
  1. 我们还没有满足教育方面的一项迫切需要。

    We still haven 't answered one crying need in education .

  2. 但不可否认的是我国教育督导制度仍处于探索时期,许多规定尚不能完全满足教育实践发展的需要。

    But our educational inspection is still in the exploration period .

  3. 从质量上讲,无论是硬件还是软件,均不能满足教育需求;

    In quality , they cannot meet the demand of education ;

  4. 内装修满足教育要求;

    Inner decoration should content with the education requirement .

  5. 指出了满足教育的个人需求的主要途径。

    It also puts forward the main methods to satisfy the personal need on education .

  6. 我国的创新教育改革要求教师要不断的在教学过程中创新改革,才能满足教育发展的要求。

    Innovative education reform requires to meet education requirements by continuously reforming and innovating in the teaching process .

  7. 根据我们的计划,那些满足教育和工作许可并表现出良好道德品德的人,

    Under our plan , those who meet education and work requirements , and show good moral character ,

  8. 我国教育投入体制的运行绩效存在进一步提升的空间,各地区的投入绩效存在差异,现阶段教育投入体制运行很难满足教育事业发展需要。

    The education investment system that runs at this stage is difficult to meet the needs of education development .

  9. 因此,只有对教育技术、教学理论的研究和应用才能满足教育发展。

    Only investigate and apply the educational technology and the teaching theory can we satisfy the development of education .

  10. 所以,把少数族群学生同化进主流文化的传统的同化主义教育方式已不能满足教育的需求。

    The traditional education which assimilates the minority students to mainstream culture cannot satisfy the need of future education .

  11. 可以说,这两类模拟器都很难满足教育与培训的需要。

    It can be said that these two types of simulators is difficult to meet the needs of education and training .

  12. 教育理论研究具有直接满足教育现实需要的工具性、对策性和进行教育文化、社会文化创造的双重意义。

    The study of educational theories serves two purposes : helping meet the practical needs of education and creating educational culture and social culture .

  13. 但是,从总体上看,教育经费投入依然不足,无法满足教育快速发展需要。

    However , on the whole , investment spending on education is still not enough to ensure the needs of the rapid development of education .

  14. 但由于贫困的存在,用以满足教育需求的资源终未促成意味平等的义务教育有效实施。

    Due to the existing poverty , the resources for the satisfaction of education do not contribute to the effective carrying out of compulsory education .

  15. 目前,网络课程开发理念、方法和过程方面已不能满足教育发展的需求,面临着严重的福特主义危机。

    Currently , web-based curriculum development 's idea , method and process already cannot satisfy the demand of education development , facing serious post-fordism crisis .

  16. 比方说,倘若没有存贷款丑闻,那国家就可能有资金缓解国债,满足教育开支。

    For example , but for the savings and loan debacle , there might be funds available to reduce the national debt and pay for education .

  17. 教育科研机构图书馆在新时期为更好地满足教育科研工作的需求,必须在信息服务功能上进行创新和拓展。

    Nowadays libraries in education and research should seek for innovation and development in their information services in order to better satisfy the need of educational research .

  18. 由于城市房地产价格的暴跌,以往的税收基本比率已经不能满足教育支出;

    As property prices in the city collapse , so too does the rate-base that is used to collect the taxes that go to pay for schools ;

  19. 在化学教学中实施问题探究式教学是适应时代发展的要求,满足教育改革的需要。

    Applying the question - inquiry teaching to chemistry teaching is adapted to the demand of development of the society and the requirement of the education reformation .

  20. 美国核医学会年会在满足教育和核医学和分子成像社区网络需求方面是全球最大的活动。

    SNM 's Annual Meeting is the world 's largest event focused exclusively on meeting the educational and networking needs of the nuclear medicine and molecular imaging community .

  21. 在高校后勤社会化改革的大背景下,在现有教育经费不能满足教育基础设施的需求情况下,高等院校如何改善大学的生活设施供给,已经成为迫切需要解决的问题。

    At the background of education logistics socialization and Education Industrialization , the universities logistics organizations have to apply some methods to improve the supply of living establishment .

  22. 但是由于它难以同时满足教育的面向全体与个别教学,人们尝试用种种方式来完善它甚至取代它,如道尔顿制、同质分组教学、个别化教学等等。

    However , as it cannot meet the needs of individual as well as collective teaching at the same time , educators have tried many ways to perfect it , or even take the place of it .

  23. 教育服务是高等教育的主要产品,高等教育质量就是高等教育服务产品的质量,即指高等教育服务产品满足教育需求主体显性或隐性需求的程度。

    Quality of higher education , which in essence equals the quality of higher education service products , refers to the extent to which the higher education service products can meet the implicit and explicit demands of the educational consumers .

  24. 在国家财政投入尚不能满足教育需要,收费也难以成为教育经费主渠道的情况下,笔者提出了开征教育税的设想。

    Under the circumstance that the national public finance can 't satisfy the education demand and charge is also hard to be the main outlet of education budget , the writer puts forward a conception about opening to an education tax .

  25. 因此,从价值需求和价值主体两个层面来考虑,当前高师公共教育学教学的价值主体应是全体大众,其教学应满足教育实践宏观普遍问题的理论需要。

    Therefore , in terms of value demands and value subjects , the value subjects of pedagogical teaching to non-pedagogy majors should be the broad masses and the teaching should meet the theoretical needs of the general issues in the educational practice .

  26. 随着高校扩招政策的实施,高校在校生人数的增多,对于教学信息的传统管理模式,已经无法满足教育管理者对决策信息的需求。

    With the implementation of the policy of University enrollment and the increasing number of the university students , the decision-making information which comes from the conventional pattern of the teaching management have been unable to meet the teaching managers ' requirements .

  27. 试图通过对多媒体流TCP友好的拥塞控制机制、无线网中改进传输控制协议TCP性能方法的研究和优化多媒体流多播路由算法,以满足远程教育及众多应用领域的需求。

    This paper tries to meet the needs for remote education and other applications by advancing TCP-friendly congestion control , improving performance of TCP for wireless networks , and optimizing multimedia streaming multicast algorithms .

  28. 第二、保证学校的必备设备和经费能够满足体育教育工作。

    Group solutions to ensure facilities and funding for physical education .

  29. 凭习惯性思维进行教学不能满足现代教育的需要。

    Teaching under habitual thinking cannot satisfy the need of modern education .

  30. 高等继续教育是满足终身教育发展的一种教育形式。

    Higher continuing education is a form by which to realize life-long education .