
èr chónɡ chànɡ
  • duet
  • duet
二重唱 [èr chóng chàng]
  • (1) [duet]

  • (2) 两个歌手分别就高、低音对一首歌进行的演唱

  • (3) 为两个歌手所写的有或无伴奏的乐曲

  1. 小王和小张表演了二重唱。

    Xiao Wang and Xiao Zhang sang a duet .

  2. 然而,和LadyGaga的二重唱却没有收录到出此专辑中。

    However , a duet with Lady Gaga was canned from the album .

  3. 喝下午茶的时候,维多利亚与其夫君艾伯特亲王表演了二重唱。

    At teatime , Victoria sang duets with her Consort , Prince Albert

  4. 发表在9月4日《当代生物学》(CurrentBiology)上的一篇论文可以解释,一些鸟儿为何要唱令人难忘的二重唱。

    A paper in 4 Sep 's Current Biology may explain why some birds sing impressive duets .

  5. 这简直要杀了我,克拉克森在接受为ABC广播公司即将举行的二重唱歌曲比赛节目的采访时告诉《人物》。

    It is killing me , Clarkson told PEOPLE while doing press for ABC 's upcoming singing competition show Duets .

  6. Maroon5和CA获得最佳流行二重唱提名因为他们的歌MovesLikeaJagger

    Maroon 5 and Christina Aguilera are nominated for Best Pop Duo for their song , Moves Live a Jager .

  7. 音乐方面,很长一段时期丹麦音乐以小提琴和风琴二重唱占主导地位,相似于其斯堪的那维亚(Scandinavia)半岛上的北方邻国。

    In music , Danish music has long been dominated by a fiddle and accordion duo , much like its northern neighbors in Scandinavia .

  8. 阿贡·库尔尼亚万(AgungKurniawan)等本地画家、名为“独立游击队”(Indieguerillas)的二重唱,以及木偶制作者兼卡通师艾克·努格罗霍(EkoNugroho)都带来风格鲜明、异想天开而又严厉的风格,对政治与流行文化发表犀利的评论。

    Local painters such as Agung Kurniawan , the duo known as Indieguerillas , and the puppet maker and cartoonist Eko Nugroho offer an emphatic , whimsical yet brutal approach that can deliver scabrous commentary on politics and pop culture .

  9. 有没有人要跟我唱二重唱?

    Do anyone want to sing a duet with me ?

  10. 终场二重唱可以说是全剧最富于悲剧性的部分。

    The final duet is the most tragical part of the opera .

  11. 二重唱通常由成年雄性发起,并占主导地位,最后一般由雄性结束。

    The duets usually started and ended by adult males .

  12. 简单地说,我要创造一个二重唱。

    So basically I 'm going to make a duet .

  13. 你们想不想听听二重唱应该是什么样的?

    Do you wanna hear how the duet 's supposed to sound ?

  14. 在厄瓜多尔的平尾鹪鹩以雌雄间的二重唱而著称。

    Plain-tailed wrens in Ecuador are famous for duets between males and females .

  15. ·年度乡村二重唱/组合奖:DixieChicks

    · Country Albums Artist Duo / Group Of The Year : Dixie Chicks

  16. 二重唱歌声是多么美妙。

    What a duet for a girl and goatherd .

  17. 1990年,他和布鲁克斯共组布鲁克斯和邓恩二重唱组合。

    In1990 , he teamed with Kix Brooks to form Brooks & Dunn .

  18. 你愿意和我唱首二重唱吗?

    Would you join me in the Deut ?

  19. 这位著名的歌星和他的合作者将在音乐会上三月演二重唱。

    The famous star and his partner will give a duet at the concert .

  20. 观众们纷纷被感染了:可爱的父女二重唱至今已获得了超过18万的收视率。

    Others agreed : The adorable daddy-and-daughter duet now has more than 180000 views .

  21. 加斯东也会唱这首歌,他们就来了个二重唱。

    Gaston knew the song , and they truned it into a sort of duet .

  22. 最近的前十首主打歌曲是他和老朋友蒂姆·麦克格雷的二重唱。

    The recent Top 10 hit is a duet with his longtime friend Tim McGraw .

  23. 它可以单独演奏,也可以为独唱或二重唱伴奏。

    It is either played on its own or used to accompany solo voices and duets .

  24. 如果你可以跟一个人来一次二重唱;无论活着的还是已经死去的人,会是谁呢?

    If you could do a duet with one person ; alive or dead-who would it be ?

  25. 之前我从没打算过要做二重唱,到目前为止也没有这种安排。

    Ive never really thought about doing duets before and so far the situation has never arose .

  26. 独奏布兰达比较喜欢和我一起二重唱,而比较不喜欢独唱,

    Instead of sining a solo , Brenda would prefer to join with me in a duet .

  27. 来个二重唱吧。

    Letis sing a duet .

  28. 布伦达比较喜欢和我一起二重唱,而不太喜欢独唱。

    Instead of singing a solo , Brenda would prefer to join with me in a duet .

  29. 歌剧在一段美妙的终曲二重唱中结束。这段二重唱非常感人,观众都陷入了沉默。

    The opera finishes with a beautifully-sung final duet , which was so moving that the audience fell silent .

  30. 迪娜:也许是,也许,在等待时可以唱一段二重唱!

    Tina : Maybe , maybe not , but at least we can sing a duet while we wait !