
mǎn zhōu
  • Manchu;Manzhou,Chinese northeastern provinces,旧称 Manchuria
满洲 [mǎn zhōu]
  • [Manzhou,Chinese northeastern provinces,旧称 Manchuria] 中国东北一带

满洲[mǎn zhōu]
  1. 清初满洲政权的蒙古各部政策研究

    Study on Manchu government 's policy for Mongolia in the early Qing Dynasty

  2. 入关之后,战争已经不是满洲的主要任务。

    After entering the war is not the main task of the Manchu .

  3. “渤海,汉语拼音作bohai,8世纪时,在满洲北部和朝鲜北部建立的国家。”

    " Parhae , Chinese bohai , state established in the8th century AD in northern Manchuria and Northern korea . "

  4. 曾受教于剑桥大学(Cambridge)的伍连德(WuLien-teh)医生曾协调组织了满洲的医疗应对措施。他曾指挥过一个由600名警官组成的团队,并得到了中国军队的支援。

    Wu Lien-teh , the Cambridge-educated physician who co-ordinated the medical response in Manchuria , commanded a corps of 600 police officers backed up by Chinese soldiers .

  5. 阿兵出生于19世纪上半叶的中国满洲,后来他前往美国,大约1855年的时候他在莱韦灵家族靠近俄勒冈州密尔沃基市(Milwaukie,Oregon)的果园找到了一份工作。

    Ah Bing was born in Manchuria , China in the first half of the 19th century . He eventually traveled to America and around 1855 he found work in the orchards of the Lewelling family near Milwaukie , Oregon .

  6. 在帝国时代,这没有硬性的边界,无论是奥斯曼帝国土耳其还是满洲或者Moghuls都有这样的帝国规则。

    In the age of empires , there were no hard and fast borders , whether the imperial rulers were the Ottoman Turks or the Manchus or the Moghuls .

  7. 在他眼里,比较少人知道的诺门坎战役对整个二战有着深远的影响。日军计划利用这场战役以满洲为据点夺取苏联的领土,但却在1939年夏天被苏联红军中最伟大、最无情的将军朱可夫(GeorgiZhukov)破坏了。

    Thus the relatively little-known Battle of Khalkhin-Gol , in which Japan 's plans to grab Soviet territory from its base in Manchuria were undone in the summer of 1939 by the Red Army 's greatest and most ruthless general , Georgi Zhukov , had profound consequences .

  8. 就在那年,肺鼠疫导致了满洲或许6万人丧生。

    Pneumonic plague claimed perhaps 60,000 lives in Manchuria that year .

  9. 于是我决定亲身去满洲观察一番。

    I decided to go to Manchuria and see for myself .

  10. 满洲文化对京师文化的影响

    Influences of the Culture of the Man Nationality Upon Capital Culture

  11. 日本满洲移民战略意图新探

    A New Inquiry on Japanese Strategic Intentions of Emigrating to Manchuria

  12. 试析伪满洲国师范教育的特点及其影响

    An Analysis of the Characteristics and Impact of the Manchurian Normal Education

  13. 满洲国的国籍问题与日本的政策

    " Manchukuo " Puppet Regime : Its Nationality Question vs Japanese Policies

  14. 然后满洲人来了,建立清朝。

    Then came the Manchus , who set up the Ch'ing dynasty .

  15. 在海神号事故发生三个月后,日本入侵满洲。

    Three months after the Poseidon accident , the Japanese invaded Manchuria .

  16. 满铁的满洲经营与附属地各图书馆

    Manchuria Management by SMRC and Various Libraries Attached to SMRC

  17. 伪满洲国时期《青年文化》杂志考述

    Investigation of the Periodical Youth Culture in Puppet Manchuria State

  18. 为满洲统一女真各部乃至最终定鼎中原立下功劳。

    To unify Jurchen manzhouli departments and eventually Ding Zhongyuan set credit .

  19. 殖民文化与伪满洲国的娱民电影

    Colonization Culture and " Films Entertaining People " in the Puppet Manchukuo

  20. 从满洲时代遗留下来的一些年老的高级军官给撤换了。

    Some aging higher officers inherited from the Manchurian days were sacked .

  21. 1937年4月驻扎伪满洲国三江县。

    He was stationed in Sanjiang County of the Manchukuo in April 1937 .

  22. 伪满洲国赋税制度述评

    Commentary about the Tax System of Puppet Manchuria Regime

  23. 这是在南满洲铁道里驾驶普通客车列车。

    He was used for passenger train in SMR and Manchuria national railway .

  24. 俄国正通过满洲向朝鲜推进。

    Russia was pushing down through Manchuria to Corea .

  25. 满族族源神话与满洲族称

    The Mythology of the Manchu Origin and the Address of " Manchu "

  26. 皇太极时期,战争仍然是满洲的主题。

    During Huang taiji , the war still is the subject of Manchuria .

  27. 日本已经建立起遍及韩国、满洲和香港的帝国

    Japan has built an empire across Korea , Manchuria and Hong Kong .

  28. 我觉得我是在为满洲人民做好事。

    I thought I was working for the good of the Manchurian people .

  29. 日本人强行他们的战俘通过满洲。

    The Japanese marched their prisoners through Manchuria .

  30. 修改一批以满洲国命名的昆虫学名

    Modification of Insect Scientific Names Connected with Manchukuo