
  1. 我们每月和我们的往来银行结算一次。

    We reckon with our banks once a month .

  2. 确实,前三年我公司与该公司有业务往来,在帐目结算方面多次发生麻烦。

    It is true we were in business relations with the firm of the last three years and on several occasions we have had lots of trouble in effecting settlements .

  3. 论文的最后,对中亚人民币国际化提出了几点建议,主要是从加快经贸往来,促进经贸往来的人民币结算项目的开展,货币市场的建立以及人民币汇率政策的推动等等。

    Finally , the internationalization of the RMB in the Central Asia made several recommendations , mainly to accelerate and promote the trade exchange , to carry out an RMB settlement program , to promote the establishment of the currency market and exchange rate policies and so on .