
  • 网络Information research;Intelligence Study
  1. 我国近6年竞争情报研究审视

    The Scanning of Competitive Intelligence Studies in China

  2. 随着信息社会的发展,竞争情报研究倍受人们的关注。

    With the development of information society , people pay more attention to competitive intelligence studies .

  3. •根据消费者情报研究机构ConsumerIntelligenceResearchParters(CIRP)的报道,美国市场5S和5C的销售比大约为2比1。

    • according to consumer intelligence research parters , the 5S is outselling the 5C by roughly 2 to 1 in the U.S.

  4. 这个专栏以美国科学情报研究所(ISI)的期刊引用报告(JCR)数据库的一个概述为特色。

    This column features an overview of the Institute for Scientific Information 's ( ISI ) Journal Citation Reports ( JCR ) database .

  5. 消费者情报研究机构ConsumerResearchIntelligencePartners早些时候进行的一项调查发现,更换智能手机品牌的用户中,苹果赢得三星用户的比例(33%)是三星赢得苹果用户比例(11%)的三倍。

    An earlier consumer retention study by Consumer Research Intelligence Partners found that among people who switched smartphone brands , Apple was able to take three times as many Samsung customers ( 33 % ) as Samsung was able to steal from Apple ( 11 % )

  6. 情报研究是一项创造性脑力劳动。

    Information Analysis ( IA ) is a creative mental work .

  7. 三峡工程水位论证情报研究概述

    Information Research on Normal Pool Level Demonstration of Three Gorges Engineering

  8. 适应市场经济发展拓宽情报研究领域

    Adaption to Market Economy , Broadening the Field of Information Research

  9. 试探模糊数学综合评判法在情报研究工作中的应用

    The Application of Comprehensive Evaluation of Fuzzy Mathematics in Information Analysis

  10. 竞争情报研究在企业战略成本管理中的应用

    Application of Competition Information Investigation in the Enterprise Stratagem Cost Management

  11. 竞争情报研究方法体系的架构与选用

    Construct and Choice of the Research Method Architecture of Competitive Information

  12. 定量化研究方法在学科情报研究中的应用研究

    The Study of Quantitative Study 's Application in Discipline Information Research

  13. 从情报研究到现代咨询:理念的碰撞与整合

    From Information Research to Modern Consultation : the Concept Collision and Integration

  14. 企业情报研究四个服务方向的探索与实践

    The exploration and practise of four service direction of enterprise information research

  15. 中国科学院战略情报研究工作的发展模式研究

    Development Model of Strategic Information Research in the Chinese Academy of Sciences

  16. 高等学校情报研究发展战略的探讨

    Discussion on Library Intelligence Research and Development Strategy in High & school

  17. 网络环境使传统情报研究工作面临严峻的挑战。

    Network brings severe challenges to the current information study .

  18. 情报研究和学科化服务协同工作机制初探

    Cooperative Working Mechanism of Information Research and Subject-oriented Information Service

  19. 农业情报研究为发展农村商品经济服务的探讨

    Study on agricultural information research serving the development of rural commodity economy

  20. 国内外竞争情报研究发展综述

    The Research Development of Competitive Intelligence in Inland and Abroad

  21. 情报研究扩大内涵的发展道路

    Developing Road of " Extend Intension " in Information Research

  22. 基于知识产权保护的反竞争情报研究

    Research on Anti-competitive Intelligence Based on Intellectual Property Rights Protection

  23. 高校图书馆基于学科的情报研究探索

    Discussion About Intelligence Research of University Library Based on Subject

  24. 情报研究的价值增值及质量控制研究

    Study on the Value-added and Quality Control of Intelligence Research

  25. 论情报研究成果的推广应用

    On the Extended Application of the Achievements of Information Research

  26. 浅谈德尔菲法在电子情报研究中的运用

    The Application of Delphi to the Study of Electronic Intelligence

  27. 论情报研究为农村经济服务的有效途径与对策

    On effective approach and Countermeasure for information research to serve rural economy

  28. 网络组织竞争情报研究述评

    Summary and Commentary about the CI Research of Network Organization

  29. 竞争情报研究及其在国际营销中的重要作用

    Competitive information research and its important role in international management and market

  30. 论入世后我国医药行业的竞争情报研究

    Discussion on Competitive Information Research of Chinese Medical Industry after WTO Entry