
yuán mínɡ yuán
  • Old Summer Palace;imperial garden and palace burnt by British/French troops in 1860
圆明园 [yuán míng yuán]
  • [Winter palace] 中国清代皇家御苑。在北京西郊颐和园东。原是1709年康熙赐予雍正的别墅,雍正即位后于1725年建为苑囿。乾隆时大加扩建。圆明园通常指圆明、长春、绮春三园。建在湖泊密布的平原上,占地320公顷,水面占35%。除圆明园前部中轴线上的正大光明殿和后面的九州、清宴两组建筑具有宫殿性质外,其余上百组大小建筑群都是分布在湖边岛上的园林建筑,其中后湖、福海景物最密集。三园于1860年被英法联军焚毁,现仅西洋楼存留断壁残垣

  1. 侵略者恣意妄为,把圆明园付之一炬。

    The invaders wantonly set fire to Yuan Ming Yuan .

  2. 其结果表明狐尾藻浸出液中的化感物质可有效地抑制圆明园水样中的藻类生长及MC的产生。

    The results showed that the Myriophyllum allelochemicals can effectively inhibit the growth of algae and MC production in Yuanmingyuan actual water samples .

  3. 根据圆明园实际水样的MC含量测定可知,此检测方法适合实际水样中MC含量的测定。

    This test method is suitable for the determination of MC in the real water samples , according to the actual Yuanmingyuan water sample result of MC determination .

  4. 与之相反,《圆明园长春园孤寂的拱门》(SolitaryArch,ChangchunYuan,YuanmingYuan)则表现的是积雪覆盖的一座残缺拱门,两侧栽着纤弱的歪树,好像是通往神奇而遥远世界的入口。

    Conversely , " Solitary Arch , Changchun Yuan , Yuanming Yuan , " shows the skeleton of a snow-topped vault flanked by thin tilted trees , an entrance into a world both magical and removed .

  5. 亦真亦幻的户外增强现实系统&圆明园的数字重建

    Outdoor augmented reality and its application in digital reconstruction of Yuanmingyuan

  6. 圆明园的壮丽是其他园林无可比拟的。

    The grandeur of the Old Summer Palace is second to none .

  7. 圆明园我们到底怎样爱你?

    Old summer palace , how do we love you after all ?

  8. 九州清宴是圆明园景区中最大的建筑群。

    Kyushu-ching Yuanmingyuan scenic feast is the largest construction group .

  9. 清华大学与圆明园相邻。

    Tsinghua University is next to Yuan Ming Yuan park .

  10. 圆明园遗址公园水文地质条件分析

    An analysis of hydrogeologic conditions near the Yuanmingyuan Ruins Park

  11. 圆明园属于异想艺术范畴。

    The Winter Palace belongs in the art of fancy .

  12. 珠海最吸引游客的地方是新圆明园。

    The most attractive place for tourists in Zhuhai is the New Yuanmingyuan .

  13. 记忆的边缘:圆明园遗址保护的内容介绍

    Memory on the Edge-Preservation of Yuanmingyuan Ruins : An Introduction to the Project

  14. 雨果怒斥火烧圆明园

    Victor Hugo Condemning the Burning of the Winter Palace

  15. 而实际上,圆明园里的水几乎已经干涸了。

    The fact is that the water in Yuanmingyuan is almost dried up .

  16. 基于增强现实技术的圆明园现场数字重建

    On-site Digital Reconstruction of Yuanmingyuan Using Augmented Reality Technology

  17. 浅析圆明园景观与中国传统文化

    Analysis of Yuanmingyuan Landscape and Chinese Historic Culture

  18. 首先,圆明园两件文物的竞拍者拒绝付款,中方对此有何评论?

    Firstly , how do you comment on the auction winner refusing to pay ?

  19. 孟斗班与第二次鸦片战争&新公布的档案文献揭露英军焚毁圆明园之真相

    Charles Cousin Montauban and the Second Opium War

  20. 圆明园受到了两次洗劫。

    The Palace was plundered and burned twice .

  21. 类比法在圆明园防渗工程环评中的应用

    Application of Analogy Method to Environmental Impact Assessment for Anti-leakage Engineering of Yuanmingyuan Park

  22. 英军焚毁圆明园原因考实

    A Textual Research on the Reason of the British Military to Burn Yuan Ming Yuan

  23. 论圆明园荷花池用聚乙烯膜防渗的科学性

    On the Effect of Seepage Prevention of Lotus Pool of Yuanmingyuan Garden by Polyethylene Membrane

  24. 圆明园的南部为朝廷区,是皇帝处理公务之所。

    Yuanmingyuan court for the Southern District , the emperor is handled by the public .

  25. 伟大的艺术家、诗人、哲人们都知道圆明园。

    Great art , poets , philosophers & they all knew about the Winter Palace .

  26. 有一天,两个强盗闯进了圆明园。

    One day , two pirates broke into it . One of them went plundering ;

  27. 怎样才能使圆明园的价值被最大化,而不仅仅是作为国耻的纪念存在?

    How can Yuanmingyuan 's values be better addressed than only a reminder of humiliation ?

  28. 更有趣的是,圆明园中还建有西式园林景区。

    Even more interesting is that in the Yuanmingyuan also has a Western-style garden area .

  29. 被烧毁的圆明园该不该重建在媒体引起了激烈讨论。

    Whether the burned-down Yuanmingyuan should be rebuilt has been much discussed in the media .

  30. 试论圆明园湖底防渗工程对地表水与地下水转化及生态环境的影响

    Influence of Yuanmingyuan Anti-leakage Engineering on Exchange between Surface Water and Groundwater and Ecologic Environment