
pàn guān
  • Magistrate;official;an assistant to the chief local official
判官 [pàn guān]
  • [official] 唐宋时辅助地方长官处理公事的人员,借指阎王手下掌管生死簿的官

  • 坐谪兴国州判官。-- 清. 张廷玉《明史.海瑞传》

判官[pàn guān]
  1. 农夫自豪地告诉裁判官,是那聪明女儿告诉他的。

    The farmer proudly told the magistrate of his clever daughter .

  2. 并且,她以这种方法,走行到裁判官的家中。

    And she traveled in this way to the magistrate 's home .

  3. 外交手腕和圆滑机智是那个谈判官的法宝。

    Diplomacy and tact are the tools of the negotiator .

  4. 而登记员则是决定他是否通过测试的惟一判官。

    The registrar is the sole judge of whether he passes this test .

  5. 通常不是一个合格律师的治安法官,它与领薪裁判官相对

    Magistrate who is not usually a qualified lawyer as opposed to a stipendiary magistrate

  6. 包公形象,在宋代市井文艺家那里,包公只是一个判官形象。

    The Bao Gong image in the Song folk literature is simply a judge .

  7. 这个装备不符合规则,请与裁判官/术代表协商。

    This equipment is against the rule . Consult with a referee / technical delegate .

  8. 判官和受害者是来自那些我们从未筛选的不真实的信念。

    The Judge and Victim are based on all those false beliefs you didn 't choose .

  9. 有一天,两个农夫到来,请求裁判官解决争端。

    Then one day two farmers came to the magistrate hoping he might settle a dispute .

  10. 再一次,农夫跑回家,告诉他的女儿那裁判官的请求。

    Once again the farmer ran home to tell his daughter of the magistrate 's request .

  11. 判官挥了挥笔想把蜜蜂甩开,但是飞来了更多的蜜蜂。

    The judge waved the brush to shake them off , but more and more bees came .

  12. 据说,奥西里斯遭谋害后,生命得以复活,成了冥世的判官。

    At any rate , Osiris , being restored to life , became the judge of the under-world .

  13. 然后判官问店小二,他知不知道为什么蜜蜂飞来救他。

    Then the judge asked the bartender if he knew why the bees had come to save him .

  14. 当判官宣判店小二无罪后,蜜蜂才飞走。

    Only when the judge called off the bartender 's death sentence did the swarms of bees fly away .

  15. 但除非接宣誓而作的面告,否裁判官不得出手令。

    Provided that a magistrate shall not issue such a warrant except on information in writing and on oath .

  16. 崔府君,又名崔判官,是中国古代传说中的一位神化人物。

    Cui Fu Jun , known as Cui judge , he was a fabled character in China ancient times .

  17. 林惇先生是个裁判官,就是他死了五十个妻子,他也得过问这件事。

    Mr Linton was a magistrate , and though he had fifty wives dead , he should inquire into this .

  18. 当裁判官看见你时,他将会问你,怎样期望在一条布满灰尘的道路上能抓到鱼。

    When the magistrate sees you , he will ask how you expect to catch fish on a dusty road .

  19. 但是,说到这里,裁判官插嘴说道他不能坐在公堂上忍受这些指责。

    But , there my Lord interposed , saying that he could not sit upon that Bench and suffer those allusions .

  20. 判例体解释则使人们大体能够了解古代中国的判官们是如何在实施中发现法律的。

    The prejudication interpretation makes people have a general idea about how the ancient judges find law in practice in ancient China .

  21. 在后续的电话,死因裁判官表示,他认为警方的报告,并认为一切都在秩序。

    In a follow-up phone call , the Coroner said that he saw the police report and felt everything was in order .

  22. 目前,全港有十所裁判法院,一名总裁判官,十名主任裁判官,59名裁判官及十名特委裁判官。

    Besides one Chief Magistrate , there are 10 Principal Magistrates , 59 Magistrates and 10 Special Magistrates sitting in 10 magistracies .

  23. 裁判官是一位好官,可惜他年轻欠缺经验。他仔细聆听了双方的陈词后。

    The magistrate was a kind man , but he was young and inexperienced . He listened carefully to both sides of the story .

  24. 判官的人物记录,并结合相关主要事迹,以转运司路为单位,按照时间顺序进行编排。

    It has arranged records of Forwarding Magistrates , assistant magistrates in the Chang Bian in time sequence combined with their related main stories .

  25. 法律程序的一方可申请许可由裁判官为该儿童录取书面供词。

    A party to the proceedings may apply for leave for a deposition in writing to be taken from the child by a magistrate .

  26. 那欺压近人的推开他说:谁立了你做我们的首领和判官?

    But he that did the injury to his neighbour thrust him away , saying : Who hath appointed thee prince and judge over us ?

  27. 当看到判官拿起用来判决死刑的朱笔时,他彻底失望了。

    The bartender 's heart went cold as he saw the main judge pick up the red brush used for writing out the death sentence .

  28. 正当判官拿起朱笔要写的时候,一阵响亮的嗡嗡声越来越近,越来越响。

    Just as the main judge picked up his brush to write , a loud buzzing was heard coming closer , getting louder and louder .

  29. 现时全港有九所裁判法院,由一名总裁判官领导八名主任裁判官、61名常任裁判官及11名特委裁判官。

    Led by the Chief Magistrate , the team consists of eight Principal Magistrates , 61 Permanent Magistrates and11 Special Magistrates sitting in nine different locations .

  30. 现在他们好像认为勇敢的行为不能为滥用做辩解,也没有去阻止裁判官和法官努力清算政治家的旧账。

    Now they seem to think that courageous action should not excuse abuses , nor stop magistrates and judges from trying to hold politicians to account .