
  • second generation emperor
二皇帝 [èr huáng dì]
  • [second generation emperor] 一个朝代的第二代皇帝

  1. 李世民(600~649),庙号太宗,唐朝第二位皇帝,公元626年至649年在位。

    Li Shimin ( 600 ~ 649 ) , temple name Taizong , was the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty of China from 626 to 649 .

  2. 康熙(1654——1722),名玄烨,清朝的第二个皇帝(1661——1722),中国最有能力的统治者之一,为中国长期的政治稳定和繁荣奠定了基础。

    Kangxi ( 1654 - - 1722 ) was the second emperor of the Qing Dynasty . His personal name was Xuanye . One of China 's most capable rulers , Kangxi ( 1661 - - 1722 ) laid the foundation for a long period of political stability and prosperity .

  3. 第二章论述乾隆皇帝亲自主持征集天下书籍;

    The second chapter discusses Emperor Qianlong personally manage to collect the world books ;

  4. 第二天早晨,皇帝对召集到御前的军官们说,“你们不仅仅拯救了一个俄罗斯,而且还拯救了整个欧洲。”大家在当时已经听懂了,战争还没有结束。

    When next morning the Tsar said to the officers gathered about him : " You have not only saved Russia , you have saved Europe ," every one knew at once that the war was not over .

  5. 这个国家现在正在养育第二代“小皇帝”(独生子女,他们的父母通常也是独生子女),人人都想知道这批孩子长大以后,会不会比他们那帮在溺爱中成长的父母更加骄纵、幼稚、自私。

    The country is now raising its second generation of " little emperors " - only children , often born to parents who are themselves only children - and everybody wants to know if they are going to end up even more spoiled , immature and selfish than their overindulged parents .

  6. 他的二儿子篡权夺位,成为了秦朝的第二任皇帝。秦二世实行了更为残暴的统治。

    His second son usurped the throne to become to Second Emperor . He imposed an even more barbarous rule .