
  • 网络Satisfactory solution;Satisfying Solution;satisfied solution;satisficing solution;satisficing
  1. 一种Fuzzy优化模型及其满意解

    A Fuzzy Optimal Model and Its Satisfying Solution

  2. 带时间窗的车辆路径问题及其扩展问题已被证明是NP-Hard问题,因此通常采用启发式算法求取满意解。

    The vehicle routing problem with time window and its extended problems have been proved to be NP-Hard , and heuristic methods are usually used to gain satisfying solution .

  3. 基于特征模型的PID控制器参数的满意解

    Satisfactory solution of PID controller parameter value based on the characteristic model

  4. Job-shop调度问题满意解的鲁棒性分析

    Robustness Analysis of the Satisfied Solution of Some Job-shop Schedule Problems

  5. 因此,对NP类调度问题,一般采用启发式方法来求得满意解,常用优先规则法和一些专门调度算法。

    So the heuristic methods are often applied to job shop scheduling such as priority rule method and special algorithms .

  6. 物流配送车辆路径优化问题是近年来物流研究中的一个热点,但由于它是一个NP难题,较难得到最优解和满意解。

    The logistics distribution VRP is a hot topic in logistics research . And it is a NP hard problem .

  7. 为求得一类多目标系统在有效解集上均匀分布的多个具有代表性的满意解,提出一种改进的GA算法。

    An improved GA was presented for finding several representative and satisfactory solutions of a category of multi-objective systems uniformly distributed on the set of non-trivial solutions .

  8. 遗传算法能有效地求解属于NP难类型的组合优化问题,现已成为寻求满意解的最佳工具之一。

    Genetic algorithm ( GA ) can solve effectively the NP-hard problem of combinatorial optimization . GA has become one of the best tools for searching satisfactory solution .

  9. 但由于物流配送路径优化问题是一个NP-hard问题,使用传统优化方法很难得到最优解或满意解。

    However , as a NP - hard problem , VRP is hard to draw as satisfactory conclusion by using traditional optimal algorithm .

  10. 对改进分散搜索算法,将其与HA、GA等算法的性能进行比较,证明该方法保持了种群的多样性,又寻求到了质量较高的满意解。

    By comparing with the HA , GA and other algorithms , ASS method not only maintains the diversity of the population , but also keeps a higher quality for the satisfactory solution .

  11. 车辆路径问题(VRP)是一个典型的NP-hard问题,采用传统方法求解往往找不到满意解。

    The vehicle routing problem is a classical NP-hard problem , and it is usually difficult for traditional methods to obtain satisfying solutions .

  12. Job-Shop车间生产排序问题理论上难以找到实用的最优的求解方法,只能得出近优或者满意解。

    The problem of Job-Shop process scheduling is impossible to find optimum solution in theory , so the problem can only be solved with satisfaction answer or near optimum solution .

  13. 遗传算法在解决NP问题上具有很大的优势,通过对纺织品的批次进行编码,生成初始种群,再到遗传算子的设计和结果评估等等,遗传算法具有在短时间内得出满意解的特点。

    Genetic Algorithm has great advantage to solve NP-hard problems . A Genetic Algorithm is presented to solve the problem . By effective batch coding , initial generation producing , genetic operators , the Genetic Algorithm can obtain satisfied solution in acceptable time .

  14. 它是把HNN学习算法作基本算子,对城市群体按一定的规则进行有效的分割、计算和连接,来寻找巡回路径的最优解或满意解。

    The algorithm uses the Hopfield network learning as basal arithmetic operators , to look for the optimal or better solution by dividing up , calculation and linking the group of cities with the given rules .

  15. 用Zimmermann算法求解模糊线性规划,获得最满意解后,再通过编程,利用计算机实现了针对模糊线性规划最满意解的求解问题的模拟演示,获得了令人满意的结果。

    A solution to fuzzy linear programming is realized by using Zimmermann algorithm after the most satisfactory solution is obtained . Besides , a simulating demonstration is presented in finding a solution to fuzzy linear programming most satisfactory solution , from which a nice result arises .

  16. 一类位置随动系统设计参数的满意解集研究

    A satisfactory sets research of design-parameters on a certain servo system

  17. 启发式求满意解方法的研究

    Heuristic method for satisfied solution and its application in management science

  18. 价格控制问题满意解的直接搜索法与边界搜索法

    Directly Search and Boundary Search for Satisfactory Solutions of Price-Control Problems

  19. 机械零件可靠性多目标优化设计的满意解

    Satisfactory Solution of Multi-objective Reliability Design Optimization of Machine Elements

  20. 其二,满意解集合的求解方法。

    Secondly , the solving method of Satisfied Solution Set .

  21. 结合军事决策的特点,给出了实用的启发式算法,最后获得的是反映指挥员决策特点的满意解。

    Then a heuristic algorithm is presented according to military decision peculiarity .

  22. 模糊线性规划最满意解的计算机模拟

    Calculator Simulate of Most Satisfactory Solution in Fuzzy Linear Programming

  23. 神经网络满意解原理研究

    A study on principles of neural networks satisfactory solutions

  24. 基于混合遗传算法的中国旅行商问题满意解

    Satisfactory Solution-Hybrid Genetic Algorithm of China Travelling Salesman Problem

  25. 区间数线性规划及其满意解

    Interval Number Linear Programming and Its Satisfactory Solution

  26. 基于反馈控制原理可靠性多目标优化设计的满意解

    The Satisfaction Solution of Multi-objective Optimization of Reliability Based on Control Principle of Feedback

  27. 通过定义满意度函数,选出了最终的满意解。

    Then , defining a satisfactory degree function , the satisfactory solution was obtained .

  28. 然后,采用目标规划法求得问题的满意解。

    And then , the satisfied result is derived by the goal programming approach .

  29. 系统可靠性多目标优化的满意解

    Satisfactory Solution of Multi-Objective Optimization of System Reliability

  30. 满意解原理的初步分析及其在多参数多目标优化中的应用

    Analysis of Satisfactory Solution Principle and It 's Application in Optimization of Multi-Parameter Multi-Objective Problem