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  1. 王褒卒年新考

    An Investigation to Wang Bao 's Death Year

  2. 王褒《僮约》研究

    Study of Wang Bao 's Tong Yue

  3. 表现世俗内容的《僮约》与作为宫廷作家的王褒

    A Bond of Enslavement with a Mundane Content and Wang Bao as a Court Writer

  4. 该文以史料为依据,通过对王褒的主要生平事迹之考证,推断出王褒约卒于汉宣帝甘露四年。

    Based on historical resources , through the investigation of Wang Bao s main life experiences , the present paper deduces that Wang Bao died about Ganlu4th year of Emperor Liu Xun .

  5. 齐、梁时期,王肃、王褒先后入北,将南方的典章制度和文学艺术转输到北方,推动了南北文化融合的步伐。

    In the period of Southern Qi Dynasty and Liang Dynasty , Wang Su and Wang Bao bring southern classical institution , literature and art to north and push forward with the blend culture of north and south .