
mǎn zú
  • meet with;meet;satisfy;fulfillment;content;fill;answer;gratification;indulge;sate
满足 [mǎn zú]
  • [satisfied;content] 对已得到的感到足够了

  • [satisfy;meet with;answer] 完全满意于一项欲望、渴念、需要或者要求的实现

  • 满足好奇心

满足[mǎn zú]
  1. 她对自己所得到的从不感到满足。

    She 's never satisfied with what she 's got .

  2. 她对自己的所得从不感到满足。

    She 's never satisfied with what she 's got .

  3. 开最新款式的车能满足一种庸俗的虚荣心。

    There is a snob value in driving the latest model .

  4. 我们怎样才最能满足后代子孙的需要?

    How can we best serve the needs of future generations ?

  5. 我在阳光下躺着就感到非常满足。

    I 'm perfectly content just to lie in the sun .

  6. 他们并不满足于那些美好未来的空话。

    They refused to settle for a promise of jam tomorrow .

  7. 现有的空间不能满足我们的需要。

    The space available is not adequate for our needs .

  8. 喂食通常可使正在哭闹的婴儿立即得到满足。

    A feed will usually provide instant gratification to a crying baby .

  9. 目前的工作未能让他感到满足。

    He doesn 't feel fulfilled in his present job .

  10. 这项工作没有满足她的期望。

    The job failed to measure up to her expectations .

  11. 除非某些条件得到满足,否则他们不会释放人质。

    They refused to release their hostages unless certain conditions were met .

  12. 这种产品是为了满足顾客的需要而开发的。

    The product was developed in response to customer demand .

  13. 这个机构是为优先满足老年人的需要而成立的。

    The organization was formed to prioritize the needs of older people .

  14. 似乎没有什么能满足他们对真理的渴求。

    Nothing seemed to satisfy their hunger for truth .

  15. 我需要一份真正令我感到满足的工作。

    I need a job that really fulfils me .

  16. 我们怎样才能最好地满足各种人的需要呢?

    How can we best meet the needs of all the different groups ?

  17. 课程已作调整,以满足学员的特别需要。

    The course had been geared towards the specific needs of its members .

  18. 他们在简朴的生活中得到满足。

    They found contentment in living a simple life .

  19. 制订特殊课程,以满足特定群体的需要。

    Special programmes of study are tailored to the needs of specific groups .

  20. 为了满足个别需要,大多数旅行社都愿意做出专门的旅游安排。

    Most travel agents are prepared to tailor travel arrangements to meet individual requirements .

  21. 满足这场高尔夫球热的唯一途径是增建球场。

    The only way to satisfy the golf boom was to build more courses .

  22. 我们不能满足对该产品的需求。

    We cannot satisfy demand for the product .

  23. 将建立更多的托儿所以满足高质量儿童保育的需要。

    More nurseries will be built to fill the need for high-quality child care .

  24. 我们的计划必须能够变通,以满足每个人的需要。

    Our plans need to be flexible enough to cater for the needs of everyone .

  25. 他最终得到了满足。

    He has found contentment at last .

  26. 对于吸毒者来说满足毒瘾胜过一切。

    For drug addicts , the need to feed the addiction takes priority over everything else .

  27. 他满足地轻声低语。

    He was purring with satisfaction .

  28. 她夺走了我的男朋友还不满足,又挑起我所有的朋友和我作对。

    Not content with stealing my boyfriend , she has turned all my friends against me .

  29. 我的要求得到了满足。

    My request was granted .

  30. 他满足于站在一旁,看妻子一步步地建立起一个成功的商业帝国。

    He was content to watch from the sidelines as his wife built up a successful business empire .