
  • 网络plucked;picking;Pizzicato
  1. 尖锐的震动音(如拨弦的声音)。

    A sharp vibrating sound ( as of a plucked string ) .

  2. 谁的纤指拨弦,弹奏着一曲情爱的清音,纵然那眉间似水的柔媚,如花的梅妆,却也惊得一树的芳香,梅花三弄的雅兴。

    Who plucked , playing with a love of the voiceless , even though it 's soft Things glabella , flowery makeup of the plum , but also a tree aromatic , of Three Variations of Plum Flowers .

  3. 练习每一个动作,最简单的手指拨弦动作,比如一个音符:用食指在G弦上练习发音。

    Practice each action , the very simple action of plucking one finger , like one note : index , boing on the G.

  4. PluckingSoundsFromthePast拨弦弄乐话“泰雅”我们许多人都去过乌来观赏那里闻名的瀑布,但你是否曾经停下来去聆听那来自古老土著居民村落内心深处的独特音乐呢?

    Many of us have passed through Wulai to view its famous waterfall , but have you ever stopped to appreciate the unique sounds coming from the heart of this ancient aboriginal village ?

  5. 我在一个很传统的拨弦乐器制作店里找到了工作。

    I took a job in a very traditional luthier 's shop .

  6. 《全唐诗》中的拨弦乐器研究

    The Research of String Instrument in the Whole Poetry of Tang Dynasty

  7. 远程准入拨入用户服务使用拨弦的方式使发音。

    Remote Access Dial-In User Service cause to sound with a twang .

  8. 现在,捷克一名拨弦古钢琴家进行了改造。

    It 's now been reconstructed by a Czech harpsichordist .

  9. 拨弦声;嘣的一声;

    The string broke with a sharp twang .

  10. 使用拨弦的方式使发音。

    Cause to sound with a twang .

  11. 我能够运用原声民谣拨弦滑音吉他技巧等等

    So I could apply all of this acoustic folk picking and slide guitar and etc etc

  12. 一种纵向削制的形状如梨的拨弦乐器,琴颈上有定音档的指板,通常弯曲于调音单轴之。

    And a neck with a fretted fingerboard that is usually bent just below the tuning pegs .

  13. 目前,振弦式传感器激励主要有高压拨弦和低压扫频激励两种方式。

    At present , vibrating wire sensors drives in two ways : High-voltage twang and low-voltage with frequency up .

  14. 所幸的是,附近有一位拨弦乐器制作工匠,塞戈维亚很快喜欢上了吉他。

    Luckily for us , there was a luthier nearby and Segovia took an instant liking to the guitar .

  15. 它也被成为“民乐之王”或者“拨弦乐器之王”。

    It is called the " king of folk music " or the " king of plucked string instrument " .

  16. 不过小提琴制作一般都是家族产业,特别是安东尼奥·斯特拉迪瓦里(1644-1737),他是一位意大利拨弦乐器制作匠,他制作的小提琴价位也不是一般的高。

    Nevertheless , violins constructed by the family , particularly Antonio Stradivari , an Italian luthier who lived from 1644 to 1737 , command outrageous prices .

  17. 或是木琴,轻轻地一拨弦,发出如同手指滑过金属梳齿的声音。

    Or like marimbas only with a funny little plucked sound to it like if you were running your fingers across the teeth of a metal comb .

  18. 钢琴的家系可以追溯至15至16世纪早期的键盘乐器,包括小型拨弦琴、洋琴和维金娜琴。

    The ancestry of the piano can be traced to the early keyboard instruments of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries & the spinet , the dulcimer , and the virginal .

  19. 象我这样年龄,演奏上不大可能变得更强或是更弱,因此我需要一把可以让我以平常的力量拨弦时,也能够得到足够大音量的吉他。

    At my age , I can 't suddenly play much stronger or much weaker , so I need a guitar which when I do my average pluck , I get enough sound .

  20. 17世纪时风琴、敲弦琴和拨弦琴成为键盘乐器类的主要成员。这种至高无上的地位一直为它们所保持,直到18世纪末期钢琴将它们取代。

    In the seventeenth century the organ , the clavichord , and the harpsichord became the chief instruments of the keyboard group , a supremacy they maintained until the piano supplanted them at the end of the eighteenth century .

  21. 人们最喜欢用具备明快有力音调的拨弦古钢琴来配合当时小型管弦乐团的低音乐器以及在演奏会上演奏。但它的音调难以变化,除非使用机械或构件装置。

    The harpsichord with its bright , vigorous tone was the favorite instrument for supporting the bass of the small orchestra of the period and for concert use , but the character of the tone could not be varied save by mechanical or structural devices .

  22. 然而由于它的音调变化多,许多作曲家发现对于亲切的室内乐是一种得体的乐器。人们最喜欢用具备明快有力音调的拨弦古钢琴来配合当时小型管弦乐团的低音乐器以及在演奏会上演奏。

    nevertheless , because of the variety of tone possible to it , many composers found the clavichord a sympathetic instrument for intimate chamber music.The harpsichord with its bright , vigorous tone was the favorite instrument for supporting the bass of the small orchestra of the period and for concert use ,