
  • 网络Maximizing returns;income maximization;profit maximization
  1. 项目组合管理是通过项目评价选择、多项目组合优化,确保项目符合企业的战略目标,从而实现企业收益最大化。

    Project portfolio management means that through project evaluation and selection , many project portfolio optimization , ensure project to meet the enterprise strategy target requirement to realize the enterprise profit maximization .

  2. 二是商业银行需要通过此项业务拓展新的利润渠道,实现收益最大化,稳定发展中高端客户。

    At the same time , commercial banks need to expand their profit resources , realize profit maximization and attract Middle-and-high Profit customers .

  3. 要想把钱的收益最大化,就必须投资。

    To get the most out of your money , you have to invest .

  4. 基于Stackelberg博弈的WCDMA网络收益最大化计费的研究

    On Revenue-Maximized Pricing for WCDMA Networks Based on Stackelberg Game

  5. 客户关系管理(CRM)是一个通过详细管理企业与客户之间的关系来实现客户价值最大化,企业收益最大化之间平衡的有效途径。

    CRM is an effective way to balance the maximum value of customer the maximum profit of enterprise by particular management of the relationships between enterprises customers .

  6. 基于期望收益最大化准则,构建了关于电子商务平台交易费定价策略问题的Stackelberg博弈模型。

    A Stackelberg model of the transaction fee pricing strategy on the electronic commerce platform was built based on the maximum hope income rule .

  7. 现在的问题是:哪个值能够使得Giapetto的收益最大化呢?

    The question now is : which one maximizes Giapetto 's profit ?

  8. 经典Nash均衡从个体理性出发,依靠对外部市场环境以及竞争对手的信息进行分析、处理,以求得收益最大化的决策。

    The classic individual reason based Nash equilibrium tries to maximize the individual profits , according to the analysis and process of the information belonged to the external market and competitors .

  9. 而绿色GDP的提出充分考虑和计算了在单位GDP生产中所消耗的资源和环境成本,遵循实现环境和资源收益最大化的原则,是对传统GDP进行进一步的科学的细化和修正。

    The Green GDP calculation give full consideration and calculate the resources and environmental costs of the unit of GDP production , follow to the principle of achieve the environment and resources maximize benefits , refine and amend the traditional GDP more scientific .

  10. 应用EMSR定价方法,解决了需求溢出情况下的防止低价客源对高价客源的冲击,实现收益最大化。

    Application EMSR pricing method , solve the demand of prevent low overflow to the impact of high tourists tourists , achieve maximize returns .

  11. 针对锦西石化分公司300kt/a气体分馏装置的丙烯塔,建立了基于丙烯塔单位综合经济收益最大化的在线优化模型及与鲁棒多变量控制器(RMPCT)的接口。

    For optimizing operation of propylene rectification tower in a 300 kt / a liquefied hydrocarbon separation installation , software consisting of online process optimization model and its interface with advanced controller ( RMPCT ) was developed .

  12. 采用或有债权分析方法推导出使收益最大化最佳投资时机的槛值,再用比较静态分析方法研究不同参数对槛值的正负影响及经济意义。

    The optimal investment rule is found by contingent claims analysis .

  13. 我国外资政策的博弈分析&从东道国引资收益最大化的角度出发

    A Game Analysis on China 's Policy Towards Foreign Direct Investment

  14. 他关注的是使剩余收益最大化而不是投资报酬率。

    He is concerned about maximizing RI other than roi .

  15. 单位风险预期超额收益最大化的组合证券资产选择

    Portfolio selection by maximization of expected excess return-to-standard deviation ratio

  16. 人工林的经营采伐决策则将更多地考察收益最大化。

    Harvesting decisions of plantation will consider how to maximize the revenue .

  17. 要素集聚的基本动因是成本最小化和收益最大化。

    The basic motivation for factor-gathering is to minimize costs and maximize revenue .

  18. 政治成本最小化,政治收益最大化是政治决策的理性预期和根本目标。

    Minimizing political cost and maximizing political gain are rational anticipation and essential aim .

  19. 投资者会产生两种不同的预期,资本市场的投资均衡就是使投资者得到的预期收益最大化。

    The equilibrium of invest in capital market is the maximum of expectation returns .

  20. 只有结合本国的政府会计环境,才能使得收益最大化。

    By combining with the national accounting environment can we make the maximum benefit .

  21. 收益最大化中心选址问题的数学模型

    A Income Maximization Model of Selecting Logistic Center

  22. 二度价格歧视情形下垄断厂商收益最大化条件

    Study of Maximum Condition of Monopoly Revenue in Case of Second Degree Price Discrimination

  23. 并应用回溯算法求解信度收益最大化问题。

    A backtracking algorithm has been suggested to solve the issue of maximizing credit rewards .

  24. 净收益最大化的时间-费用交换问题研究

    Time-cost trade-off to maximize net income

  25. 提高人工林的集约经营程度是追求林地平均收益最大化的有效手段。

    It was an effective means to enhance intensive management to optimize the use of woodlands .

  26. 不过,另外一项基金可能要投资于风险更高的资产,目标是将收益最大化。

    But the other fund could invest in higher risk assets , aimed at maximising returns .

  27. 对获取的电子信息资源分类以实现许可营销的收益最大化是其中的关键技术。

    How to sort the obtained electronic resources is the key of maximizing the profit of PEM .

  28. 它们分别是:(1)风险一定,收益最大化优化问题;

    It is as follows : ( 1 ) to a certainty risk , return maximization optimize problem ;

  29. 不过两房表面虽是由政府来控制,但他们还是试图秉承收益最大化、损失最小化的商业作风。

    Yet although the GSEs are ostensibly government-controlled , they still try to maximise profits and minimise losses .

  30. 企业也许能够采取进一步的行动,实现盗版收益最大化,或是相关损失最小化。

    Corporations may be able to do more to maximise the gains or minimise the losses from piracy .