
dà jūn qū
  • greater military region
  1. 大军区由11个撤并为7个。

    Reapportionment and merger reduced the number of military area commands from eleven to seven .

  2. 学校领导干部可以兼课,大军区和所属部门的领导同志也都可以兼课。

    Leading school cadres can teach part time , as can leading comrades of the greater military regions and their subordinate departments .

  3. 大军区人民防空主管部门管理本区域的人民防空工作。

    The competent departments for civil air defense of the major military commands shall administer the work of civil air defense in their areas respectively .

  4. 大军区训练营连干部。高级学校训练团以上的干部。

    The greater military regions should take charge of training company and battalion cadres , and the higher-level schools should train cadres at the regimental level and above .

  5. 其应执行死刑的极少数人,为慎重起见,一律要报请大行政区或大军区批准。

    As a precaution , the very small number of executions to be carried out must without exception be reported to the greater administrative areas or the greater military areas for approval .

  6. 在总政治部领导下,各大军区、军兵种一定要把这件事情办好。

    We must see to it that , under the leadership of the General Political Department , all the greater military regions and all services and arms do well in this work .

  7. 大军区根据国务院、中央军事委员会的授权领导本区域的人民防空工作。

    As authorized by the State Council and the Central Military Commission , the major military commands shall exercise leadership in the work of civil air defense in the areas under their command .

  8. 现在大军区、军兵种的领导干部,已经进行了必要的调整和交流,除个别人外,也要稳定一个时期。

    Now that we have carried out the necessary reassignment and interchange of leading personnel among the greater military regions and the various services and arms , there should be no further changes in leadership for a certain period , except in individual cases .