
yuán wǔ qǔ
  • waltz
圆舞曲 [yuán wǔ qǔ]
  • [waltz] 主要为音乐会演出用的3/4拍的器乐、交响乐或声乐的乐曲

圆舞曲[yuán wǔ qǔ]
  1. 她应听众的要求又加演了一首肖邦的圆舞曲。

    She played a Chopin waltz as an encore .

  2. 从肖邦《c小调圆舞曲》的结构特性谈作品曲式结构的多释性

    On the Multi-interpretation of the Structure Characteristics of Chopin ′ s Music Works Taking " the Waltz No.7 , In C Sharp Minor Op. " as Example

  3. 但是要当心:除非你领会中世纪的历史、被革新释放的虔诚的复仇女神,以及奥匈帝国(austro-hungarianempire)的政治圆舞曲,否则,这个城市或许会淹没你和你的无知。

    But be warned : unless you have a grasp of medieval history , the religious furies unleashed by the reformation and the political roundelays of the Austro-Hungarian Empire , the city might overwhelm you with your own ignorance .

  4. 那之前,只有你们天主教徒在这里跳圆舞曲!

    Before that , you Christians did the ball dance here !

  5. 圆舞曲是诞生在维也纳的华尔滋轻舞曲。

    The Waltz was born from the Viennese Waltz soft dance music .

  6. 在他六岁时就开始习作圆舞曲。

    He had started to make up waltzes when he was only six .

  7. 人们一提到维也纳就会联想到华尔兹圆舞曲和咖啡馆。

    People connect Vienna with waltzes and coffee-houses .

  8. 他们在演奏一首斯特劳斯的圆舞曲。

    They are playing a waltz by Strauss .

  9. 肖邦圆舞曲之艺术特色

    The Art Characteristics of Chopin 's Waltz

  10. 管弦乐队开始演奏圆舞曲。

    The orchestra struck up a waltz .

  11. 肖邦圆舞曲的研究

    The Study of the Waltz of Chopin

  12. 少女在钢琴前坐下,轻快地弹奏了一支施特劳斯的圆舞曲。

    The young girl sat down to the piano and rattled off a Waltz by Strauss .

  13. 他做梦都想着圆舞曲,并渴望像他父亲一样站在乐队前进行演奏。

    He dreamed of waltzes and of playing in front of an orchestra like his father .

  14. 在圆舞曲之城维也纳的许多圆舞曲中,人们最喜爱这一首。

    Most loved of all the many waltzes that came from Vienna , the city of waltzes .

  15. 于是西方音乐史上才流传下如此多的室内乐、圆舞曲。

    So the history of Western music , handed down only so much chamber music , Waltz .

  16. 他的圆舞曲不像源出波兰民族音乐形式的波罗涅兹舞曲和马祖卡舞曲一样占有重要地位;不如叙事曲、练习曲等体裁的作品那样具有深刻的思想内容和精湛华丽的技巧。

    His waltz is not so important as Polonaise and Mazurka originating from Poland ethnic music forms .

  17. 一百多年以来,圆舞曲一直是这个城市的音乐之声。

    For more than a hundred years now , the waltz has set the city 's musical tone .

  18. 她唱的晚会圆舞曲轻松愉快,层次分明,音量的控制也恰到好处。

    Her singing of " Evening Waltz " was easy and lively , well-balanced and appropriately controlled in volume .

  19. 在音乐方面,中欧有大量的古典作曲家。小约翰斯·特劳斯为维也纳贡献了圆舞曲;

    In terms of music , Central Europe can lay claim to an astonishing roll call of classical composers .

  20. 大多数维也纳人坚定而充满感情地把圆舞曲看作一种属于自己的音乐形式。

    In most Viennese heads , nothing except the waltz is so firmly and so affectionately fixed as the one truly indigenous musical form .

  21. 他最著名的作品是《拉德茨基进行曲》,最著名的圆舞曲是《莱茵河女妖罗蕾莱》(作品第154号)。

    His most famous piece , however , is probably the Radetzky March whereas his most famous waltz is probably the Lorelei Rhine Kl ? nge op.154 .

  22. 婚礼举行前,在田纳西圆舞曲的音乐声中,40岁的托斯和瑞茜的两个孩子――11岁的艾娃和7岁的迪肯举行了传统仪式。

    Toth , 40 , had earlier arrived for the traditional service with her children Ava , 11 , and Deacon , 7 , while the Tennessee Waltz played .

  23. 他以创作圆舞曲文明,并跟随约瑟夫·兰纳乐团演奏推广他的音乐,同时也为子承父业打下了基础。

    He was known particularly for his waltzes and for popularizing it alongside Josef Lanner thereby ( without intention ) setting the foundations for his sons to carry on his musical dynasty .

  24. 我告诉她,在我年幼的时候,我父母让我学了一段时间的钢琴,六个月后我还在弹“花之圆舞曲”,于是我忍无可忍了。

    I told her how , when I was younger , my parents had made me learn piano for a period of time , but after six months I was still playing " Dance of the Flowers " and couldn 't stand it any more .