
  • 网络A Time To Love;True lover's knot;Lust Connection;Lonely christmas
  1. 从前,有个大男人和他的梦中情人结了婚。

    Once upon a time , there was a great man who married the woman of his dreams .

  2. 记得“情人结”那天,我觉得这样的天气对正在相爱的人来说太糟糕了,可是仔细一看厄尔的脸色,就知道天气好不好并没有很大关系。

    On Valentine 's Day , I remember thinking what dismal weather was for being in love , but after studying Earl 's face I knew that the weather didn 't matter much .

  3. 2015年,卷福和索菲在情人节喜结连理,之后没几个月产下一子,取名Christopher.

    In 2015 , Hunter gave birth to son Christopher just months after she and Cumberbatch tied the knot on Valentine 's Day that year .

  4. 七夕节前夕,尘缘禅心祝天下有情人乞巧节巧结良缘!祝博友们中国情人节快乐!

    Hope you lucky and happy on the Double Seventh Festival , the Valentine 's Day Of China , my dear friends !