
mǎn yǔ
  • Manchu language
  1. 满语是我国东北地区的一种重要的民族语言。

    The Manchu language is one of the important national languages in the Northeast of China .

  2. 中国濒危少数民族语言调查研究&满语现存情况调查报告

    Investigate and Research on the Endangering Minorities ' Language of China-Investigation Report on the Existing Situation of Manchu Language

  3. 谈满语动词后缀ci

    On the Verb Affix ci in Manchu

  4. 满语副动词fi与pi浅析

    Simple Analysis on the Manchu Adverbial Verbs fi and pi

  5. 满语研究中,迄今对副动词pi与fi,归纳、解释不一,对满文翻译方面有一定影响。

    In Manchu studies , the explanations on the Manchu adverbial verbs fi and pi has still not reached unanimous conclusion , which exerts a certain influence on Manchu translation .

  6. 本文通过例句分析,认为满语动词词缀ci在动词式中应该划分为动词的假定式和引发式,ci在假设复句和承接复句中起连接前后句作用。

    Based on the example sentences , the paper thinks that the verb affix ci in Manchu should be divided into two forms : supposition and initiation , and ci plays a connecting role between two sentences in supposition sentence and continuous sentence of two or more clauses .

  7. 现代满语唇辅音和圆唇元音的交互作用

    The Interaction of Labial Consonants and Rounded Vowels in Modern Manchu

  8. 满语判断标记词及其句法功能

    The Marking Words of Judgment of Manchu and their Grammatical Function

  9. 通古斯&满语族英雄神话比较

    A Comparative Study of Heroic mythologies in Tungusic - Manchu family

  10. 关于满语-mbi词缀

    On the Affix " - mbi " in Manchu Language

  11. 你怎么开始学习满语的?你小的时候。

    How did you start studying Manchu , when you were little ?

  12. 满语地名音译中的语音对译问题

    On the Pronunciation Counter - Translation of Manchu Place Names

  13. 蒙古语和满语基本颜色词的比较研究

    A Comparison of Basic - color Expressions Used in Mongolian and Manchu

  14. 满语地名研究方法谈

    On the Research Methods of Place Names in Manchu

  15. 满语研究灰色文献若干问题刍议

    A Preliminary Discussion on the Several Issues of Grey Literature in Manchu Studies

  16. 满语动词的连用形式与副动形式

    The Linking Uses and Verbal Forms of Manchu Verbs

  17. 满语地名研究的新篇章

    A New Page in the Research of the Man Language and Place Name

  18. 满语动词过去时新解

    New Explanation on the Past Tense of Manchu Verbs

  19. 作为一种濒危语言,满语近年来越来越受到国内外学术界的关注与重视。

    As an endangered language , Manchu has got more and more attention .

  20. 满语和锡伯语元音系统结构的历时比较

    On the Vowel System Shift from Manchu to Sibe : a Structural Perspective

  21. 满语缩合词研究论濒危语言&满语

    A Study of Contraction Words in Manchu Language

  22. 关于满语第一人称复数代词

    On the First Person Plural Pronouns in Manchu

  23. 满语的副动形式是常见的语法现象之一。

    It is one of common grammatical phenomena .

  24. 在国内,满语教学主要分非学历教育和学历教育两部分。

    In China , Manchu language teaching is divided into formal and informal education .

  25. 蒙语与满语关系探究

    The Relation Between Mongolian and Man Language

  26. 试论满语动词的副动形式

    On the Adverbial Forms of Manchu Verbs

  27. 后来,随着社会的发展,满语满文渐渐退出了历史舞台。

    With the progress of society , however , they gradually declined out of use .

  28. 满语口语研究的重音问题

    The Accent of Research on Spoken Manchu

  29. 这些因素综合作用,导致了黑龙江满语的最后衰退。

    These factors work together and lead to the final decline of Manchu in Heilongjiang .

  30. 论汉语中的满语借词

    On the Chinese Loanwords from Manchu