
suān méi
  • smoked plum;dark plum
酸梅 [suān méi]
  • [smoked plum; dark plum] 乌梅

酸梅[suān méi]
  1. Penny是我见过的打扮最糟的猫女比HalleBerry还差劲(HalleBerry扮演过猫女,因此曾获金酸梅最差女配角奖)-她扮的不是猫女,她就是一只普通的猫。-

    Penny is wearing the worst Catwoman costume I 've ever seen . And that includes Halle Berry 's. Leonard : She 's not Catwoman . She 's just a generic cat .

  2. 2000年,他获得金酸梅奖(Razzie)20世纪最差男演员奖,那段时间,人们对他表演能力的评价跌至谷底,那时他从一定程度上赞同那些最尖锐的批评者。

    When opinions about his acting abilities hit their nadir , around the time he won a Razzie for worst actor of the century in 2000 , he half-agreed with his harshest detractors .

  3. 第32届金酸梅奖完整获奖名单

    Complete list of winners for the 32nd Annual Golden Raspberry Awards

  4. 喝点酸梅汁,解解渴。

    Drink some sweet-sour plum juice to quench your thirst .

  5. 2株酸梅汤饮料污染霉菌的分离与鉴定研究

    Studies on the Isolation and Identification of Contaminating Molds from Plum Juice Drink

  6. 还可适当喝些清凉饮料,如酸梅汤、菊花茶等。

    Drink soft drinks can also be appropriate , such as chrysanthemum tea .

  7. 上个月,金酸梅公布了2011年最烂影片提名名单。

    It announced its nominees for the worst films of 2011 late last month .

  8. 如果由我来把酸梅酱从罐头里弄出来的话

    But only if I can take the cranberry sauce out of the can .

  9. 新疆酸梅中黄酮类化合物的提取工艺研究

    Extraction of total flavonoids from Xinjiang plum

  10. 金酸梅奖,手举金酸莓雕像,是在1980年创办。

    The Razzies , which hand out golden raspberry statuettes , were created in 1980 .

  11. 他们毁了我的酸梅日!

    They 've ruined cranberry day !

  12. 医生告诉查尔斯每天喝一大杯酸梅汁能改善便秘。

    The doctor told Charles to drink a large glass of prune juice every day to help his constipation .

  13. 我们可以去喝一碗鱼丸汤,然后用酸梅汁将它消化掉。

    We could go get a bowl of fish balls and wash it down with a sour plum drink .

  14. 其他口味包括绿茶、生姜、酸梅、芝麻、山葵、丁香、豆蔻和南瓜等。

    Other flavors are green tea , ginger , sour plum , sesame , wasabi , clove , cardamom and pumpkin .

  15. 饮料方面也有自制的酸梅柠檬吉子冰和柠檬吉子冰等等。

    In addition , the restaurant is also selling self-made Iced Sour Plum Lemon Kat Chai , Iced Lemon Kat Chai etc.

  16. 佐以烤鸭配奶油甘薯、小白菜及酸梅无以尚之。

    A perfect choice with Roast Duck on Creamed Golden Kumara , with Baby Bok Choy & Jus of Pickled Plums .

  17. 麦克:不,是喝冰酸梅汤,那的座位很舒服,还免费送2个热狗,

    Mike : Well , no. To the Icecapades . We have got very good seats , and two free hot dogs .

  18. 晚间常常会有颇具艺术气质的本地居民与游客特来品尝掺加了酸梅、橙皮与芙蓉花的鸡尾酒。

    At night , a mix of artsy residents and visitors sip cocktails infused with sour plums , orange peel and hibiscus flowers .

  19. 在愚人节当天,第32届金酸梅奖奖项颁出。

    On this April Fool 's Day , the winners for the 32nd Annual Golden Raspberry Awards ( Razzies ) were handed out .

  20. 外出旅游,最好带上本厂制造的清热止渴的酸梅饮料。

    When travelling you 'd Better take with you some sweet-sour plum juice our factory makes which helps to relieve heat and thirst .

  21. 炸猪排夹配火腿芝士馅,配欧芹土豆和酸梅酱,配小份沙拉。

    " Cordon bleu " - with ham and cheese stuffed escalope of pork , served with parsley potatoes , cranberries and a small salad .

  22. 一杯脱脂酸奶,加一些新鲜酸梅,一片全麦面包加上一片水果。

    A cup of nonfat yogurt , fresh blueberries mixed in , and a slice of whole wheat toast with a fruit spread on top .

  23. 而女性则更青睐蔬菜和水果,尤其爱吃胡萝卜、西红柿、草莓、蓝莓、酸梅和苹果。

    Women instead were more likely to eat vegetables , especially carrots and tomatoes , and fruits , especially strawberries , blueberries , raspberries and apples .

  24. cranberry:蔓越莓,小红莓sauce:沙司,酱can:罐头好吧,好吧,如果由我来把酸梅酱从罐头里弄出来的话,specialty:特长,招牌菜这是我的特长。

    Dan : Fine . Fine . But only if I can take the cranberry sauce out of the can . That is my specialty . -

  25. 今天庆祝节日通常是一顿丰盛的晚餐,包括火鸡、填塞物、甜土豆、酸梅酱和南瓜派。

    Today the holiday traditionally revolves around sharing a hearty meal featuring such favorites as turkey , stuffing , sweet potatoes , cranberry sauce , and pumpkin pie .

  26. 喝点酸梅汁,解解渴。查理·梅的态度是有点嘲弄的,因为他和朱丽亚曾有过点眉目传情的事,而给韩蒙严峻地破坏了。

    Drink some sweet-sour plum juice to quench your thirst . Charlie May was slightly satirical , for he had flirted a very little with Julia , and Hammond had cut up very roughly .

  27. 一群吸血鬼、一个穿着女装的男人以及一个无所事事的父亲获得了金酸梅奖2012年最差电影和电影表演的提名,一年一度的好莱坞嘲讽奖昨日表示,奥斯卡提名出炉的前一天。

    VAMPIRES , a man in drag and a deadbeat dad scored the most Razzie nominations for the worst films and cinematic performances of 2012 , the annual Hollywood lowlight awards said yesterday , the day before the Oscar nominations are announced .

  28. 金酸梅奖成为了阿弗莱克那可怕的一年里最可怕的记忆,这引来了包括英国第四台影评人理查德拉克在内的全球影评人的厌弃。理查德将其评论为“一部自恋而沾沾自喜的令人作呕的作品”。

    The golden raspberry on top of Affleck 's annus horriblis , Gigli brought an abrupt end to director Martin Brest 's award-winning career , and inspired almost universal loathing from critics such as Film4 's Richard Luck , who called it " a sickening exercise in smugness and self-love . "