
  1. 满全我们众弟兄亲属对救恩的期求,并赏赐他们永恒的生命。

    Grant our brothers and relatives their saving petitions and eternal life .

  2. 我们知道基督怎样满全了旧约,甚至修改了旧约。

    We know how Jesus himself completed and even changed the Old Testament .

  3. 创世之初神的计划是让人类遍满全地。

    God 's plan for people in the beginning of the world was for them to go out and fill the earth .

  4. 从根基由下而上「正直」的人是快乐、有福的,他们的心已经满全而又良善。

    Happy , blessed is he who has become " upright " from the roots , whose heart has become whole and good .

  5. 神起初的计划是让人类生养众多遍满全地。

    God 's plan for the people in the beginning of the world was that they would multiply and go out and fill the earth .

  6. 加州撒满全世界最绚暖的阳光,加州开满全世界最馥郁的繁花。

    The sunshine in California is the warmest in the whole world , and the flowers in California is the most fragrant in the whole world .

  7. 你们就应彼此意见一致,同气相爱,同心合意,思念同样的事,以满全我的喜乐。

    Fulfill ye my joy , that you may be of one mind , having the same charity , being of one accord , agreeing in sentiment .

  8. 动物与其他生物照着神的吩咐四处分布遍满全地,然而人类还没有。

    The animals and other creatures were going out here and there to fill the earth , just as God had commanded , but people were not !

  9. 一旦遭受细菌污染,只要改善通气条件,平菇菌丝仍能恢复生长,并可长满全袋,正常出菇。

    As long as the aerobic condition of the contaminated bags was improved the mycelium continued to grow full of the bags and the fruit bodies of pleurotus were produced normally .

  10. 要得到大赦,教友须在5月15至25日之间,参加教区主办的活动,同时也要满全一般得全大赦的条件。

    To receive the plenary indulgence , the faithful should participate in one of the solemn functions to be held May15-25 in the diocese , as well as fulfilling the customary conditions .

  11. 她满脑子全是对过去的回忆,其他事情都不想了。

    Memories of the past filled her mind to the exclusion of all else .

  12. 每次雪莉去度假,她脸书主页的更新就满满地全是地理位置炫耀,“在巴黎小睡······”、“人在马尔代夫,准备潜水啦”之类的。

    For example : Every time when Shelly goes on vacation , her Facebook page is filled with geobragging updates , such as " Taking a nap ... in Paris " and " ready to dive in the Maldives " .

  13. 汤姆打了一支满垒全垒打。

    Tom hit a home run with the bases loaded .

  14. 现在正是满垒全垒打的最好机会。

    It 's the perfect chance to Grandslam now .

  15. 第38天:自孩子出生,手机里满满地全是他的照片。

    Day 38 : A thousand new photos on your phone since birth .

  16. 雷济?杰克森打了个满垒全垒打。

    Reggie Jackson hit a grand slam .

  17. 他们上来遍满了全地,围住圣徒的营,与蒙爱的城。

    They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God 's people , the city he loves .

  18. 总体样本风速风向联合概率分析方法满速率全分集的准正交空时分组码及性能分析

    Analytical Method of Joint Probability Density Function of Wind Speed and Direction from Parent Population Full-rate full-diversity quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes and performance analysis

  19. 成千上万的游客,宾馆会全部客满,餐馆全是客人,还有拥挤的交通。

    Thousands of tourists , all the hotels full , restaurants crowded , heavy traffic .

  20. 氧化锆全陶瓷轴承氮化硅全陶瓷轴承满装球全陶瓷轴承陶瓷保持架全陶瓷轴承混合陶瓷球轴承;

    Silicon nitride zirconia ceramic bearings Full ceramic bearings Full ceramic bearing ceramic ball the whole cage full ceramic bearing ceramic ball bearing ;

  21. 因为史黛西吗我满脑子想的全是她

    Because of Stacy ? She 's all I could think about .

  22. 我给你倒满你杯子里全是泡沫

    Uh , let me fill up your glass . That glass was all foam .

  23. 我还没回过神来,整个法庭站满了人,全很愤怒,因为我们在谈种族问题,

    And before I knew it , the courtroom was filled with people angry that we were talking about race ,

  24. 凯瑟琳本想向他道喜,可是不知说啥是好,满肚子的话全含在眼神里。

    Catherine wished to congratulate him , but knew not what to say , and her eloquence was only in her eyes .

  25. 我记得,当我们已攻占满垒时,我真希望能击出满垒全垒打。

    I remember when we had all the bases loaded , I was hoping for a grand slam .