
  • 网络emotional stress;tension
  1. 你知道,情绪紧张会导致哮喘发作。

    You know , asthma attacks are brought on by emotional stress .

  2. 他们还问到了关于精神或情绪紧张的问题。

    They also asked about mental or emotional stress .

  3. 多种令人情绪紧张的事情都可能引起旧病复发

    A wide range of emotionally stressful events may trigger a relapse .

  4. ES病人特别是在容量减少、手术、麻醉、高原以及情绪紧张时风险很高。

    Patients with ES are at particularly high risk at times of volume depletion , surgery , anesthesia for any indication , exposure to high altitude , and strenuous activity .

  5. 情绪紧张有再出血顾虑者占7091%。

    70.91 % with spirit tension were concerned about nose bleeding .

  6. 太极拳运动对大学生情绪紧张度的影响

    The effects of shadow boxing on college students ' emotional intense degree

  7. 开始做一项新工作的最初几天我总是情绪紧张。

    Starting a new job always screws me up for the first few days .

  8. 其它诱因包括锻炼,情绪紧张。

    Other triggers that can set off an attack are exercise and emotional stress .

  9. 焦虑(属心理情感因素)是一种情感变量,是一种情绪紧张形式。

    Anxiety is a kind of emotional variable , a kind of emotion of intense .

  10. 不正常的生活方式导致情绪紧张,精疲力尽。

    Nervous exhaustion due to unaccustomed lifestyle .

  11. 认为神经性高血压与疼痛刺激和情绪紧张有明显关系。

    There was obvious relation between neurogenic hypertension and pain irritation and / or emotional tension .

  12. 父亲再度情绪紧张起来:这里的人懂得如何医治头部枪伤吗?

    My father was alarmed - how would they know how to deal with head wounds ?

  13. 不过这位情绪紧张的父亲不肯罢休。

    But the nervous father persisted .

  14. 中专护理学生实习前情绪紧张的调查分析

    Investigation and analysis on the emotional stress of nursing students of secondary health school before clinic practice

  15. 这个国家的领导人团结一致,让情绪紧张的人民相信,去投票选举是会平安无事的。

    The country 's leaders closed ranks to reassure a jittery public that it was safe to vote .

  16. 克莱夫是一个好击球手,但他在锦标赛中情绪紧张没有打好。

    Clive was a good batter , but in the championship game he choked up and did poorly .

  17. 情绪紧张地来参加面试会使你伸出的手冰冷潮湿,会给雇主留下负面印象。

    Being jittery about the interview can result in cold , clammy hands , which create a negative impression .

  18. 对于情绪紧张的相亲者,她建议顺其自然,展现自己,练习交谈。

    Her advice to nervous daters was to keep things simple , be themselves , and get into practice talking .

  19. 竞争的压力使得美国人精力充沛,但同时也使他们长期处于情绪紧张状态。

    The pressure of compete causes Americans to be energetic , but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain .

  20. 然而,市场对欧洲各银行进行新一轮资产减记和美国债券保险公司前景的担忧,仍然令投资者情绪紧张。

    But worries about fresh write-downs at European banks and concerns about prospects for US bond insurers , kept investors on edge .

  21. 高糖皮质激素水平还导致消化功能受损、(细胞、毛发和骨骼)生长缓慢、情绪紧张,让人容易感染疾病。

    High glucocorticoid levels cause impaired digestion , lack of growth ( cell , hair , bone ), nervousness and susceptibility to infections .

  22. 结果:本病与情绪紧张、剧烈活动、吸烟、饮酒及季节变换等有密切关系。

    Results : This disease was closely correlated with emotional strain , strenuous exercise , smoking , drinking and the convertion of season .

  23. 雷诺现象的发作也可出现在交感神经系统刺激之后(如情绪紧张,突然惊吓)。

    An attack of RP may also occur after stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system ( such as emotional stress , sudden startling ) .

  24. 另外,两位作者也指出,随机抽选的老板会令员工情绪紧张,从而信心骤降。

    Another , which the writers identify , is that staff nervousness about a randomly chosen boss could fuel a spiralling loss of confidence .

  25. 经多因素分析:体位姿势不正确、情绪紧张、潮湿、疲劳是发病的主要诱因。

    By multiple factor analysis , abnormal posture , emotional tension , moisture and fatigue were the main inducing factors of incidence of cervical spondylopathy .

  26. 本组病例术后8~9天、3个月、6个月分别随访做情绪紧张、步行运动及情绪紧张+步行运动实验。

    Emotional stress test , walking test and emotion and treadmill stress test were performed 1 week , 3 months and 6 months after implantation respectively .

  27. 有意见认为在一个局限的空间(如挤满的火车)作长时间的通勤,加上交通堵塞及延误,容易导致情绪紧张。

    Some suggest that long hours of commuting especially in a confined space ( e.g.a packed train ), traffic jams and delays can be causes of emotional stress .

  28. 这一研究数据意味着,情绪紧张可能促进癌症发展以及减弱癌症治疗效果。

    " These data imply that emotional stress may contribute to the development of cancer and may also reduce the effectiveness of cancer treatments ," said George Kulik , D.

  29. 生命中的可资源和支持去走出失业的经济难关和情绪紧张的,并且你的工作生涯按计划吧。

    Use the resources and support systems in your life to get through the financial and emotional stress of job loss , and keep your career plans on track .

  30. 对我来说,那是一段情绪紧张的日子,承受着巨大的压力,时刻担心会失去这个得之不易的孩子。

    It was an emotional time for me , with tremendous stress and the constant fear of losing this child I was fighting so hard to give life to .