
dà jì
  • A grand plan;matter of fundamental importance;a major program of lasting importance;general exam for officials;national annual accounting
大计 [dà jì]
  • (1) [a major programme of lasting importance]∶重大的谋略或计划

  • (2) [general exam for officials]∶官吏每三年一次的考绩

  • (3) [national annual accounting]∶国家年终核算

大计[dà jì]
  1. 在高校对大学生开设《法律基础》课不失为一条千秋大计。

    That A Law Basis Course is set up for college students in colleges is really a thousand-year matter of fundamental importance .

  2. 对各族青少年开展民族团结教育,引导其牢固树立民族团结意识,是推进我国民族团结进步事业的长远大计。

    It is a matter of fundamental importance to promote national unity to carry out the ethnic solidarity education among all teenagers and guide them to firmly develop national unity consciousness .

  3. 建设雄安新区是千年大计。

    The establishment of the Xiongan New Area is a strategy crucial for a millennium1 to come .

  4. 保护黄河是事关中华民族伟大复兴和永续发展的千秋大计,是重大国家战略。

    The protection of the Yellow River is critical to the great rejuvenation and sustainable development of the Chinese nation . It is a major national strategy .

  5. 建设雄安新区是千年大计。新区首先就要新在规划、建设的理念上,要体现出前瞻性、引领性。要全面贯彻新发展理念,坚持高质量发展要求,努力创造新时代高质量发展的标杆。

    Developing Xiong'an New Area is a strategy that will have lasting new development concepts and stick to high-quality growth so as to build Xiong'an New Area into a model of high-quality development in the new era .

  6. 相信大家能够充分发表远见卓识,共商亚洲和世界发展大计,为促进本地区乃至全球和平、稳定、繁荣贡献智慧和力量。

    I hope you will engage in an in-depth discussion on promoting development in Asia and beyond and thus contributing , with your vision and commitment , to peace , stability and prosperity in Asia and the world at large .

  7. 我们国家的经济撼动了银行体系、撼动了我们生存大计,但是CBS新闻台竭尽所能想要强调一点:经济危机中,我们绝不能忽视的是孩子。

    Our economy impacts banks and bottom lines , but at CBS News we 're making a network-wide commitment to shine a spotlight on people we can not afford to ignore : the children of the recession .

  8. Elle杂志开展的这项“迈进三十”的调查发现,尽管爱情成为首要大计,但仅有五分之一的受访女性认为自己对异性的吸引力增强。

    But while love was a priority , only one in five of the women polled said they expected to be more attractive to the opposite sex , the Turning 30 report for Elle magazine found .

  9. 甲申春日谋大计,和谐中国谱新篇。

    Jiashen spring plans to seek a harmonious Chinese New Chapter .

  10. 没错,我有一个必赢大计。

    That 's the stuff . I 've got a sure thing .

  11. 我破坏了你的大计吗

    Aww . Did I put a kink in your master plan ?

  12. 说到新的计划,可否透露一下下一步的拍片大计?

    Talking about new plans , can you disclose a little more ?

  13. 她有个野心勃勃的大计画,想独立创办公司。

    She had some grandiose plan to start up her own company .

  14. 他的日常事务的方方面面都事关生存大计。

    Every aspect of his daily routine was essential to his survival .

  15. 他此刻正与路易十四共商大计。

    He was now in the measures of Lewis xiv .

  16. 我的工作非常努力,弥补大计。

    And so , I 'm lonely * I 'm really lonely .

  17. 三峡工程是千年大计、国运所系的跨世纪工程。

    The Three Gorges project is one across the century .

  18. 退耕还林成为中华民族生存与发展的根本大计,这不仅关系到当代人的生存与发展,而且关系到子孙后代的生存与发展。

    Stopping farming land reforestation has become basic tactics of subsistence and development .

  19. 行业精英会聚珠海共商航空航天发展大计&2002中国国际航空航天高峰论坛

    China International Aviation & Aerospace Forum Held in Zhuhai

  20. 什么时候想到这养马大计的

    When did you put this whole horse in my yard thing together ?

  21. 教育大计,育人为本。

    Education is very important in training people .

  22. 面对面:让我们了解世界&德英美等国包装技术专家与我国企业界共商环保大计

    Face to face : to understand the world

  23. 我们来共商大计,看能提出什么想法。

    Let 's put our heads together and see what we come up with .

  24. 科教兴湘战略与创新型人才培养机制研究科教兴国是根本大计

    " Developing Hunan through Science and Education " Strategy and Innovation-oriented Talent Training Mechanism

  25. 甚至有人认为,这些争强好胜的州长会坏掉共和党在全美范围内的大计。

    Some even argue that the more combative governors are harming the Republican cause nationally .

  26. 人才战略&物流业的发展大计

    Talents strategy , key for logistics development

  27. 一天晚上,农场主们聚集在我们的农场商量大计。

    One night , the farmers gathered at our farm to discuss what to do .

  28. 若没有她,锐意求进的光绪皇帝,一定会进行他的维新大计。

    Without her the progressive Emperor Kuangshu would certainly have gone on with his reforms .

  29. 这女人有能力把你的复仇大计

    This woman has the power to destroy

  30. 尽管在某些方面,这些研究结果让人觉得减肥大计形势严峻,但它们也为人们指明了希望的方向。

    Still , the results , while sobering in some respects , also provide encouragement .