
  1. 权力话语与悲情叙事&对董立勃中篇小说《冻土》的解读

    Powerful Discourse And Tragic Narrative & The interpretation of Frozen Soil by Dong Libo

  2. 从艺术创作的角度和人性的拷问等层面对董立勃现象和他的垦荒文学进行解读。

    And it explains the phenomena of Dong Libo and his Reclamation Literature from the view of artistic creation and humanity torment .

  3. 本文只是对董立勃的小说的一些方面做了一些简要的分析论证,由于对这位新疆作家的研究还比较少,所以本文的分析也只能是浅尝辄止,期待着有更多的批评指正。

    This paper only on some aspects of the novel Dong Libo made some brief analysis of the xinjiang writer , because the study also is less , so this paper analysis also can is tasted , looking forward to more criticism and corrections .