
  • 网络Great rivers;big rivers
  1. 人类的文明,最早均起始于大江大河之畔,世界四大古代文明都发源于一些著名的河流两岸。

    Human civilizations are all originated along big rivers , for example , the four ancient civilizations of the world .

  2. 由于需要跨越大江大河和其它线路,所以预应力混凝土连续梁(PC连续梁)的修建需求也越来越大,其主跨跨径在变大,这就给该类型的桥梁施工技术带来更高的要求。

    To across rivers and other lines in traffic , more prestressed concrete continuous beam ( PC continuous girder ) bridges are required to be built and their main spans are longer and longer . That will bring higher construction technology requirements for them .

  3. 大江大河污染示踪模拟与分析

    Simulation and Analysis of Water Pollution in Large River by Tracer Test

  4. 这些认识对深化大江大河的成因理论具有重要的意义。

    Those recognitions will make significance to deepen genetic theory on large river .

  5. 大江大河多断面水位实时预报的半自适应模型研究

    A Semi-Adaptive Model of Real Time Channel Flood Stage Forecasting for Large Rivers

  6. 确定大江大河防洪堤高度应考虑地面沉降因素&对1998中国大洪水的反思

    Determination on the Height of River Flood Dikes in China Should Consider Land Subsidence

  7. 大江大河从公共资源到公地悲剧演变的内在机理分析

    Evolutional mechanism in change of rivers from common resource to tragedy of the Commons

  8. 中国大江大河防洪能力全面提高

    China Improves Major Rivers ' Flood-Control Capacity

  9. 现代水利工程中,决定大江大河的治理方案,主要依赖于河工模型试验。

    In modem hydraulic engineering , the river training schemes are mainly decided by movable-bed model studies .

  10. 为了保障大江大河环境健康,小流域水源地环境健康不容忽视,对其进行生态修复势在必行。

    So the health of small watershed cannot be ignored . It is imperative to restore small watershed .

  11. 中国水资源现状不容乐观,众多大江大河生态环境从水源地开始就已经遭受破坏。

    The present situation of water resources is not optimistic . The watershed of major rivers has been destroyed .

  12. 在我国,大江大河的上游地区都存在流域资源保护与经济发展的矛盾。

    In China , there exists the inconsistency between valley protection and economic development in upstream regions of rivers .

  13. 河谷深厚覆盖层广泛分布于我国大江大河中,其研究对加快我国水利水电工程建设具有重大意义。

    It is important to study the deep alluvium for the development of water power construction in our country .

  14. 在跨越大江大河的桥梁设计中,斜拉桥已经成为非常有竞争力的桥型。

    In the design of Bridges across large rivers , cable-stayed bridge has become a kind of very competitive bridge .

  15. 小流域是大江大河的基本单元,也是长江流域水土流失治理的重点。

    Watershed is the basic portion of the great river , the stress of the water and soil erosion management .

  16. 高原断陷湖水没有大江大河过境,主要依靠天然降雨补水。

    There is no big river that flow through the plateau rift lake , the water supply depend on natural rainfall mainly .

  17. 公路相交处,行政区划交界带,大江大河的桥梁两端,地理分水岭等附近路段,往往会有数家馆子出现。

    Near road near common boundary of public roads , administrative districts , bridges and watersheds , there may well be many restaurants .

  18. 我国水资源丰富,且富集于十二大水电基地的大江大河,具备梯级滚动开发的有利条件。

    In China , there are abundant water resources in the large rivers of twelve hydropower bases which have advantages in cascade development .

  19. 近30年来,随着我国经济技术的不断发展,跨越大江大河的桥梁越来越多。

    In recent 30 years , with the economic and technical development of our country , bridges overcrossing great rivers become more and more .

  20. 从分析国内外大江大河水资源研究的热点入手,介绍了国内江河流域水资源管理思路的转变和实践;

    This paper analyses the hotspot in international water resources research , summaries the conversion and progress in water resources management of large river basins in China .

  21. 在大江大河上修建水利水电工程,大坝施工是控制整个水电站工期的关键项目,其施工进程和施工质量直接影响工程的建设工期和安危。

    For hydraulic and hydroelectric projects located at large rivers , the process and quality of the dam construction has a critical influence on the whole project construction .

  22. 为了将水力资源优势尽快转化为经济优势,今后20年间云南大江大河流域将开发建设87座大中型水电工程。

    For transforming these resources into economic benefits , a total of 87 large and medium-sized hydraulic power stations will be built in Yunnan during the next two decades .

  23. 大跨度悬索桥是跨越海峡及大江大河的重要桥型,它的刚度和振动问题是控制其在铁路上应用的关键。

    Long span suspension bridge is an important bridge type crossing the strait and major rivers , and problems about stiffness and vibration usually control its application on the railway .

  24. 随着隧道穿越方式越来越多被应用于天然气与石油长输管道穿越大江大河,随之而来的就是水下隧道施工中必然出现的隧道涌水情况。

    With more and more tunnel crossing methods applied to gas and oil pipelines , water plugging during grout injection in underwater tunnel construction becomes a more and more important problem .

  25. 为了进一步开发水电能源、实现水资源的合理配置以及完善大江大河防洪减灾体系,我国还需要修建大批水利水电工程。

    In order to further develop hydroelectricity energy , realize reasonable allocation of water resource and perfect flood control systems , a large number of hydroelectric power projects need to be constructed .

  26. 我国西南、西北山区公路和铁路的兴建,道路跨越深沟峡谷或大江大河,往往采用高墩大跨度连续刚构桥这种桥梁跨越。

    In the southwest and northwest parts of China , mountain roads and railways , roads across the deep canyons or rivers are often built by using high pier-long span continuous rigid frame bridge .

  27. 要建设好长江、黄河等大江大河的一类堤防工程,能防御建国以来发生的最大洪水。

    First-class dikes on the yangtze , yellow and other major rivers should be built or reinforced to enable them to withstand the largest flood to happen ever since the founding of new china .

  28. 我国主要大江大河汛期旱涝灾害的背景分析论水土保持工程在大江大河防洪减灾中的地位与作用

    Analysis on the Drought and Flood Background of Large Rivers of China in Flood Season On the Effects of Soil and Water Conservation Projects on Disaster Reduction for the Flood Prevention of Large Rivers

  29. 大江大河的疏浚、治理是目前国家大力推进的一项事业,水下地形的观测是其中一项重要的测量手段。

    At present , dredging and harnessing of the rivers and lakes is one of the national major projects which are pushed on by government , and underwater terrain survey is an important measurement means .

  30. 在大江大河中的大落差、高流速立堵截流,降低截流综合难度的措施研究一直是人们关注的重大技术问题。

    The investigation about reducing the closure difficulty of end-dump method , which is generally applied in great rivers with large drop and high flow velocity , is always an important technique problem concerned by engineers .