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Dǒnɡ zhuó
  • brutal militarist who dictated policy in declining years of the Han dynasty
  1. 在故事模式中和另一个势力完成“消灭董卓”。

    Completed the Elimination of Dong Zhuo with one of the forces in Story Mode .

  2. 董卓的经历告诉我们:在分公司做副总,不如在总公司做经理。

    Dong Zhuo experience tells us : the branch vice-president , as in the corporation manager .

  3. 董卓接刀一看,长有盈尺,锋利无比,果然是一口宝刀。

    Sure enough , the Blade was extremely sharp , and about twenty some centimeters long .

  4. 从董卓形象的塑造看《三国演义》的评价系统

    A Study of the Evaluation System of The Story of Three Kingdoms from the Characterization of Dong Zhuo

  5. 董卓急赶到后花园,向二人在吼一声,吕布转身就跑。

    Dong Zhuo rushed there and at the sight of the two , roared with anger . L ü Bu fled .

  6. 不久,董卓率兵人洛阳,废少帝刘辩,立刘协为帝,是为汉献帝。

    Not long after that , Dong Zhuo entered Luoyang , who deposed Emperor Shao and put Liu Xie , Xiandi on the throne .

  7. 几周后,士族豪强袁绍起兵讨董卓,一时间全国又陷人内战混乱之中。

    Within a few weeks there was open rebellion against Dong Zhuo the whole country was in the chaos situation of civil wars again .

  8. 同年9月28日,董卓以诛宦官为名,进入洛阳,废刘辩,立其堂兄刘协为帝,即汉献帝。

    On 28 September , Dong Zhuo deposed the young emperor Liu Bian and placed his half-brother Liu Xie , Emperor Xian , upon the throne .

  9. 黄巾起义和董卓之乱后,东汉王朝日益分崩离析,世失其序,谁可取而代之成为时代主题。

    After the rebellion of the Yellow Turbans and Dong Zhuo , the Eastern Han dynasty increasingly falling apart , the world lost its order , which can be replaced as the theme of the times .

  10. 杀人凶器是一把大型的外科手术器械东汉末年,董卓把持朝政,凶狠专横。

    The murder weapon is a larger version of the surgical implement Toward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty ( 25-220 ), state power fell into Dong Zhuo 's hand , a very cruel and manipulating person .

  11. 按着王允和貂蝉商定的“连环计”,王允先把貂蝉收为义女许给吕布为妻。为挑拨董卓与吕布的关系,后来又把貂蝉送给董卓为妾。

    Following the interlocking stratagems they had laid , Wang Yun betrothed his step daughter Diao Chan to L ü Bu , then , to sow discord between the two , presented the girl to Dong Zhou as a concubine .

  12. 公元191年,袁术的部将孙坚起兵将董卓逐出洛阳,董卓逃至西安。公元192年董卓被其护卫吕布所杀。

    In 191 the army of Sun Jian , under the command of Yuan Shu , drove Dong Zhuo from Luoyang west to Chang , an , and in 192 Dong Zhuo was assassinated by his former body-guard Lu Bu .

  13. 各地官吏纷纷举兵讨伐董卓,逐步形成了诸强割据的局面,统一的王朝已名存实亡,魏蜀吴三国鼎立局面很快形成。

    Bureaucratic official throughout the country launched punitive expeditions against Dong one after another , and the situation of separatist warlord regime came into being eventually . The Eastern Han Dynasty endured only nominally and soon gave way to the Three Kingdoms .

  14. 统帅二十万西凉大军的刺史董卓,乘朝野之乱进军洛阳,废少帝刘辩,立刘协为献帝,自封为相国。

    While the Han court was in chaos Dong Zhuo marched his 200000 battlewise Xiliang troops into the capital of L ü oyang . He forces Liu Bian to quit the throne and made Liu Xie the Emperor Xian and himself the prime minister .

  15. “貂蝉听后,满口答应,并发誓说:”如果我不按大人说的去做,不报大义,我当被乱刀砍死!“这就是王允和貂蝉共同定下的连环计,最后除掉了董卓。

    In this way we can preserve the Han Dynasty . " " If I fail to do as you say , " she vowed , " I will die a violent death . " These were the interlocking stratagems laid by Wang Yun and Diao Chan .

  16. 何太后的哥哥何进认为清除宦官的时机已到。为避免重蹈公元168年之覆辙,何进邀董卓率兵进驻洛阳。

    He Jin , brother of the Empress Dowager , thought that the time had come to get rid of eunuchs definitely , and in order not to repeat the failure of 168 , he invited Dong Zhuo to command his troops to enter and garrison in the capital Luoyang .