
  • 网络postal sector;post office
  1. 邮轮在古代是邮政部门专门用来运输洲际间远距离邮件的重要交通工具之一,所以也可以称作为远洋邮轮。

    Cruise is one of the important transports for the postal sector , which designed to transport intercontinental long-distance mail in ancient times , so it is also called Ocean liner .

  2. 一方面,各解放区抽调骨干力量建立专门的军邮组织;另一方面,地方邮政部门积极行动,配合完成军事通讯联络的任务。

    One hand , the liberated areas transferred backbone of the establishment of specialized military Post . On the other hand , the local postal sector action , complete with military communications tasks .

  3. 对丢失或毁坏邮件的赔偿将由邮政部门处理。

    Compensation for lost or damaged mail will be handled by the postal service

  4. 两年前,这家游戏租赁公司宣布相关邮政部门对其有歧视行为,因为邮政部门向其收取额外邮费而不给予等同于netflix公司磁盘业务同样的优先权。

    Two years ago the game rental company claimed that the post office was discriminating against them by charging extra for postage and not giving them the same preferential treatment that Netflix gets for their discs .

  5. 对其他损失或间接损失,邮政部门不承担赔偿责任。

    Posts will not compensate for other loss or indirect loss .

  6. 邮政部门多元化经营问题。

    The problem of diversifying the operation of post services .

  7. 我的申请书由于邮政部门罢工而延误了。

    My application was held up by the postal strike .

  8. 邮政部门工作人员威胁要举行罢工。

    The postal services threatened to go on strike .

  9. 邮政部门罢工以后,大量邮件积压下来。

    After the postal strike there was a huge backlog of undelivered mail .

  10. 他在邮政部门工作。

    He works for the post office .

  11. 本文主要对邮政部门经办客运业务的可行性做了系统的分析。

    This paper focuses on the systematic analysis of the feasibility of passenger transport business by Posts .

  12. 邮政部门销售集邮邮票、首日封,应当征收增值税。

    Value-Added Tax shall levied on sales of philately stamps and first day covers by postal departments .

  13. 未经卫生检疫机关许可,邮政部门不得运递。

    Without permission by the health and quarantine organ , the postal unit may not ship the parcels .

  14. 泰国邮政部门称,目前约有24万件、总重23吨的邮件等待发运。

    Thailand 's postal service says it has23 metric tons , or240,000 pieces of mail waiting to be delivered .

  15. 清末至民国时期我国邮政部门对侨批业的管理

    The Department of Postal Service and the Overseas Chinese Postal Agency Business Management in Late Qing and Republic China Period

  16. 邮政部门也在提供更多服务,如金融服务,客户化电子服务,行政管理服务等。

    Posts are also offering more and more financial services , customized e-services , logistics services , administrative services and many others .

  17. 在过去十年间,欧洲、加拿大和亚洲各国允许其邮政部门进行商业并购,但在美国,可没有那么自由。

    Nor can it buy companies as freely as postal services in Europe , Canada or Asia have been doing for the past decade .

  18. 这是朝鲜邮政部门发行的第一张有关上海世博会的纪念邮票,也是朝鲜首次参加世博会。

    This is the first stamp issued by the DPRK for the Shanghai Expo . The DPRK participates in the world expo for the first time .

  19. 当然信件不会因这一趋势而在一夜之间消失,但邮政部门正通过实现其产品和服务的多样化来面对未来。

    And although physical mail will not be disappearing overnight any time soon despite this downward trend , Posts are looking to the future by diversifying their products and services .

  20. 与此同时,也为邮政部门如何应对市场危机提出了建议,尽力缓解邮政部门在代理保险业务时遭遇的风险。

    Meanwhile , this paper offers some suggestions for the postal corporations about how to deal with the market crisis and how to reduce the risk of the insurance agency business .

  21. 电子商务的快速发展对物流配送系统提出了更高的要求,邮政部门正在努力提高服务质量,降低运营成本。

    The rapid development of e-commerce requires a higher standard for logistics and distribution system . The Postal Service Department is working hard to improve the quality of service , and reducing operating cost .

  22. 在第三方物流形成的基础上,本文将其发展总结为三种模式:传统储运企业的扩展模式、工商企业的自营模式和邮政部门的转型模式。

    On the foundation of the third-party logistics formation , its development is divided into three kinds of models : traditional storage-conveyance expanding model , industry and business enterprise 's self-management model and postal transformation model .

  23. 据朝鲜中央通讯社4日报道,朝鲜邮政部门最近发行一张有关中国上海世博会的小型张邮票,以纪念上海世博会的召开。

    A new stamp has been issued in the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea ( DPRK ) to mark the opening of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo , the official news agency KCNA reported on Tuesday .

  24. 一维条码由于其高效输入、使用方便、成本低等特点,已广泛用于商业部门、邮政部门、交通部门、医药部门、工业企业等各个领域。

    One-dimensional bar code ( 1-D bar code ) because of its high efficiency , easy to use and low cost , has been widely used in various areas such as business sector , postal sector , transport sector , pharmaceutical sector , industrial enterprises and so on .

  25. 到2003年已彻底断奶,但后续普遍服务的补偿机制国家并未建立起,长期以来,邮政部门一直主要依靠邮政储蓄业务为邮政系统提供隐性巨额补贴。

    Till the year of 2003 this policy had already " thorough weaned ", but the compensation mechanism of afterward universal service has not yet established , for a long period , postal department always relies on postal saving business mainly offering a huge recessive subsidy for postal system .

  26. (四)国务院邮政主管部门规定的适合邮政企业经营的其他业务。

    Other suitable businesses stipulated by the competent department of postal services under the State Council .

  27. 邮政服务部门工作队

    Postal Services Sectoral Working Party

  28. 邮票,是指由国家(或地区)邮政主管部门发行的预付邮资凭证。

    Stamp is a prepaid postage certificate issued by the postal administration of a country ( region ) .

  29. 非基本资费由国务院邮政主管部门规定。

    Non-basic postal rates shall be formulated by the competent department of postal services under the State Council .

  30. (一)经国务院邮政主管部门公告已经停止使用的;

    Those which the competent department of postal services under the State Council has announced as withdrawn from usage ;