首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 吕布当夜领五百轻骑取得徐州。

    L ü came with 500 horsemen . They successfully took the city .

  2. 刘备考虑到自己兵力不足,也写信求助吕布。

    Liu , on the other hand , wrote l ü a letter asking for assistance .

  3. 吕布大叫一声:“把我的画戟拿来!”刘备、纪灵都吓了一跳。

    Lu shouted for his long lance to be Brought over . Both Liu and Ji got a fright .

  4. 他走到小阁,见董卓坐在床上,义子吕布侍立于侧。

    the latter was sitting in his bedroom , his brave step-son L ü Bu standing by his side .

  5. 董卓急赶到后花园,向二人在吼一声,吕布转身就跑。

    Dong Zhuo rushed there and at the sight of the two , roared with anger . L ü Bu fled .

  6. 吕布把弓扔在地上,笑着说:“看来老天也不愿意让你们打仗啊!”

    Lu dropped his bow and laughed , saying ," You see , even the heavens wish that you stop fighting . "

  7. 关羽见张飞胜不了吕布,便舞动青龙偃月宝刀前去助战。

    At the sight of his sworn brother Zhang Fei unable to gain an upper hand , Guan Yu lifted his crescent-moon shaped sword to join the battle .

  8. 在寻获诸葛亮之前,他几乎屡战屡败,以至于吕布占徐州期间,粮草全无,靠吃人度日;

    In Zhuge Liang found Before that , he almost surely fail , so that accounts for Xuzhou Riboud period , forage nothing , eating people to survive ;

  9. 散席后,曹豹怀恨在心,便连夜派人送信给吕布,让他今夜乘张飞大醉偷袭徐州。

    After the party was over , the resentful Cao sent one of his men to L ü Bu , the enemy general , asking him to attack the city that night while Zhang was drunk .

  10. 曹操的军队实力盛极一时,到198年曹操俘杀吕布后,在黄河流域已无人能敌。

    Cao Cao 's power spread unprecedently , and by 198 , when he captured Lu Bu and killed him , Cao Cao had no further rival in the southern part of the Yellow River area .

  11. 袁术担心在徐州的吕布救援刘备,派人给吕布送去粮草和密信,要吕布按兵不动。

    For fear of L ü Bu in Xuzhou who might lend Liu a hand , Yuan wrote L ü a letter , together with many food supplies as gifts , asking him not to help Liu .

  12. 刘备见状掣宝剑,骑黄鬃马斜刺过来,三个人把吕布围在当中,走马灯般的轮流厮杀,吕布毕竟难敌三人,渐渐觉得难以招架,便朝刘备虚晃一戟,拍马冲出了包围圈逃回虎牢关。

    The three brothers closed in . This proved too much for L ü Bu , who feigned a lance attack and while one of the three dodged , ran back to Hulao Pass for his dear life .

  13. 按着王允和貂蝉商定的“连环计”,王允先把貂蝉收为义女许给吕布为妻。为挑拨董卓与吕布的关系,后来又把貂蝉送给董卓为妾。

    Following the interlocking stratagems they had laid , Wang Yun betrothed his step daughter Diao Chan to L ü Bu , then , to sow discord between the two , presented the girl to Dong Zhou as a concubine .

  14. 公元191年,袁术的部将孙坚起兵将董卓逐出洛阳,董卓逃至西安。公元192年董卓被其护卫吕布所杀。

    In 191 the army of Sun Jian , under the command of Yuan Shu , drove Dong Zhuo from Luoyang west to Chang , an , and in 192 Dong Zhuo was assassinated by his former body-guard Lu Bu .

  15. 袁绍的势力主要在黄河以北;向南,在淮河和黄河之间,有袁术、曹操、徐州太守陶谦、西北的吕布和刘备。

    Yuan Shao extended his power to the north of the Yellow River , while in further south , between the Yellow River and the Huai River , there was a tense and vicious conflict between Yuan Shu , Cao Cao , and Tao Qian , the Governor of Xu province , Lu Bu from the northwest and Liu Bei ,