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  • 网络Dong Yong;Tung-yung
  1. 董永,东汉千乘(今山东博兴)人。

    Dong forever , Eastern Han Dynasty thousand chariots ( now Shandong boxing ) human .

  2. 汉朝的时候,在乾城住着一个名叫董永的人。

    In the Han Dynasty in Qiancheng lived a man by the name of Dong Yong .

  3. 董永为了安葬父母,卖身给傅善为奴。

    He sells himself to Fu Shan as a slave to give them a decent burial .

  4. 直到今天,这里还流传着孝子董永的故事。

    Even today , the story of the dutiful son , Dong Yong , still circulates among the residents .

  5. 为了让董永恢复对小七的记忆,小七和土地公向劳夫子求助。

    Xiao Qi and the Earth God approach Lao Fu Zi to help Dong Yong regain his memory of her .

  6. 父亲去世后,董永卖身为奴,用卖身的钱埋葬了父亲。

    When his father died , he was willing to sell himself into slavery for a little money for the funeral .

  7. 玉帝虽然准许了婚事,但小七和董永发现他们只有100天的婚期。

    On the day of their marriage , Xiao Qi and Dong Yong discover they are given only a hundred days of conjugal life .

  8. 其后父亲亡故,董永卖身至一富家为奴,换取丧葬费用。

    Later , his father died and Dong Yong sold himself to a rich family as a slave so as to bury his father .

  9. 《董永与七仙女》的故事一直流传至今,成为了家喻户晓的经典民间口头文学。

    " Dong Yong with Seven Female celestial " the story has spread until now , has become the widely known classical folk oral literature .

  10. 在1950年代黄梅戏对之进行改写之后,董永遇仙传说获得了新生机,同时也埋下了新危机。

    The legend regained its vitality after it was rewritten in Huangmei Opera in 1950s , although it would result in new crises at the same time .

  11. 董永千辛万苦终于来到玉帝的面前,却被玉帝一把推下天庭。叶黄素和玉米黄质有助于促进敏锐的视觉。

    Dong Yong makes it to the celestial palace but falls after a push from the imperial emperor . Lutein and zeaxanthin that help promote sharp and detailed eye vision .

  12. 为董永抵债赎身,返家途中,行至槐荫,女子告诉董永:自己是天帝之女,奉命帮助董永还债。

    When they passed the pagoda tree on their way home , the women told Dong Yong she was the daughter to the Emperor of Heaven and was ordered to help him repay the debt .

  13. 本文试图以时间为线索,对上千年来有关董永事迹的文物文献加以系统梳理,期以见出董永故事文献的发展演变情况。

    With the clue of time , this article attempts to hackle all the relics and literature related to Dong Yong story in more than one thousand year , hoping to show the status of development and change of .

  14. 董永,相传为东汉时期千乘(今山东高青县北)人,少年丧母,因避兵乱迁居安陆(今属湖北)。

    According to the legend , Dong Yong was a man of Qiancheng ( today 's north of Gaoqing County , Shandong ) in the East Han Dynasty . His mother died when he was young and the family moved to Anlu ( in today 's Hubei ) to avoid the war .