
mǎn shè
  • surjection;epimorphism
满射[mǎn shè]
  1. 假定A是实秩零的并且Φ:A→B是有界线性满射。

    Assume that A is of real rank zero and φ: A → B is a bounded linear surjection .

  2. 介绍了一种面向移动Agent的并行计算模型,给出了采用十标度策略解决任务排序,采用满射策略解决任务映射的算法。

    A mobile agent oriented parallel computing model is introduced . In addition , an algorithm to sort tasks by 10-evenly divided scale strategy and to implement task mapping with surjection strategy is proposed .

  3. X0-Φ满射环上线性群的同构

    Isomorphism of the Linear Groups in Xo - φ - Surjective Ring

  4. X0-Φ满射环上的酉几何基本定理

    The Fundamental Theorem of Unitary Geometry Over X , - φ - Surjective Rings

  5. φ-满射环上SPn(V,L~⊥)的生成元

    The Generators of SPn ( V , L1 ) over - surjective Rings

  6. φ-满射环上GLn(R)中元素的三角分解

    The Triangular Factorization for Elements of GL_n ( R ) over φ - Surjective Rings

  7. 本文应用矩阵几何基本定理刻划了Mm(D)上保持粘切的加法满射。

    In this paper , by using the fundamental Theorems of the geometry of matrices we characterize the additive surjective map preserving adjacency on M_m ( D ) .

  8. 设X和Y是无限维的复Banach空间,Φ是从B(X)到B(Y)保单位的线性满射。

    Let X and Y be two infinite dimensional complex Banach spaces , and let be a unital linear surjection from B ( X ) onto B ( Y ) .

  9. Hermitian矩阵空间上保秩一的可加满射

    Additive rank-one preserving surjections on Hermitian matrix spaces

  10. 然后讨论了因子vonNeumann代数中套子代数上Jordan基本映射,并证明此类代数上的Jordan基本满射具有自动可加性。

    Then we proved Jordan elementary maps with some condition that on nest subalgebras of factor von Neumann algebras can additive automatically also .

  11. 证明了因子vonNeumann代数中两个套子代数之间双边保反零积且保单位元的线性满射是反同构。

    First , we proved that every linear maps that preserving anti-zero product and unit from one nest subalgebra of factor von Neumann algebra to another is an anti-isomorphism .

  12. Xi研究了具有同调理想的代数的Hochschild上同调,并证明了若Φ:A→B是同调满射,我们可以用一个长正合列将H~i(A)和H~i(B)联系起来。

    Xi researched the Hochschild cohomology of algebras with homological ideals in 2000 and proved that , if Φ : A → B is a homological epimorphism , Hi ( A ) and Hi ( B ) can be connected with a long exact sequence .

  13. 通过对Toeplitz算子符号的考察,作者得到了满射Toeplitz算子的一些充分和必要的条件,并对某些特殊情形作了详细的刻划,推广了MichaelSand的一个结果。

    The authors obtained some sufficient and necessary conditions of surjective Toeplitz operators , through investigating the symbol of Toeplitz operator . Furthermore the authors characterize some special cases in detail and generate one known result .

  14. 本文对具有无限个点的紧致度量空间上的连续满射,研究了伪轨跟踪性质与Ruelle-Takens意义下的混沌、拓扑混合及具有性质P的关系。

    For continuous surjection f of compact metric space with infinite elements , we study the relationships between f have the pseudo-orbit-tracing property and f is chaotic in the sense of Ruelle-Takens , topological mixing and have property P.

  15. 局部满射算子与局部扰动算子差的映射性质及其应用

    Mapping Property and Its Application of Local Surjection Operator Minus Local Disturbed Operator

  16. 对布尔代数上的可商满射的注记

    Notes on the quotient surjection in Boolean algebra

  17. 一类分块三角矩阵代数的保持秩1的线性满射

    Linear Surjective Rank - One Preserving Maps on Block Triangular Matrix Algebras of a Special Form

  18. 证明了若度量空间上的连续满射有伪轨跟踪性且是扩张映射,则它具有极限跟踪性。

    It is proved that iff is expanding and has the pseudo-orbit tracing property , then it has the limit shadowing property .

  19. 从第二章到第四章,本文分别研究了矩阵型条件投入产出方程解的存在性、连续相依性和满射性问题;

    From Chapter Two to Chapter Four , we study the conditional input and output equation and obtain the solvability theorem under certain conditions .

  20. 通过运用非线性分析中的重要结果,获得了这类方程在适当条件下的可解性结果&解的存在性、解集的连续相依性以及满射性定理。

    By applying important theorems in nonlinear analysis , some solvability results about this kind of conditional input and output equation are obtained under certain conditions .

  21. 给出了一类模糊映象的广义变分不等式解的存在性定理,讨论了模糊映象的满射性及有关性质。

    The existence of solution for generalized variational inequalities for fuzzy mapping was studied . Meanwhile , the properties of fuzzy maximal monotone mapping was discussed .

  22. 说明了微机局网的并行处理,采用满射、贪心算法进行任务分配,使各处理机的负载保持相对均衡。

    The paper explains parallel disposal of microcomputer LAN and adopts surjection 、 cupidity arithmetic for distributing task , which leads load of any processor to maintain relative balance .

  23. 本文得到了在同态满射下,极大正规子群的逆象也是极大正规子群,并给出了极大正规子群的象也是极大正规子群的一些等价条件。

    This article proves that in the homomorphism of G onto ■, the inverse image of a maximal normal subgroup in ■ is also a maximal normal subgroup in G.

  24. 弱自反余奇异算子是满射算子理想,由其生成的空间理想是满射的,以及考虑拟极大商空间与弱自反余奇异算子的关系。

    Weak reflexive cosingular operator is surjective operator ideal and the space ideal generated by it is surjective space ideal . The section 4 also considers the relations between quasi-maximal quotient space and weak reflexive cosingular operator .

  25. 揭示了布尔代数上的可商满射与布尔代数上的一类保交保并的满射间的等价性,证明了布尔代数上的可商满射为一一映射。

    In this paper we reveal the equivalence between the quotient surjection and a class of preserving union and intersection surjection in Boolean algebra and we prove that the quotient surjection in Boolean algebra is one-one mapping .

  26. 本文研究完备度量空间中扩张型映射对的公共不动点问题,主要结果是改进并推广了复合连续满射的某些压缩型映射对存在唯一公共不动点的条件。

    In this paper , we study expansive type mappings in complete metric space . The main re-sulfs are improved and generalized existence of common fixed point for composition continuity and injection a pair of expansive type mappings .

  27. 进一步给出了无限维情形下,若Φ是保交换零积可加满射,则Φ是非零数乘一个环同构或一个环反同构。

    If H is infinite dimensional and Φ is a surjective commutative zero-product preserving additive maps on B ( H ), It is obtained that Φ is a nonzero scalar multiple of a ring isomorphism or a ring anti-isomorphism .