
zhuī lì
  • Castanea henryi;chinquapin
  1. TDS生长调节剂在锥栗上应用效果的初步研究

    Application of TDS Plant Growth Regulator on Chinquapin trees

  2. 闽北锥栗品种资源及其利用前景

    Cultivar resources of chinquapin in north Fujian and their utilization prospects

  3. 锥栗贮藏过程维生素C的降解速率以及保鲜条件研究

    Degradation rate of vitamin C in storage of castanea henryi and storage conditions

  4. 锥栗叶样保存时间对DNA提取质量的影响

    Effects of Preserved Time on Total DNA Extraction of Castanea henryi

  5. 栗属中国特有种&板栗、茅栗、锥栗RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis of Three Chinese Endemic Castanea Species

  6. 赤霉素(GA3)、吲哚丁酸(IBA)和稀土对锥栗产量促进作用的研究

    Effect of GA_3 , IBA and Rare Earth Elements on Yield Promotion in Castanea henryi

  7. 多酚氧化酶(PPO)是引起锥栗褐变的主要酶。

    The major enzyme to cause browning of canned chinquapin was polyphenoloxidase ( PPO ) .

  8. 锥栗中维生素C的降解速率与维生素C的浓度成正比,求得降解速率系数k,对其进行非线性拟合,并用极差分析法和方差分析法进行分析研究。

    The degradation rate coefficients k was obtained with nonline fitting . The method of range analysis and variance analysis was to analyze the degradation rate coefficients k of vitamin C.

  9. 锥栗幼苗对水分胁迫的生理响应及6-BA的作用

    Physiological Response for Castanea henryi Seedling under Water Stress and the Action of 6 BA

  10. 在林分样地调查分析的基础上,研究了3个不同生长发育时期即未结果期、结果初期和盛果初期锥栗人工林各器官N、P、K、Ca、Mg的养分浓度及其变化。

    Based on the sampling analysis , concentration and variation of five elements which are N , P , K , Ca and Mg in different organs for three growth stages of Castanea henryi plantation have been studied .

  11. ABA对成熟前期胚的贮藏蛋白质合成无影响,但能促进成熟中后期胚的贮藏蛋白质的积累作用,ABA维持板栗和锥栗贮藏蛋白质合成和积累作用表现在转录水平上。

    The effects of ABA in promoting the synthesis and accumulation of protein storage in embryos was at the transcriptional level , in the later process of mature .

  12. 运用双因素随机区组设计方案,研究了稀土、赤霉素(GA3)和吲哚丁酸(IBA)三种植物生长调节剂对三个锥栗品种无性系产量增加的影响。

    The effect of GA 3 , IBA and rare earth elements on yield increase in 3 clones of Castanea henryi was studied , using double factor randomized block design .

  13. 锥栗(CastaneahenryiRehd.&Wils)是我省特色果树资源,具有很高的食用及药用价值。

    Castanopsis chinensis ( Castanea henryi Rehd . & Wils . ) has very high edible and the medicinal value , which is a characteristic fruit tree resource in Fujian .

  14. 贮藏条件对锥栗含水量的影响

    Effect of Water Contain on the Storage Condition of Castanea Henryi

  15. 锥栗叶片生长过程及其生理动态变化

    The Growth Process and Physiological Dynamics Change of Castanea henryi Leaf

  16. 响应曲面法优化气体射流冲击锥栗脱壳工艺

    Optimization of Air-impingement Shelling for Castanea Henryi Using Response Surface Methodology

  17. 锥栗组织培养外植体消毒和选择

    The selection and sterilization of explant of Castanea henryi in tissue culture

  18. 锥栗人工林营养综合指标诊断研究

    A study on nutrient diagnosis of Castanea henryi plantation by synthetic indices

  19. 抗栗瘿蜂优良锥栗品种的初步选择研究

    The choice of insect - resistant varieties of Castanea henryi

  20. 锥栗人工林生态系统养分特征和生物循环的研究

    A study on nutrient pattern and biological circulation of Castanea henryi plantation ecosystem

  21. 锥栗果实经济性状分析

    Analysis on Economic Characters of Nut in Castanea henryi

  22. 复合肥对锥栗生长效应的研究

    Growth Effect of Chestnut Plantation after Applying Complex Fertilizer

  23. 正交试验法测定锥栗总黄酮含量技术研究

    Determination Method on Total Flavonoids in Fruit of Castanea henryi by Orthogonal Design

  24. 锥栗对栗疫病抗性与超氧物岐化酶之间的关系

    The Relationship Between the Resistance of Chestnut Varieties to Blight and Superoxide Dismutase

  25. 锥栗根际土壤真菌多样性分析研究

    Study on the Diversity of Fungi in the Rhizosphere Soil of Castanea Henryi

  26. 锥栗和茅栗淀粉颗粒的特性

    Granule Properties of Castanea henryi and Castanea seguinii Starches

  27. 庆元县锥栗特色基地建设刍议

    About Base Construction of Castanea henryi in Qingyuan

  28. 锥栗人工林营养补偿试验及配方的优化筛选&高产量类型林分的配方施肥试验

    Experiment of nutrient compensation and optimization screening of fertilizer formula for Castanea henryi plantation

  29. 锥栗的品种与群落学研究

    Study on Cultivars and Community of Castanea Henryi

  30. 锥栗脱壳去衣技术试验研究

    Technological Test and Research on Peeling the Chinquapin