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jīnɡ zhào yǐn
  • mayor of the national capital
  • capital officials
京兆尹 [jīng zhào yǐn]
  • [caoital officials] 古代京师的地方长官

  • 京兆尹郑叔则。--唐. 柳宗元《柳河东集》

  1. 在阅读两汉文献的过程中,关于京兆尹的记载颇为可观。

    Reading the literature in the process of the record is quite impressive , Jing zhao Yin .

  2. 东汉京兆尹迁出职官仍以中央职官为主,主要是中朝官,地方职官较少。

    The Eastern Han Dynasty official still Jing zhao Yin moved out of central government officials , mainly the officer , local official less .

  3. 东汉时,京兆尹由兼具中央和地方的官员,变为一般的地方官,但其职能仍与一般地方郡守不同。

    When the Eastern Han Dynasty , Jing zhao Yin by both central and local officials , into a general officer , but their functions are different with general local sheriffs .

  4. 两汉时期的京兆尹是一个特殊的政治概念,它既是这一时期最重要的官职之一,也是两汉王朝的核心统治区域之一。

    Jing Zhao Yin is a special political concept of the Han Dynasty ( 220B . C & ad220years ) . It was not only one of the most important officials , but also the core administrative region during that period .