
  • 网络Consumer Satisfaction Research
  1. 偏最小二乘(partialleastsquare)方法的拟合指标及其在满意度研究中的应用

    Fit Index of Partial Least Square ( PLS ) and its Application to the Customer Satisfaction Model

  2. CRM中模糊数据挖掘及客户生命周期价值与客户满意度研究

    Research on Fuzzy Data Mining and Customer Lifetime Value and Customer Satisfaction in CRM

  3. 基于IPA分析法的衡山景区游客满意度研究

    On the Hengshan Scenic Area Tourists Satisfaction Based on IPA Method

  4. Artisan有晶状体眼人工晶状体植入术矫正近视后的视功能疗效和患者满意度研究

    Functional Outcome and Patient Satisfaction After Artisan Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation for the Correction of Myopia

  5. 本论文系国家社会科学基金项目《我国学习型企业信息消费的满意度研究》课题(批准号:03BTQ022)的研究成果之一。

    This paper is within the research of national social science fund projects " The Research on the Satisfaction Degree of Learning Enterprise Information Expense in China " ( No. 03BTQ022 ) .

  6. 广东省医院读者的阅读需求与读者满意度研究

    Research of reader satisfaction degree : based on the reading requirement

  7. 油田社区物业管理的顾客满意度研究

    Research on the Customer Satisfaction in Property Management of Oilfield Community

  8. 中国建设银行菏泽分行员工满意度研究

    Employee of China Construction Bank Heze Branch Degree of Satisfaction Studies

  9. 苏州大学引进教师工作满意度研究

    A Study of Introduced Teachers ' Job Satisfaction in Suzhou University

  10. 美国高校教师工作满意度研究&基于对美国全国教师调查数据的分析

    Study On Teacher 's Job Satisfaction in American Universities and Colleges

  11. 到目前为止还没有对石窟文化的游客满意度研究。

    So far there is no researches on the caves Culture .

  12. 高等学校学生工作学生满意度研究

    A Study on the University Student Satisfaction of the Student Affairs

  13. 成都、武汉居民休闲活动满意度研究

    A Research on Chengdu and Wuhan Inhabitants ' Leisure Satisfaction Degree

  14. 推进高校教师工作满意度研究

    Research on the Job Satisfaction Degree of Teachers in Colleges and Universities

  15. 我国企业信息消费满意度研究

    The Research on Satisfaction of Information Consumption in Chinese Enterprises

  16. 基于卡诺模型的大用户直购电满意度研究

    Research on Satisfaction of Large Consumers Direct-purchasing on Kano Model

  17. 福建省本科院校体育教师工作满意度研究

    Investigation on P.E. Teachers ' Job Satisfaction from Colleges in Fujian Province

  18. 基于面部表情量表的员工工作满意度研究

    Study on Employee Job Satisfaction Based on the Faces Scale

  19. 某院后勤社会化服务的顾客满意度研究

    Study on Customer Satisfaction of Socializing Logistics Service Quality in a Hospital

  20. 我国足球联赛观众满意度研究

    Study on the Spectator Satisfaction of the Games of Chinese Football Association

  21. 市民狂欢节市民对城市政府服务满意度研究

    The Study on Citizens ' Satisfaction about Local Government 's Services Civil Society

  22. 护士工作满意度研究进展

    A review of research of job satisfaction among nurses

  23. 农村信用社农民满意度研究

    Study on the Satisfaction of the Rural Credit Cooperatives

  24. 国内护士工作满意度研究文献分析

    Literature analysis of nurses ' job satisfaction in China

  25. 企业年金制度下员工满意度研究

    The Study of Job Satisfaction under Enterprise Pension System

  26. 饭店顾客满意度研究

    Study on the Degree of Hotel 's Customer Satisfaction

  27. 社区卫生服务从业人员工作满意度研究

    Research on Degree of Satisfaction towards to Job in Community Health Services Workers

  28. 工程争端预防及争端处理满意度研究

    Study on Construction Dispute Prevention and Dispute Resolution Satisfaction

  29. 武汉市社区卫生服务机构门诊病人满意度研究

    Study on the Outpatient 's Satisfaction of The Community Health Service in Wuhan

  30. 结构方程模型在图书馆读者满意度研究中的应用

    An Empirical Study on Library Users ' Satisfaction Based on Structural Equation model