
wǎng lái
  • Communication;dealings;contact;intercourse;come and go;back and forth;visitor;guest;to and fro
往来 [wǎng lái]
  • (1) [come and go]∶去和来

  • 往来种作。--晋. 陶渊明《桃花源记》

  • 往来视之。--唐. 柳宗元《三戒》

  • 往来翕忽。--唐. 柳宗元《至小丘西小石潭记》

  • 往来而不绝。--宋. 欧阳修《醉翁亭记》

  • (2) [dealings]∶交往;过从

  • 老死不相往来。--《史记.货殖列传》

  • 诚欲往来。--唐. 柳宗元《柳河东集》

  • (3) [guest;visitor]∶交往的人

  • 往来无白丁。--唐. 刘禹锡《陋室铭》

往来[wǎng lái]
  1. 他和同事们在这3个首都之间往来穿梭。

    He and colleagues have shuttled back and forth between the three capitals

  2. 法律是一种充满争论的文化,在观点的往来交锋之中,律师始终致力于理性的说服别人。

    Law is a culture of argument , in which lawyers are constantly engaged in a reasoned , back and forth effort to persuade others .

  3. 她的童年是在父母之间穿梭往来中度过的。

    Her childhood was spent shuttling between her mother and father .

  4. 现在我们已经适应车辆往来的噪音了。

    We 're used to the noise from the traffic now .

  5. 你曾与这家公司有过业务往来吗?

    Have you had any previous dealings with this company ?

  6. 这场误会使得他们七年互不往来。

    The misunderstanding had caused a seven-year estrangement between them .

  7. 这家公司和印度一直保持着贸易往来。

    The company has maintained trade contacts with India .

  8. 为慎重起见,请记下你所有的财务往来。

    As a matter of prudence , keep a record of all your financial transactions .

  9. 托马斯先生可以安全地往来于贾夫纳。

    Mr Thomas would be given safe passage to and from Jaffna

  10. 这两家公司的往来可以追溯到30年前。

    The association between the two companies stretches back thirty years .

  11. 我和那家公司的总裁有过生意往来。

    I had done business with the company 's chairman .

  12. 两国之间很少有贸易往来。

    The two countries do little trade with one another .

  13. 他们有多年与西方贸易往来的经验。

    They had years of experience of trading with the West

  14. 从那一天开始了长达20年的互不往来。

    That day marked the beginning of a 20-year estrangement .

  15. 得克萨斯州与墨西哥的贸易往来历史悠久。

    Texas has a long history of trade with Mexico .

  16. 在这些集会上,主管们和其他银行的重要人员友善往来。

    At these conventions , executives fraternized with the key personnel of other banks

  17. 在佛罗里达工作时,我总与英国人有生意往来。

    When I worked in Florida I dealt with British people all the time

  18. 色彩明艳的船只往来于岛屿之间。

    The brightly-coloured boats ply between the islands .

  19. 往来的车辆把泰晤士河上的桥都堵死了。

    The traffic clogged the Thames bridges .

  20. 她断绝了和英国的往来。

    She severed her ties with England

  21. 我以前和韦斯顿先生有过业务往来,我很重视他给我的业务。

    I 've done business with Mr Weston before . I value the work he gives me

  22. 大萧条使得不同集团在友爱互助的气氛中如兄弟般亲密往来。

    The recession has created an atmosphere where disparate groups fraternise in an atmosphere of mutual support .

  23. 该国一直在努力扩大与其他国家的贸易往来。

    The country has been trying to broaden its commerce with other nations .

  24. 这两个朋友每周都有信件往来。

    The two friends interchange letters each week .

  25. 大街上往来的车辆很多。

    Various kinds of vehicles run to and fro in the street .

  26. 我们两国之间的友好往来可以追溯到上个世纪。

    The friendly intercourse between our two countries can be traced back to last century .

  27. 你和约翰那样的人断绝往来是明智的,对于你他并不是一个好伙伴。

    It will be advisable for you to drop an acquaintance such as John ; he is not a good companion for you .

  28. 这家公司与许多美国公司有往来。

    The company has connections with a number of American firms .

  29. 他因为区区小事与朋友断绝了往来。

    He broke with his friend over a very small affair .

  30. 他们彼此面熟,但没有接触往来。

    They knew each other by sight , but their orbits not touch .