
wǎnɡ fǎn jī piào
  • round-trip ticket;return ticket
  1. 本会将提供往返机票、食宿及特色礼品。

    Our association will provide round-trip ticket , room and board and special gift .

  2. 往返机票大约是几千美元。

    A round-trip ticket is about one-thousand dollars .

  3. 优惠往返机票价格为195英镑。

    The Apex fare is £ 195 return .

  4. 墨西哥航空公司已经宣布出售从洛杉矶到墨西哥各城市之间航班的低价往返机票。

    Mexicana Airlines has announced cheaper round-trip tickets between Los Angeles and cities it serves in Mexico .

  5. 该赛事也向业余选手开放,业余组冠军将获得北京至伦敦的往返机票以及下榻位于伦敦碎片大厦(Shard)高层即将开业的香格里拉酒店的奖励。碎片大厦如今是西欧的最高建筑。

    The race is also open to amateurs , with the winner earning round-trip tickets from Beijing to London and three nights stay at Shangri-La 's soon-to open hotel atop the Shard in London , now the tallest building in Western Europe .

  6. 自北京到纽约的往返机票。

    With the round air tickets from Beijing to new york .

  7. 她想订张往返机票。

    She would like to book a round trip ticket .

  8. 居然还要一张已经确认的往返机票。

    A confirmed round trip air ticket and its copy .

  9. 我有两张头等舱往返机票,是去夏威夷毛伊岛的。

    I have 2 first class roundtrip airline tickets to Maui , Hawaii .

  10. 促销期间,伊斯坦布尔&利沃夫的特价往返机票价格低至99欧元起。

    Promotional period , Istanbul-Lvov the special round-trip price as low as99 euros effect .

  11. 商务词汇:旅行社旅行社已经为我订好了一个单人间和往返机票。

    eg.The travel agency has booked a single room and round-trip ticket for me .

  12. 我想确认一下我预定一月十一日去渥太华的往返机票。

    I d like to confirm my round-trip flight reservation to Ottawa for January eleventh .

  13. 您的往返机票、住宿与餐饮费用将完全由我们支付。

    Your round-trip air ticket , accommodations and meal expenses will be subsidized by us .

  14. 我下周休假,已经买好了回家乡的往返机票。

    My vacation begins next week . I 've got a return air ticket to my hometown .

  15. 他购买了往返机票,而这总共花去他4000元钱。

    He had to pay for two return flights , which cost him a total of 4,000 yuan .

  16. 幸运抽奖包括西北航空公司的美国往返机票以及高达人民币5000元的现金大奖!

    Many attractive lucky draw prizes , grand prize including North West airline 's USA round trip air tickets and RMB5000 cash !

  17. 捷蓝航空发来的广告邮件里说机票有折扣,从波特兰到拉斯维加斯的往返机票价格已经低到了极致。

    Email from Jetblue advertising reduced rates on flights , and the roundtrip fare from Portland to Las Vegas was outstandingly low .

  18. 我刚刚询问了两周后伦敦至纽约为期一周的往返机票报价。

    I asked for some quotes just now for a week-long return trip from London to New York in a fortnight 's time .

  19. 你需支付自己的往返机票费、中国国内旅行费、住宿费、生活费和其他费用。

    Students need to pay for their return airfare , travel in China , accommodation , living expenses , and any other incidental charges .

  20. 您在中国的所有旅行费用,包括往返机票、交通费、食宿费用等均由我公司承担。

    All the expenses aroused from your tour including air tickets , domestic transportation , food and accommodation will be borne by my company .

  21. 被该项目录取的学生一应费用(包括往返机票)都由圣母诺特丹大学承担。

    If you are accepted into this special program , all expenses including transportation to and from Notre Dame will be paid by the University .

  22. 周云昀觉得坐飞机回家太贵了,往返机票大约要6000元。

    Zhou found it too expensive to fly all the way home , which would have cost him about 6,000 yuan for a return trip .

  23. 星期日还售出了两百多万张国际往返机票,平均单价是593英镑(958美金)。

    The average cost for a return flight to an international destination was 593 ( $ 958 ) with over two million tickets purchased on Sundays .

  24. 团员之往返机票、个人行李搬运费、零用金、旅游平安险、医疗保险及医疗费用等自行负担。

    Round-trip flight ticket , baggage fee , pocket money , travel insurance , medical insurance and medical payment will not be included in registration fee .

  25. 电子邮件提醒包括你感兴趣的某个航线的低价票,或者从你所在地出发的所有的便宜往返机票。

    Email alerts include low fares for a particular route that interests you , or all of the affordable round-trip flights departing from your local airport .

  26. 由于交通繁忙及缺少航班,中国主要城市到巴西的往返机票价格从2.5万元涨至3.5万元。

    Round-trip airline tickets to Brazil from major cities in China grew to 35000 yuan from 25000 yuan , due to the heavy traffic and lack of flights .

  27. 他不再看那女人他想她可能有25岁左右然后买了一张到东部一个城市的二等往返机票。

    The man gives up looking at the woman he thinks she may be about twenty-five and buys a round-trip , coach class ticket to an eastern city .

  28. 正好处于淡季,所以,阿联酋航空公司的从北京到达累斯萨拉姆的往返机票才。

    After visited the web address of Emirates , we found out the good price of the tickets , which can fly from Beijing to Dar er Salaam .

  29. 在整整19个月的时间里,就有超过600万的美国国内航班的机票在星期日售出,一张往返机票的平均价格只有267英镑(432美金)。

    With over six million US domestic flights purchased on Sundays during that 19-month period , the average price for a round-trip ticket amounted to 267 ( $ 432 ) .

  30. 他不再看那女人——他想她可能有25岁左右——然后买了一张到东部一个城市的二等往返机票。

    The man gives up looking at the woman - he thinks she may be about twenty-five - and buys a round-trip , coach class ticket to an eastern city .