被击落”的飞行员来了解如何在水域和陆地生存,为自己的野外生存徽章收集开个好头。

    Trainees also get a good start on their Wilderness Survival badge as they learn about water - and land-survival through designed tasks and their search and rescue of " downed " pilot .

  14. 在太空营,受训者可以在建造和发射模型火箭时获得太空探索徽章,学习太空任务,并尝试与来自世界各地的宇航员一起模拟飞向太空。

    At Space Camp , trainees can earn their Space Exploration badge as they build and fire model rockets , learn about space tasks and try simulated flying to space with the crew from all over the world .

  15. 这种徽章有20种不同的颜色和形状

    The badges come in twenty different colors and shapes .

  16. 英国的标志性汽车品牌MG在远东地方重获新生。具有MG经典徽章的轿车现在开始从中国的装配线上下线了。CNN记者约翰·沃斯试驾了这款MG轿车。MG汽车在中国卷土重来CNN主播:英国的标志性汽车品牌MG在远东地方重获新生。

    CNN ANCHOR : The iconic British brand MG has been reborn in the Far East .

  17. 点击AdvancedOptions面板上的OK,您将看到一个集群配置徽章添加到了Deploymentmanager部分。

    After you click OK on the Advanced Options panel , you will see a Cluster configuration badge added to the Deployment manager part .

  18. 杰里米费舍尔先生,彼得兔和本杰明兔子完成了整个行程带着MG徽标并沿途赠送徽章。

    Mr Jeremy Fisher , Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny completed the entire trip wearing MG badges which were presented to them along the route .

  19. 我们认为这应该差不多是全部现有的F-22徽章了。

    We think we have nearly all of the F-22 patches made .

  20. 办法总是人想出来的:当初我接手思科公司(Cisco)的900名员工的时候,我们根据徽章数据库的资料印制了许多抽认卡。

    Get creative : we printed out flashcards from the badge database when I inherited 900 employees at Cisco ( CSCO ) .

  21. 例如,你如果连续四天造访同一家酒吧,那么就会收到Bender(狂饮者)徽章。

    For example , you receive a Bender badge for visiting the same bar four days in a row .

  22. 他带着FBI的徽章,但它在翻领上被卷着,我们不能在照片上看到他的名字。

    He is wearing an FBI badge , but it is twisted on his lapel , we can 't see his name or photo .

  23. 在Foursquare日这天,人们在全球范围内的酒吧、餐厅、体育场中登陆Foursquare签到,获得积分和特制徽章。

    People were checking-in at bars , restaurants and stadiums around the world to receive points and a special badge for the day .

  24. 很快Andrea恍然大悟并火速的写出了正确答案,用Khan网站上的话说,她得到了一个“徽章”,然后开始了“超音速”的进步。

    Soon Andrea has an epiphany and starts firing correct answers , getting , in KhanAcademy 's jargon , a " badge , " then going " transonic . "

  25. 玩家已有的徽章仍然可以分别交给各战场的接任务的NPC,他们也接受单个种类的徽章,这么做是因为有些玩家拥有某一个战场徽章的数量会超过其他的。

    Players with existing Marks of Honor can still turn them in to their respective faction 's quest givers , including individual marks for those who may have more marks for one Battleground than another .

  26. 该党还成立了一个准军事组织匈牙利卫队(hungarianguard),制服上带有战前匈牙利法西斯党的徽章已发展到在布达佩斯城市中行军,而且在很多小城镇拥有势力范围。

    It has also formed a paramilitary wing , the Hungarian guard , whose uniforms bear the insignia of pre-war Hungarian fascist parties and which has staged marches in Budapest and has a presence in many small towns .

  27. 童子军全国发言人格雷格希尔兹(greggshields)表示,召回的塑料徽章含有铅含量超过联邦安全限度的黄色和蓝色油漆。

    Gregg shields , national spokesman for the scouts , said the recalled plastic badges contained yellow and blue paints with levels of lead that exceeded federal safety limits .

  28. 除了徽章以外,Foursquare还有一个最大特点:如果用户前往某地的频率超高,那么他就有机会成为该地点的“地主”。

    Apart from the badges , the main feature that has every Foursquarer feverishly checking-in is the chance to become " mayor " of a particular place .

  29. PopSugar报道则称,戈登的包装和宣传材料上都印着女王的徽章。

    You can find the queen 's coat of arms displayed on the selected businesses " packaging and promotional materials , PopSugar reports .

  30. 股东们向容光焕发的伊格提出各种老生常谈的问题,从主题公园的徽章交易到一个名叫Figment的小角色的消失——它是迪士尼乐园未来世界里的一条紫龙。

    Shareholders questioned a beaming Mr. Iger about perennial concerns ranging from pin trading at theme parks to the disappearance of an obscure character called Figment , a purple dragon from an Epcot ride at Walt Disney World .