
  • 网络Octopus;devilfish;Giant Octopuses
  1. 船舰下沉或被大章鱼攻击以外。

    The ship sinking or being attacked by a giant octopus .

  2. 想把我喂给大章鱼吃。

    And tried to feed me to a giant octopus .

  3. 说到底我其实就是一只大章鱼

    I 'm nothing if not a big old octopus .

  4. 三只手张开来,就像大章鱼。

    When he opens these arms , he is like a giant octopus .

  5. 我爱大章鱼。

    I love the giant squids .

  6. 许多鲸鱼、海归和大章鱼也依靠这片区域捕食。

    Many whales , turtles and giant squid also rely on this zone for their food .

  7. 他就像是只大章鱼。

    He was like an octopus .

  8. 一个模拟小时后玩的那种很简单的掌上游戏机的游戏,这个游戏机的内容是要逃过大章鱼的捕捉。

    Hours after a simulation is very simple to play the kind of handheld console games , this game is to escape the contents of a large octopus catch .