
  1. C2C电子商务平台的服务质量及顾客忠诚研究

    Study on Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Loyalty Based on C2C Platform

  2. 有大量活跃的开发人员和用户参与DerbyProject,许多顾客、研究人员和业务伙伴正在使用这种数据库服务器。

    There is a very active community of developers and users within the Derby project , and the database server is being used by many customers , researchers , and business partners .

  3. 并通过问卷调查的方式,以衡阳市区正在使用中国电信3G服务的顾客为研究对象,对其满意度进行数据采集。

    The customers who use China Telecom Corp. Ltd Hengyang Branch 3G services in Hengyang city are the research object . The author used the way of questionnaire survey to collect the data of customer satisfaction .

  4. 基于期望差异模型的RBD顾客满意度研究&以广州市北京路步行商业区为例

    A Conceptual Model of Expectancy Disparity Theory : A Case Study on Visitors ' Satisfaction of Beijing Road Business District in Guangzhou

  5. 油田社区物业管理的顾客满意度研究

    Research on the Customer Satisfaction in Property Management of Oilfield Community

  6. 企业建立强势顾客关系研究

    Researches on Building a Strong Relationship between the Enterprises and Customers

  7. 服务企业基于成本的顾客满意度研究

    Research on Customer Satisfaction of Service Industry Based on Quality Costs

  8. 我国证券公司经纪业务顾客忠诚度研究

    Research on Customer Loyalty of Brokerage Business in China 's Security Company

  9. 某院后勤社会化服务的顾客满意度研究

    Study on Customer Satisfaction of Socializing Logistics Service Quality in a Hospital

  10. 垄断企业的顾客忠诚研究

    A Study on Customer Loyalty under the Context of Monopolization

  11. A礼仪公司服务质量管理与顾客满意度研究

    Research on Improve Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of A Etiquette Company

  12. 多维商业体系下的顾客忠诚研究

    Research on Customer Loyalty under the Multidimensional Business System

  13. 饭店顾客满意度研究

    Study on the Degree of Hotel 's Customer Satisfaction

  14. 电信运营商维护外包服务业顾客忠诚度研究

    Research on Customer Loyalty of Telecom Operators ' Maintenance Outsourcing Service : Shenzhen

  15. 住宅商品房开发中的顾客满意研究

    The Research of Customer Satisfaction in Commodity Residence Development

  16. 高等院校图书馆顾客满意度研究

    The Study on Customer Satisfaction Degree of University Library

  17. 因此,在高等教育内部进行顾客满意度研究是非常必要的。

    Therefore , the research of customer satisfaction in higher education is very necessary .

  18. 介绍了顾客满意度研究中的“重要性绩效”分析模型,并建立了因果模型;

    The paper introduces the importance-performance analysis model in the research on customer satisfaction .

  19. 大规模定制型产品的顾客满意度研究

    Study on Customer Satisfaction Model of Mass Customization

  20. 服务企业的顾客价值研究

    The study of customer value of service industry

  21. 呼叫中心的顾客满意度研究

    A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Call Center

  22. 基于情感的顾客忠诚研究

    The Customer Loyalty Research Based on Emotion

  23. 但在随后的发展中顾客满意研究大多缺乏从顾客满意形成的本源上来研究顾客满意。

    But in the development afterwards , the most research on customer satisfaction lack origin formed of it .

  24. 财产险服务质量顾客满意度研究&以中华财产保险公司为例

    A Study on the Customer Satisfaction of the Property Insurance 's Service Quality of China United Property Insurance Company

  25. 基于企业与顾客关系研究基础上的顾客价值及顾客资产的识别与评估

    To Recognize and to Appraise for Customer 's Value and Assets Based on Studying of Relations between Enterprise with Customers

  26. 因此,笔者提出了一些后续研究的展望与建议,期望能提高对顾客价值研究的解释力。

    So the author suggests some advices for subsequent , hoping to improve the customer value of the explanatory power .

  27. 旨在充实顾客投诉研究,为企业的投诉管理和渠道建设提供一定的指导和建议。

    The study enriches the consumer complaining behavior research , and provides suggestions on complaint management and channel building for enterprises .

  28. 在现有顾客忠诚研究的基础上,提出了转换成本与顾客忠诚主因作用类调节模型。

    Based on current customer loyalty theory , this paper proposes a multiple linear-control model between switching cost and customer loyalty .

  29. 首先,本论文阐述了研究动机,介绍了国内外顾客满意度研究现状。

    Initially , this paper states the motivation of the research , described the status of domestic and foreign customer satisfaction researches .

  30. 本文试图从以下两个方面有所创新:1、在立意上,尝试将顾客满意度研究引入商业银行贷款营销;

    I tried some innovations in my thesis : ( 1 ) I tried to introduce CS theories into loan marketing for commercial banks ;