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  • 网络Opus Maius;Opus Majus
  1. 为了交代一下他的学识和方法,我将把《大著作》中的某些部分概述于下。

    To give an idea of his scope and method , I will summarize some parts of the Opus Majus .

  2. 使用这种技术出版一套书籍须经过写样刻版、涂墨印刷等多道工序,如果是要印一部大著作,往往要花费大量的物力、人力和时间。

    With the block printing technology , such procedures as writing samples , carving blocks , spraying the ink and printing were involved in the process of publishing a book , and it was always time-consuming and costly in the use of the material resources and manpower to print a work of great length .

  3. 它涵盖了本世纪末修辞学研究的诸多方面,因而是一部蕴涵丰富修辞理论的著作,也是我国古代三大修辞学著作之一。

    The book was rich in rhetoric theories , including many aspects of today 's research . It was one of the three great rhetorical works in ancient China .

  4. 从大的著作到小的期刊,大多是谈论阅读与写作教学,很少有人论及中高年级小学生语文作业。

    From the great writings to small journals , they are mostly about how to teach reading and writing , and it was rarely mentioned about the school assignment of language and literature in senior grades of elementary school .

  5. 他那本大部头著作是由他以前写的那本小书扩充而成的。

    His big book is an expansion of the little book he wrote before .

  6. 关于俄罗斯革命的大部头著作汗牛充栋。

    Library shelves groan with heavy tomes on the Russian revolutionary .

  7. 一些大部头著作可储存在一个微型集成电路片上。

    Large books can be put on a single microchip .

  8. 但这类大部头著作面临的风险是:它们可能沦为过时的文献,除了其历史意义外,一无是处。

    But such tomes risk becoming outdated documents of nothing but historical interest .

  9. 他读大作家的著作。

    He read the best authors .

  10. 西方五大美学史著作述评&兼及中国的西方美学史写作

    A Review of Five Symbolic Works of Western Aesthetic History : Comments on the Writing of Western Aesthetic History in China

  11. 西方的五大美学史著作呈现出三种写作模式:完全客观型、完全主观型和主客观调和中以客观史实为主型。

    The five symbolic western aesthetic history books are written in three models : the objective , the subjective , the objective and subjective combined types .

  12. 因立法的价值取向的不同,两大法系在著作权立法时所追求的目标也不同。

    As the legislative value is different , the objective which has been run after to in the copyright legislation is neither same in the two schools .

  13. 在有限的参数内将事件塑造为特定的形式,无论是电影还是大部头的著作,总会发生一些扭曲。

    When you shape events into a particular form with finite parameters , be it a movie or a tome , some distortion occurs .

  14. 篇章大到一整篇著作,小到一句话,往往都蕴含了大量的隐喻成分。

    They could be as long as complete works , or as short as a sentence , and all of them consist of metaphorical expressions .

  15. 警察冲来时,我的手被这台机器卡住,同时,它轰隆隆地响个不停,往我的光背上印了一遍又一遍大段的马克思著作。

    When the police arrived , my hand was caught in the machinery as it roared uncontrollably , reprinting large passages of Marx down my bare back .

  16. 这篇小论文原是许多年前我没有充分考虑自己能力的限制就去写作的一部更大部头的著作的一部分,而这个更大部头的著作我已放弃好多年了。

    This little treatise is part of a large work which I undertook man years ago without thinking of the limitations of my powers , and have long since abandoned .

  17. 伯南克撰写过关于“大萧条”的著作,他知道隧道尽头的光芒总有可能只是一列飞奔而来的列车。

    Mr Bernanke , who literally wrote the book on the depression , knows that there is always a chance that the light at the end of the tunnel is in fact an onrushing train .