
  • 网络Decision Problem
  1. 可达性是Petri网的一个基本性质,其判定问题是Petri网理论研究方面的一个重要课题。

    Reachability is one of the most basic properties of Petri-Nets and its decision problem is one of the most important topics in Petri-Nets theory .

  2. 它是研究Petri网其它动态性质的基石,许多Petri网的其他问题都可以通过其可达性来表述。因此,可达性判定问题Petri网理论研究的一个重要课题。

    It is the foundation of the study on other dynamic property of Petri nets and many problem on Petri nets can be described by its reachability , so its decision problem is one of the most important topic in Petri nets theory .

  3. 数据库模式在FD环境下满足Ps及无α环判定问题

    Deciding Problem of Database Schema Meeting P_s and α - acyclic in Functional Dependency

  4. 众所周知,图同构的判定问题是NP问题。

    As we known , the graph isomorphism problem is still in NP .

  5. 许道云教授已经证明:MU(k)中的变元和文字改名都等价于图同构的判定问题。

    The variable and literal renaming problems of formulas in MU ( k ) is equivalent to the graph isomorphism problem .

  6. 我们考虑具有优先代表资格的NP完全问题&析取范式的永真性判定问题。

    We consider the NP complete problem with superior representative qualification & the decision for the validity of DNF .

  7. 现有的证明通过构造三个并发任务的PCP问题实例,证明了过程间并发程序分析过程间并发程序分析是一个不可判定问题。

    [ 1 ] proofs the undecidable problem via constructing a instance of PCP problem with three concurrent tasks .

  8. 另一方面,我们将研究关于MAX~+(k)中公式改名的判定问题的复杂性。

    On the other hand , we will investigate the complexity of decision problems for renaming problems ( literal renaming ; variable renaming ) of the formulas in MAX ~ + ( k ) .

  9. 在K位逻辑理论中,函数系的完备性乏判定问题是一个基本而重要的问题,此问题的彻底解决依赖于定出K值逻辑函数集中的所有极大封闭集。

    Among the k-valued logic theory , the decision of the completeness of function systems is a basic and important problem , and is also the question which must be solved in k-valued computer theory .

  10. 本文利用反射的思想,仅仅用两个并发任务构造了该问题的一个PCP问题实例,证明了在两个并发任务的情况下,过程间并发程序分析是一个不可判定问题。

    This paper constructs a instance of PCP problem of the concurrent interprocedural program analysis problem , but with only two concurrent tasks .

  11. 在一定的条件下,考虑正则SISO广义分散大系统脉冲固定摸的判定问题,给出了此类系统没有分散脉冲固定摸的几何判据。

    In this paper , a geometric criterion for SISO generalized systems with non existence of decentralized impulsive fixed modes is presented with certain gualifications .

  12. Maxwell准则只从体系的拓扑关系来考虑体系的几何稳定性,这显然不能应用于一阶无穷小位移机构的刚化判定问题。

    Maxwell rules deal with geometrical stability only from the topology information of system , which apparently cannot be used as the rule of the stiffness determination standards of the first-order infinite mechanism .

  13. 基于汉语上下文语境模型CCM,本文研究了汉语事件时间信息的分析、主语省略句的处理和名词短语的定指性判定问题。

    With the context knowledge in CCM , we research on temporal information analysis of Chinese events , subject ellipsis resolution of Chinese sentences and defmiteness judgment of Chinese noun phrases .

  14. dpda子类之等价性判定问题

    The Equivalence Problem for A Subfamily of Dpda

  15. 用户请求调度的判定问题实际上属于NP完全问题,本文提出共享负载的流媒体代理服务器协作在线算法,并对在线算法与最优解的相对偏差进行讨论。

    The judge of customer request is the NP completion problem . The article puts forward a streaming media proxy server of load sharing coordination on line algorithm and discusses the relative deflection of on line algorithm and best result .

  16. 本文提出了CED聚合法&几何算法和生态算法,并把TSP转化为判定问题来处理。

    This paper studies the Travelling Salesman Problem ( TSP ) . A CED Polyphase method : computational geometry algorithm and ecology algorithm for solving TSP is presented , and the TSP is changed to a decision problem .

  17. 众所周知,经典命题逻辑中的判定问题是NP完全问题,而一阶逻辑是半可判定问题,关于非经典逻辑特别是非单调逻辑的计算复杂性分析和算法实现是一个重要的研究领域。

    It is well known that the determinant problem in classic proposition logic is a NP complete problem , and the first order logic is a half determinant one . So both the analysis of computing complexity and the realization of it are the most important fields .

  18. 文中指出了文献〔1〕中对BCNF判定问题证明过程的错误之处,通过分析属于BCNF的关系模式的结构特点,给出了一个判定关系模式是否属于BCNF的多项式时间算法。

    The mistake in the proving process of the problem of deciding BCNF in reference is pointed out , and a polynomial time algorithm to decide whether a relation schema is in BCNF is given .

  19. 最后,给出了从f-OWL本体到F-SHOIN(G)描述逻辑的转换方法,从而最终将f-OWL的推理问题转化为F-SHOIN(G)的概念可满足性判定问题进行解决。

    Finally , the conversion method from f-OWL ontology to description logic F-SHOIN ( G ) is given , which eventually transforms the f-OWL reasoning problems to the concept satisfiability reasoning problems of F-SHOIN ( G ) to be solved .

  20. 上世纪50年代初,Tarski发表了著名的《初等代数与初等几何的判定问题》,宣称在理论上可以解决实几何问题,但由于其方法复杂度太高效率太低不能实现。

    In the 1950 's , Tarski published the famous article - A Decision Method for Elementary Algebra and Geometry , which declared that real geometric problem can be resolved theoretically . But this method can not be implemented practically to high complexity and was proved to be inefficient .

  21. 地震重力变化的判定问题

    A problem how to judge gravity change associated with seismic event

  22. 主动数据库中规则可观察确定性判定问题的一个解决方法

    Solution of Determining Observable Determinism of Rules in Active Database

  23. 在第三章的基础上,第四章讨论了辐射源威胁等级判定问题。

    ChaPter four stUdies radian imPerilment grade evaluaion problems based onChaptCr three .

  24. 关于一般递归函数族的判定问题

    The decision problem of families of general recursive functions

  25. 关于离散线性区间系统稳定性的判定问题

    On Decision of Stability of Discrete Linear Interval Systems

  26. 关于水平与能力的判定问题;

    The judgment on the level and the ability ;

  27. 化灌中对盲孔判定问题的探讨

    Discussion on estimating the blind hole during chemical grouting

  28. 树同构的判定问题在线性时间内是可解的。

    The decision problem of isomorphism for trees is solvable in linear time .

  29. 该通用算法解决了在线测试中首先要解决的状态判定问题。

    This algorithm solves the premise of determining the states for the online test .

  30. 灰色方阵奇异性的判定问题

    On the Problem of Singularity of Grey Matrix