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  • aileron
  1. 带副翼的翼身组合体绕流的Euler方程解

    Euler Solution of a 3D Wing - Body Configuration with Aileron

  2. 正的副翼偏转角产生绕X轴的负方向力矩。副翼舵机拉杆应基本上垂直于副翼转动轴线。

    Positive aileron deflection produces an anti-clockwise moment about the X axis . Aileron servo pull rod should be vertical to the shaft of aileron basically .

  3. 提出了一种求解带副翼偏转的翼身组合体绕流的Euler方程计算方法。

    A Euler method for solving the flow around a wing body configuration with deflection of control surface ( aileron ) is presented .

  4. 给出了一种带副翼偏转的三维机翼分区网格及绕流的Euler方程解。

    A zonal patched grid for a wing with control surface deflection and Euler solution for the flow around the wing are also given .

  5. 采用2种不同对接分区网格技术讨论了不同的网格结构对绕偏副翼的三维机翼流动的Euler方程解的影响。

    Using two types of patched grids , the influence of grid structure on the Euler solution of the flow around a wing with aileron deflection is discussed .

  6. 去年8月一块波音777机翼碎片(确定为襟副翼)冲上了印度洋法属留尼汪岛(LaRéunion),随后获马来西亚总理纳吉布•拉扎克(NajibRazak)确认属于MH370。

    In August a piece of a Boeing 777 wing known as a flaperon washed up on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion and was subsequently confirmed by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak as belonging to MH370 .

  7. 针对某型飞机设计过程中遇到的副翼反效问题,提出了复合材料机翼满足气动弹性要求的优化方法,构造了一种基于Pareto最优解定义的多目标遗传算法&Pareto遗传算法。

    To solve the aileron reversal problem in aircraft design , an aero-elastic tailoring optimization model of composite wing for engineering requirement was established and the Pareto genetic algorithm ( PGA ) based on Pareto optimal set was developed .

  8. 一名法国航空专家在Twitter上指出这片残骸(看上去是机翼的一个控制面襟副翼)看上去与波音(Boeing)777非常相似,MH370正是这种机型。

    A French aviation expert pointed on Twitter to apparently strong similarities between the part - apparently a flaperon , a control surface from a wing - and the same part on a Boeing 777 , the type of aircraft lost .

  9. 去年7月在印度洋上的留尼汪岛(Reunion)发现了一块襟副翼残骸,那是飞机机翼的一个部件,它是被负责一个海滩清洁团队的本地人约翰尼•贝格(JohnnyBègue)发现的。

    A piece of the aircraft 's wing , called a flaperon , was found on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion last July . It was discovered by an islander , Johnny B è gue , who was in charge of a beach cleaning team .

  10. 利用MSCNASTRAN对复合材料副翼进行有限元分析,给出副翼各个部件在试验载荷下应力、应变值、支反力和结构危险部位,为位移和力传感器的选取、试验应变片的布置提供依据。

    By MSC Nastran , the finite element analysis is implemented to predict the response of the structure under test loadings . The stress , strain and other computation results of the structure are given in order to help engineers to choose suitable displacement and strain gauge sensors .

  11. 带副翼三维机翼粘性绕流计算的嵌套网格方法

    Chimera Grid Calculation of 3D Viscous Flow over Wing with Aileron

  12. 飞行器构架和动力装置飞翼布局飞行器副翼性能及重构分析

    Airframe and powerplant Aileron control and reconfiguration of flying wing aircraft

  13. 提起副翼然后慢慢地触地。

    Raise the FIAPS and back up on the throttie siowiy .

  14. 飞机的副翼是用铰链装在机翼上的。

    The ailerons on an airplane are hinged to the wing .

  15. 副翼配重的着陆冲击响应

    Dynamic response of the aileron balance weight during landing impact

  16. 我也刻一个副翼和鳍整流罩

    I 've also carved one aileron and the fin fairing

  17. 战斗机副翼操纵系统电子化改进方案

    Improvement and Design of a Manipulation System of a Fighter Plane Aerofoil

  18. 仍然需要雕刻的副翼,摄入量和长须鲸的基础。

    Still need to carve the ailerons , intakes and fin base .

  19. 重覆以上的动作,但是将副翼打左舵。

    Repeat but use left cyclic instead of right cyclic .

  20. 机翼上可操纵的部分叫做副翼。

    The wings have controllable sections known as ailerons .

  21. 副翼是机翼后缘的可动部分。

    The ailerons are movable sections along the rear edges of the wings .

  22. 副翼向相反的方向转动就会使得飞机翻滚。

    The ailerons are moved in opposite senses to make the plane roll .

  23. 你也能用副翼控制飞机速度。

    You can also control aircraft speed with flaps .

  24. 带副翼的翼身组合体的数值模拟

    The computation of a wing-body combination with aileron

  25. 方法适用于简单副翼和差动副翼。

    The method may be applied to differential aileron as well as plain aileron .

  26. 对复合材料副翼静力试验进行仿真研究。

    The simulation study of the static test of composite aileron is carried out .

  27. 复合材料副翼试验仿真及试验与分析一致性评估

    Simulation of Static Test of Composite Aileron and Consistent Evaluation of Test and Analysis Results

  28. 舵面特性对飞翼构型作战飞机短周期品质的影响飞翼布局飞行器副翼性能及重构分析

    Influence of Control Surface Characteristics on Short Period Mode Flying Qualities for Flying Wing Aircraft

  29. 你还可以控制电梯和副翼但不能超过控制。

    You still have control over elevator and aileron but it can 't be over controlled .

  30. 无人机单副翼有限卡死时荷兰滚运动分析

    Analysis on Dutch Roll Modal of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with the Limited Deadlocking of Single Aileron