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  • 网络Dong Qichang;Tung Ch'i-Ch'ang;Tong K'i-Tch'ang
  1. 论董其昌画学的心学色彩

    New Confucianism in the Painting Theory of DONG Qi-chang

  2. 本文前面追问董其昌倡导“文人画”的理念,是否具有当代性。

    Formerly we have asked whether Dong Qichang 's " Literati Painting " concept is also contemporary .

  3. 董其昌画学兼融了禅宗和心学思想,这是那个时代思想面貌在他的绘画思想中的反映。

    DONG Qi-chang 's painting philosophy mixes Dhyana and New Confucianism , reflecting the features of that age .

  4. 项氏法书鉴藏是董其昌在书法艺术方面得以成功的转折点。

    The collection of the calligraphy in Xiangs'family is the successful turning point of DONG Qi-chang 's study of calligraphy .

  5. 他们继明代董其昌之后恢复古风,领导画坛,当时被视为山水画正统。

    They renew ancient style and lead in painting field . Moreover they are viewed as classic for Chinese landscape painting .

  6. 他继承了苏轼“平淡天真”、董其昌“淡然无味天人粮”的思想,确立了“刚健婀娜审真伪”的审美原则,具有重要的理论价值。

    Furthermore , he established the aesthetic principle of " vigor and grace identify reality or falsity " which is of important theoretical value .

  7. 晚明文艺思潮对绘画的影响&徐渭、董其昌比较研究

    The Influence of Trend of Thoughts in Literature and Art in late Ming Dynasty on Painting : a Comparative Study of XU Wei and DONG Qi-chang

  8. 他开始有系统的钻研中国文人雅士的画作,特别崇尚八大山人和董其昌,对他们画作中的精致细腻以及敏锐感性所深深感动。

    He delved into a systematic research on Chinese literati painting , fascinated by the exquisite refinement and sensitivity in the paintings of Bada Shanren and Dong Qichang in particular .

  9. 本文首先简要考察了担当的生平,其次着重探讨了担当山水画风的主要来源:董其昌,苍雪,云南的石灰岩地貌,文征明等。

    Next , this article discusses the important source of the Dan Dang 's landscape painting : Dong Qichang , Cang Xue , Yunnan 's limestone landform , Wen Zhengming , etc.

  10. 通过对其《雨窗漫笔》中的构图理论的分析,阐明他在继承董其昌、王时敏的基础上,对传统的重新认识。

    Through the analysis of the composition theory of his literary notes by the window on rainy days , this paper illustrates his new understanding of the tradition on the basis of inheritance of Dong Qichang and Wang shimin .