
suān jiǎn zhí
  • pH value
  1. 使用pH广泛试纸测得气体的酸碱值约为6.5,气体呈弱酸性。

    The acid-alkali value of gas approximately 6.5 by pH test paper . The gas takes on weakly acidic .

  2. 不同的缓冲溶液可制得不同的酸碱值。

    Different buffers are useful in different pH ranges ;

  3. 水合氯醛对马血气、酸碱值影响的研究

    Studies on the effect of chloral hydrate on the arterial blood gases and acid-base status in horses

  4. 酸雨把高海拔溪流的酸碱值降低了,鳟鱼被迫远离家园。

    Acid rain has lowered the pH of high-elevation streams , pushing trout out of their habitat .

  5. 在达纳吉尔凹地两个不同的地方发现有生物存在,其中一个是酸性的水池,酸碱值为零,这是一个新的嗜极类微生物记录。

    Organisms were found in two separate locations , one of which was an acidic pool with a zero pH , a new extremophile record .

  6. 在湿的实验室中,酚为酸碱值,团结点被测试,水,溴指标,颜色和蒸馏范围的溶解度。

    In the wet lab , phenol is tested for pH , solidification point , solubility in water , bromine index , color , and distillation ranges .

  7. 动态光散射仪被用以量测水基磁性粒子于不同溶液酸碱值与離子强度中的流体力学直径与胶体稳定性。

    The colloidal stability of bilayer-stabilized MMIONPs in various pH values of solvents and salt concentration was elaborated characterized by the dynamic light scattering ( DLS ) technique .

  8. 加入酸或碱会使它们的浓度发生相应的改变,但它们的比值以及酸碱值仍接近原有数值。

    Relatively small additions of acid or base will change the concentration of the two species , but their ratio , and hence the pH , will not change much .

  9. 针对:肺、大肠有改善平衡之功能。可改善呼吸系统、调节体内酸碱值。

    Direct against : lung , large intestine improve with the balanced function , can increase resolute strength , improve the respiratory system , regulate the sour alkali value in the body .

  10. 缓冲溶液化学术语。通常指含有一种微酸和与之结合的一种微碱或盐,并能维持酸碱值基本恒定的溶液。

    Buffer Solution usually containing a weak acid and its conjugate weak base , or a salt , of such a composition that the pH is held constant within a certain range .

  11. 不同气体吸入对高原缺氧犬脑脊液及动脉血酸碱值的影响

    Effects of Breathing Different Air Containing 3 % Carbon Dioxide , 95 % Oxygen or a Mixture of 3 % Carbon Dioxide / 95 % Oxygen on Acid-base Variables of Cerebrospinal ( CSF ) and Arterial Blood in High-altitude Hypoxic Dogs

  12. 计算机在酸碱溶液pH值计算中的应用

    Application of Computer in Calculating pH Values of Acid-base Solution

  13. 基于可视化VB编程实现酸碱溶液pH值计算

    Based on Visual Basic Programming Solution of Acid-alkali Titration pH Calculation

  14. 日化洗涤品的酸碱性pH值比较及解说日常必需品,日用品

    Comparison and commentary the pH value of acid-base properties of the date of washing products

  15. 肺心病酸碱失衡血气值与SaO2偏移度的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis for Acid-base Unbalance and SaO_2 Deviation Scale of Cor Pulmonal

  16. 考察了介质水中常见金属离子Fe~(2+)、Fe~(3+)、Cu~(2+)、Mn~(2+)及酸碱度pH值对紫外灯管负载TiO2膜催化剂性能的影响。

    The influence of common cations ( Fe2 + , Fe3 + , Cu2 + , Mn2 + ) and the pH in water was studied .

  17. 山羊的血液酸碱气体参数值的测定

    The Paramete of Blood pH and Gas in Goats

  18. 反刍动物瘤胃酸中毒发病机理的研究&山羊过食玉米后酸碱血气参数值的分析

    Studies on the pathogenesis of ruminal acidosis in ruminants ⅰ . analysis of the paramete of blood pH and gas after overeating corn grains in goats

  19. 几种酸碱溶液体系pH值的计算

    Calculating the pH value of several acid - base solution systems

  20. 酸碱滴定中pH值的微机监测系统

    Computer System for pH Monitor in the Titration of Acid and Base

  21. 酸碱溶液中pH值计算超高碱值环烷酸镁研制

    PH calculation in acid and alkali liquor the development of the magnesium naphthenate with super-high base number

  22. 通过专家咨询的方式,确定了针对河蟹池塘养殖的最主要水质指标:溶解氧、酸碱度(pH值)、温度和盐度。

    According to experts ' advice , the most important indicators for water quality of crab ponds were determined : dissolved oxygen , pH , temperature and salinity .

  23. 影响粘土吸附稀土的物理化学因素有:溶液浓度、溶液酸碱度(pH值)、离子强度、固液比和温度等。

    The physicochemical factors that affect REE adsorption by clays include electrolytic concentration of the solution , pH value , ionic strength , temperature , and the solid / liquid ratio .

  24. 用超声波辐射甲基橙溶液,研究了溶液浓度、溶液酸碱度(pH值)、外加H2O2、外加纳米TiO2光催化剂和联合紫外光照射对甲基橙的降解效果。

    In this paper , the effect of the concentration of solution , the pH value and alkalinity of solution , the addition of ( H_2O_2 ) and TiO_2 uniting ultraviolet light and TiO_2 on methyl orange were studied by microwave irradiation .

  25. 本文对武汉地区健康老年人(60岁以上)81人和老年前期(45~59岁)75人进行了动脉血气检测,以探讨健康老年人血气及酸碱之正常参考值。

    In order to study normal values of blood gases of the healthy aged in Wuhan Area , we measured arterial blood gases and acid-base for 81 healthy aged ( over 60 year of age ) and 75 pre-aged ( 45 ~ 59 year of age ) .

  26. 用酸碱度计量度水样本的酸碱值。用氯化钠折光仪量度样本的氯化钠含量。酸碱滴定法与电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法联合测定混合碱中碳酸钠和碳酸氢钠

    Measure pH of the seawater by a pH meter . Measure salinity by a refractometer . Determination of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate in mixed base by acid-base titration combined with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry