
  • 网络customer benefit
  1. 苹果被指责将企业利益摆在顾客利益之前,将2007年推出iPhone时便捆绑在其软件中的谷歌地图扫地出门,用自己开发的产品取而代之。

    Apple has been accused of putting corporate interests ahead of its customers ' by ousting Google Maps , which has been bundled into the iPhone 's software since its launch in 2007 , in favour of an in-house product .

  2. CS战略是企业建立以顾客利益为中心,以顾客满意为宗旨服务理念,围绕着顾客满意这一目标而展开的一系列对于产品、服务的策划活动。

    The strategy of CS is a series of planning activities for products and service , establishing the service concept with the core of the customer ′ s benefit and their satisfaction , with the objective of the satisfaction of the clients .

  3. 没问题,我们总是把顾客利益放在心上。

    Certainly . We always have the interest of the customers at heart .

  4. 他声称大商店靠牺牲顾客利益来增加自已的财富。

    He claimed that the large stores were enriching themselves at the expense of their customers .

  5. 缺乏顾客利益的第一代转基因作物就容易使激进主义者提出反对意见。

    The lack of consumer benefits with first-generation GMOs made it easy for activists to whip up opposition .

  6. 售货员:为了保证顾客利益,我们店现在是进价销售。

    Salesman : And to ensure benefits of customers , our store sells the pork at cost price .

  7. 之后在对外宣称,这样做完全是从顾客利益出发,从而为自己树立正面形象。

    And then give it a positive spin by telling your customers that you are doing it just for them .

  8. 参议院一直在辩论这项旨在保护顾客利益、并中止政府对本国部分经济领域救助的议案。

    Senators have been debating legislation to protect consumers and end government bailouts of part of the nation 's economy .

  9. 顾客利益的最大化与企业利润的最大化,是整个服务系统演变的矛盾主线。

    The maximization of customers ' interests and the maximization of enterprises ' profits is the contradictions line of whole Service system 's evolution .

  10. 随着生产力的发展和企业重建理论的提出,促使企业在生产和制造方面必须以顾客利益为中心来安排业务流程,在对人的管理上必须以满足员工需要为出发点。

    The development of productivity and introduction of Business Reengineering theory make it imperative that enterprises should plan their business processes with consumer-orientation in the field of production and manufacture ;

  11. 秉承“顾客利益至上”的原则,以高质量的产品,合理的价格,周到快捷的服务与用户真诚合作,共创辉煌未来!

    Adhering to the " interests of customers first " principle , with high quality products , reasonable price , considerate and efficient service with the user sincere cooperation , create brilliant future !

  12. 三是提供更具效率的服务,以实现顾客利益最大化,同时降低企业运营成本,提高企业效益。

    The third is to offer highly efficient services to realize the maximization of consumer value , at the same time , to reduce the operating cost and increase the profit of the SEC .

  13. 这表明市政高速网络真正的收益并不是以顾客利益为重的低值服务,诸如高速视频下载,高清电视等等,而是随之带来的无限可能性。

    This suggests that the true benefits of municipal high-speed networks are not the consumer-friendly baubles such as high-speed video downloads , HDTV and the like , but the vast range of possibilities they open .

  14. 我们得为50万名顾客的利益着想。

    We have the interest of 500,000 customers to think of

  15. 企业如何同时促进发展企业和顾客的利益?

    How can companies improve both customer and company profitability ?

  16. 公司想赚大钱,这往往与顾客的利益冲突。

    The company 's desire to make large profits often conflicts with consumers'interests .

  17. 制订应急处理措施,以应付各项紧急情况,确保顾客的利益。

    Establish contingency dispose measure in order to contingency status and ensure benefit of customer .

  18. 他说,他们的任务是把三千万名顾客的利益放在首位。

    Their mission was , he said , to put the interests of 30 million customers first .

  19. 有时候,我以为在世界的某一个角落里确实有一个上帝在保护着顾客的利益。

    Sometimes I believe that at a certain corner of the world there is a god seeing to the benefits of the customer .

  20. 一旦公司连接专家、业务流程和数据使销售员的行动更容易代表他们的顾客的利益。

    Once a company links specialists , business processes , and data they make it easy for their salespeople to act on behalf of their customers .

  21. 产品质量不仅关系到企业的生产效率和自身形象,同时也关系到顾客的利益。

    The product quality is not only related to the enterprise production efficiency and their own image , but also related to the benefits of the customer .

  22. 交叉销售不仅仅是在您自己的酒店里随其他专家而团队销售,所有的合作工作了代表顾客最大利益。

    Cross-selling is nothing more than team-selling with other specialists within your own hotel , all working in partnership on behalf of the customer 's best interest .

  23. [参考译文]如果这个法律团体适中的目的能够实现的话,产品信息的提供就可能的确是为了顾客的利益,而不是为了避免公司承担法律责任了。

    If the moderate end of the legal community has its way , the information on products might actually be provided for the benefit of customers and not as protection against legal liability .

  24. 关系营销理论作为不同于交易营销的新型营销理论,其核心在于研究如何建立、维系和提升企业与顾客及其利益相关者之间的关系。

    Relationship Marketing as a new type of marketing is different from the theory of transaction marketing , the core is that the study of how to establish , maintain and improve the relationship between enterprise and the customers .

  25. 电子商务环境下顾客的关系利益实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Relational Benefits in E-busi-ness Environment

  26. 价格制定要实现顾客的比较利益;

    The price-making should realize customers'comparative interests ;

  27. 这意味着,我们能够照顾客户(顾客)的利益,而非股东的利益。

    It means we can look after the interests of clients [ customers ] , not shareholders .

  28. 关系营销是识别、建立、巩固、维护企业与顾客及其他利益相关者的关系活动,正确处理与这些个人与组织的关系是企业营销的核心,也是企业成败的关键。

    Relationship marketing is to identify , establish , strengthen and maintain business relations between customers and other stakeholders .

  29. 品牌共同体的构建有助于增加顾客的社交利益,对于顾客间互动以及体会品牌的内涵意义重大。

    Constructing brand community is helpful in improving customers ' societal benefits , interacting between customers and appreciating the implication of brand .

  30. 研究发现,网络环境下顾客对关系利益的评价显著影响着顾客的满意度,并且成正相关关系;

    Results demonstrate that under the Internet condition , customer relational benefits have a strong positive influence on customer satisfaction and other marketing outcomes .