
yuán chǎng
  • Circular field;mediate;help to effect a compromise;run around on the stage
圆场 [yuán chǎng]
  • [mediate] 为打开僵局而从中解说或提出折衷办法

  • [run around on the stage] 在舞台上以圆形轨迹奔跑

圆场[yuán chǎng]
  1. 哈迪夫人赶紧问客人假期过得怎么样,替自己的言不得体打圆场。

    Mrs Hardie hurried to make up for her tactlessness by asking her guest about his holiday

  2. 全息凹面光栅二阶圆场和平场成象特性

    Second order circular and flat field imaging properties of holographically concave gratings

  3. 不过还是要谢谢你刚才为我打圆场

    But I appreciate your covering for me in there .

  4. 那你是怎么圆场的?

    So how 'd youget out of that one ?

  5. 地区的杨副部长也打圆场。

    Yang , also vice minister of the region to smooth things over .

  6. 我只是为了替你的故事打圆场,好嘛?

    Well , I was just trying to salvage that story , okay ?

  7. 我憎恶在学校打圆场棒球。

    I hated playing rounders at school .

  8. 为什么这一切开始得如此突然,仅仅是有一点点的解说来为此圆场?

    Why did this all just happen so suddenly with only a small bit of explanation ?

  9. 把我放在哥伦布圆场。

    Drop me at Columbus circle .

  10. 好的。抱歉,抱歉,那你是怎么圆场的?

    Right , sorry , sorry . So how 'd you get out of that one ?

  11. 这个晚宴的主人,我的朋友苏珊,试着帮我在其他客人面前圆场。

    My friend Susan , the host , tried to rehabilitate me with the remaining guests .

  12. 马克她不在这了没必要再给她圆场了

    Oh , Marc , she 's gone . You don 't have to defend her anymore .

  13. 进一步讨论获得既不离焦也无象散的圆场和平场装架的可能性。

    Furthermore , the possibilities for yielding both non defocus and anastigmatism circular and flat field mounts are discussed .

  14. 发言人,主持人被要求打圆场,将其掩盖过去。

    The talking head , the host , is required to make the transition then , so the obvious is obscured .

  15. 迈洛一声不响地走上前去给他打圆场,他这才乖乖地跟着他走到独用的那张餐桌旁边。小乖乖去拿手套给我。

    Milo glided forward wordlessly to rescue him , by leading him tamely to his private table . Be a poppet and get my gloves .

  16. 他和那家人好好的谈过。我确定他为了确保我没有被控告而替我打了圆场。

    He talked to the family , and I 'm quite sure that he smoothed things over and made sure that I didn 't get sued .

  17. 还好,亨曼过来打圆场,说他昨天打完单打也洗了一把,因为脚太疼了。

    Luckily , Henman came to the rescue and said he 'd just taken one last night after his singles match and his legs felt awesome .

  18. 还指出仅当柱面或平面光栅时,才能形成二阶子午无离焦平场和弧矢无象散圆场谱面。

    It is also shown that only when the gratings are cylinder or plane ones , the second order sagittal anastigmatic circular field and meridional non defocus flat field spectral images can be formed .

  19. 你得来劝劝丽萃跟柯林斯先生结婚,因为她赌咒发誓不要他;假如你不赶快来打个圆场,他就要改变主意,反过来不要她了。

    You must come and make Lizzy marry Mr. Collins , for she vows she will not have him , and if you do not make haste he will change his mind and not have her .

  20. 从全息凹面光栅几何成象理论出发,用简捷的解析方法研究固定入射狭缝全息凹面衍射光栅摄谱装架二阶圆场和平场成象特性。

    From the viewpoint of the geometrical imaging theory , the second order circular and flat field imaging properties of holographically concave diffraction grating spectrographs with a fixed entrance slit and the circular or flat field image are investigated by use of a straightforward analytics .

  21. 希腊剧场的形式令人想到一个寂寞的山谷,舞台的建筑有如灿烂的云彩,酒神的顶礼者挤拥在山上,从高处俯视这景象,一个壮丽的圆场,酒神的形象就在它中间出现。

    The structure of the Greek theater reminds us of a lonely mountain valley : the architecture of the stage resembles a luminous cloud configuration which the Bacchae behold as they swarm down from the mountaintops ; a marvelous frame in the center of which Dionysus manifests himself to them .