
fù ɡuān
  • adjutant;aide-de-camp
副官 [fù guān]
  • [adjutant;aide-de-camp] 对指挥官起助手作用的官员

  1. 副官里斯莱蒂,一架C-130大力神装卸长从比利时空军,今年是他第三次圈地。

    For Adjutant Joris Retty , a C-130 Hercules loadmaster from the Belgium air force , this year marks his third rodeo .

  2. 皮埃尔向炮兵阵地走去,那副官骑着马走开了。

    Pierre went up to the battery , and the adjutant rode away .

  3. 如果我当主席,我希望西蒙作为我信赖的副官,继续留在我的身边。

    If I am made chairman , I hope Simon will stay on as my trusted lieutenant .

  4. 赖纳把舍克介绍给查德·格里芬(ChadGriffin)。格里芬曾担任克林顿的白宫副官,现在是“人权运动”组织(HumanRightsCampaign)的主席。

    Mr. Reiner introduced Ms. Schake to Chad Griffin , a former aide in the Clinton White House who is now the president of the Human Rights Campaign .

  5. 此外还有科巴(Koba),他一开始是凯撒的副官,最终与凯撒成为死敌,托比·科贝尔(TobyKebbell)的表演格外精彩。

    and especially Toby Kebbell as Koba , Caesar 's lieutenant and eventual nemesis .

  6. 企业管理的专家指出任何有关于公司的调查行为,如果没有一个向CEO默多克直接报告的执行副官来监督,都不可能获得大部分股东的支持。

    Corporate - governance experts say any investigation into the company 's conduct can 't pass muster if it is overseen by a senior executive who reports to the chief executive and controlling shareholder , Rupert Murdoch .

  7. 他的职责是作指挥官的副官。

    He was supposed to act as the marshal 's aide .

  8. 还有他的副官梅森

    and , uh , his second-in-command , um ... Mason .

  9. 山姆杰弗里斯做你的副官

    Sam , you got Jeffries as your second in command .

  10. “您该休息一下了,勋座。”副官说。

    " You must rest , your highness ," said Schneider .

  11. 因为,你也说了,波特任命我为副官时

    Because , like you said , when Porter made me second-in-command ,

  12. 他说动那个副官,递上了一张简短的便条进去。

    He prevailed on the lieutenant to send in a short note .

  13. 他心灰意冷,把望远镜递给了副官。

    He was balked as he handed the glasses to the lieutenant .

  14. 我任命汤姆做你的副官

    I 'm also giving you Tom as your second in command .

  15. 我的副官菲利普斯,他抓住了自己的女儿梅根

    Phillips , my second-in-command , he - he grabbed his daughter Megan

  16. 我任命你为他的副官是有原因的

    There 's a reason why you are his second in command .

  17. 巴斯副官:他可是第一个死在奥马哈海滩的美国人。

    Bus'Cummings : He was the first American to die on Omaha Beach .

  18. 今天早上我刚跟他的副官谈过。

    I spoke with his adjutant just this morning .

  19. 副官贝尔纳传达了命令。

    Aide-de-camp Bernard carried them the Emperor 's orders .

  20. 我们见到了随从将军的副官。

    We met the officer attendant on the general .

  21. 我要亲自和副官出去侦察一下训练地区。

    I 'm going out myself with the adjutant to recce training areas .

  22. 约翰·尼科尔斯是得州国民警卫队的副官。

    John Nichols is the adjutant general with the Texas ' National Guard .

  23. 在地后面还走进了一个副官和团部的军需官。

    He was followed by an adjutant and the paymaster of the regiment .

  24. 他值得信赖的、谨慎的副官;制作精良的金项链。

    His trusted discreet aide ; a discreet , finely wrought gold necklace .

  25. 啊,亲爱的,怎么样?您总是想当副官吗?

    Well , my dear boy , you still want an adjutant 's post ?

  26. 那副官勒转马头,向前去了。

    But the adjutant , turning his horse 's head , rode on further .

  27. 这次和艾森豪威尔打赌也不例外。艾森豪威尔的副官负责做了记录。

    He made no exception for Eisenhower whose aide was responsible for the record .

  28. 更别提你的副官了。

    Let 's not even discuss your xo .

  29. 当时他是个年轻的副官。

    He was a young Deputy back then .

  30. 保卢斯的副官,威廉亚当上校。

    Wilhelm Adam , Colonel , Adjutant for Gen.