
  • 网络Wang Ju;Ju Ang
  1. 王菊坦率地表明自己内心所想,并且为自己的目标努力奋斗。

    Instead , she makes it clear what she wants , and fights hard for her goals .

  2. 看起来,通过做真实的自己,王菊已经突破了那个“牢笼”。

    It looks like by staying true to the way she is , Wang is already breaking free from that " cage . "

  3. 24岁的苏玉静(音)是王菊粉丝团的一员,每天在上海为王菊投票。

    Su Yujing , 24 , joined one of Wang 's fan clubs , and voted for the singer from Shanghai every day .

  4. 她就是现正热播的真人音乐竞赛类节目《创造101》中的选手王菊,该节目于4月21日在腾讯视频首播。

    She is Wang Ju , a contestant on the ongoing reality music competition show Produce 101 , which premiered on Tencent Video on April 21 .

  5. 她把王菊的一夜爆红和2005年超女冠军李宇春作了对比。超级女声是中国第一档女生个人歌唱类选秀节目。

    She compared the overnight sensation of Wang to Li Yuchun , the winner of 2005 's Super Girls , the first reality show for solo female singers in China .

  6. 苏玉静说她很喜欢王菊,不仅是因为她善于言谈,也非常努力,还是因为王菊的粉丝传播消息的有趣方式。

    Su says she likes Wang , not only because she is well-spoken and hardworking , but also because of the amusing way that Wang 's fans use to spread her message .

  7. 王菊说,当时她并没有想清楚美的标准,但她现在终于明白了,“做自己才能让女孩美丽”。

    Wang says at that time she hadn 't figured out her own standards of beauty , but she now understands that " being yourself is what makes a girl beautiful . "

  8. 主攻社会学的吴晓燕还说,王菊的粉丝通过支持她,希望表达出自己渴望独立的意愿,彰显出自己的认同感和尊重社会多样性的意识。

    The sociology major says that fans of Wang are looking to express their own eagerness to be independent , develop their own sense of identity and respect social diversity by supporting Wang .

  9. 5月26日,节目组公布了王菊的一些旧照。几年前,她也曾是一位皮肤白皙身材好的妙龄少女。

    On May 26 , the program aired some old photos of Wang that showed she was once also a fair-skinned " Miss Sweetheart " with a good figure a few years ago .

  10. 但在过去一周,一位名为王菊的参赛选手突然受到极大的关注。由于相貌平平,人们一度认为她要被淘汰出局。

    However , this past week has witnessed a quick burst of overwhelming attention on a contestant named Wang Ju , who was once regarded as an unpromising outsider because of her perceived unattractiveness .

  11. 26岁的王菊在5月29日迎来了自己的高光时刻,当天她在网络投票环节中位列第一,击败了其他在传统意义上更为“迷人”的选手。

    Wang , 26 , had her moment of glory on May 29 when she ranked No 1 in an internet voting round , defeating her fellow contestants who could be considered more traditionally " attractive . "

  12. 25岁的王菊唱歌跳舞水平还不错,但和那些更加迷人的参赛者相比,她的皮肤更黝黑,体形也更健壮,和现代女子组合的完美形象相去甚远,一些网友还嘲讽了她的舞台表演。

    The 25-year-old , despite being relatively good at singing and dancing , was darker and more stout than her more conventionally glamorous competitors , and so far from the ideal image portrayed by modern girl bands that her performances met with derision from some netizens .

  13. 正如王菊的个人宣言“等风来不如追风去”所说的那样,她展现了自己的独立与雄心壮志,不愿让步于主流标准,如女孩应该温顺安静,时不时卖个萌等。

    With her motto - " It 's better to change the wind than to wait for it " - Wang displays the qualities of being independent and ambitious , unwilling to give in to mainstream standards that girls should be obedient and quiet and play cute all the time .